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I really don't like Mexican all that much. It makes me fart too much.

Try BEANO. It'll cut that down for you. Acid reflux is my cross to bear. Between Prylosec and Pepto I get by and can still enjoy the Mexican food.

get your doctor to prescribe you some nexium 40mg tabs. i have 2 hiatal hernias in my stomach and GERD.....since i've been on nexium i ate chinese for the first time in about 3 years. its great.

So far, the prescription my doctor gave me for Prylosec is working pretty well. I will ask about Nexium next time I'm in. Mine was so bad that I could hardly swallow the first bite of my meal. Once that one went down, the rest followed fairly easy. I don't have the pain that feels like I'm swallowing a torch now.

Thanks for the tip.

yeah i used to be on prilosec too, it didn't work out too well. nexium is by far the best one i've ever had.

I have horrible acid reflux. It's incredibly painful. My doctor had me on Aciphex and that little pill worked wonders. It got to expensive for me to afford when my insurance dropped, so I couldn't keep taking it. I've tried nexium and that was like taking a sugar pill...It DID NOTHING for me at all. I now use Zantac 150 until i can get to a doctor and see what he suggests. I really think i want that upper GI scope(is that what its called?) to see if maybe something can be repaired in there to solve the problem for good. There are times I will get 2 or three bites of food down and thats all I can eat and some times I lose that...if you know what i mean... It's a horrible way to live....and very painful.

yeah i was getting to where i choked on stuff all the time and was throwing up on a daily basis. i had the endoscopy so they could see what was happening in my esophagus and stomach, it wasn't that bad. they knocked me out with some versed and i woke up feeling like a million bucks....except a little sore throat. nexium has worked great for me. and at $20 a month with my insurance, i can't argue with that.

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I had GERD and a hiatel hernia also. Tried every dang prescription medicine there was. Also had and endoscopy and a colonoscopy done at the same time. I thought I was okay to play ball later on that night, until I started warming up. During my pre-gam jog to the fence and back, I realized things down below were not quite back to normal yet. I voluntarily rode the pine that game. :lol:

After dealing with my GERD for a couple of years and it got to the point in which I could not keep food down and I was vomiting blood from my esophagus eroding, I had my hiatel hernia surgically repaired. That was about five years ago and I have been golden since. Can't remember the last time I had any noticeable heartburn. So, if medicine ain't doing it, I advice getting the surgery done. It is not that bad. They use scopes, so it is minimally evasive. Heck, the 24 hour motility test they have you do in which you walk round with a tube down your throat for 24 hours was more annoying to me then the surgery was. Trying to eat as normal with a tube down your throat while it is connected to a recording device is not fun.

The one bad thing about having the surgery done is that for a few weeks after you have it, you will not be able to eat much. The surgery makes your stomach smaller, so you will be barely able to eat half a sandwich for a meal for the first week.

As far as all the different prescriptions out there for acid reflux, Nexium seemed to work the best for me.

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I demand a pic of BP in a swimmer's suit. If you are going to criticize multiple NCAAA winners as being unmanly, then you ought to have to at least show the world your version of what a man looks like.

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David, what would BP know about being a man when the boy has not even probably grown any hair under his armpit yet, much less anywhere else?

He probably got excited one day and though he was starting his journey into manhood and then was disappointed to find out it was just a piece of lent.

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I really don't like Mexican all that much. It makes me fart too much.

Try BEANO. It'll cut that down for you. Acid reflux is my cross to bear. Between Prylosec and Pepto I get by and can still enjoy the Mexican food.

get your doctor to prescribe you some nexium 40mg tabs. i have 2 hiatal hernias in my stomach and GERD.....since i've been on nexium i ate chinese for the first time in about 3 years. its great.

So far, the prescription my doctor gave me for Prylosec is working pretty well. I will ask about Nexium next time I'm in. Mine was so bad that I could hardly swallow the first bite of my meal. Once that one went down, the rest followed fairly easy. I don't have the pain that feels like I'm swallowing a torch now.

Thanks for the tip.

yeah i used to be on prilosec too, it didn't work out too well. nexium is by far the best one i've ever had.

Nexium didn't work for me. I use Prevacid.

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The point is that any one of them would whip BamaPerry's ass.

I'm sure they would want to do SOMETHING with it! :roflol:

You can only dream, BP.

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Has anyone else noticed BP has this thing about men's pictures? (I'm being discreet in the description of said pictures)

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I take a Prilosec OTC every morning...it definitely helps with the reflux. I notice it if I happen to forget for a day or two.

Having to fart while teaching class is the worst...the best you can hope for is to walk around a lot and disperse the aroma. Usually there's at least one kid with a reputation for flatulence that gets blamed.

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Having to fart while teaching class is the worst...the best you can hope for is to walk around a lot and disperse the aroma. Usually there's at least one kid with a reputation for flatulence that gets blamed.

:roflol: That's funny stuff!

I had a history teacher in the 7th grade that would crop dust the classroom. Never heard him rip one out, but you could smell the result when he was walking around class.

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Having to fart while teaching class is the worst...the best you can hope for is to walk around a lot and disperse the aroma. Usually there's at least one kid with a reputation for flatulence that gets blamed.

:roflol: That's funny stuff!

I had a history teacher in the 7th grade that would crop dust the classroom. Never heard him rip one out, but you could smell the result when he was walking around class.

Have an exhaust fan installed over your desk for goodness sake. They can duct it outside for the benefit of all who wish not to smell you internals.


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www.oscillatewildly.org (an oviously gay pic site.)

josh_duhamel(an obviously gay man)

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Having to fart while teaching class is the worst...the best you can hope for is to walk around a lot and disperse the aroma. Usually there's at least one kid with a reputation for flatulence that gets blamed.

:roflol: That's funny stuff!

I had a history teacher in the 7th grade that would crop dust the classroom. Never heard him rip one out, but you could smell the result when he was walking around class.

Have an exhaust fan installed over your desk for goodness sake. They can duct it outside for the benefit of all who wish not to smell you internals.


Actually, if we could harness the methane from all that farting, we could probably solve the world's energy crisis posthaste. Seriously. We could all walk around with little backpack units that capture the fart gasses, and then take them to a central collection zone for processing. Give tax credits for big producers, and there's no telling how far we could go with it. Then eating at Mexican restaurants would almost be our patriotic and ecological duty.

Save the planet. Eat a quesadilla.

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www.oscillatewildly.org (an oviously gay pic site.)

josh_duhamel(an obviously gay man)

Lol I don't doubt what that site could be...and I'm certainly not going to check!

But the guy is from the TV show "Las Vegas"...I enjoy watching it from time to time.

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I enjoy watching that show also. but its for entirely different reasons:

Nicki Cox

Vanessa Marcil

Molly Sims

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