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The Illusion of


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It just suddenly hit me why Al-Maliki made the statement that the Americans could leave anytime they wanted because they could handle the situation. What really puzzles me is why the Bush administration can't seem to see it too.

As for taking over, you bet Al Maliki's government is ready! They've been posturing themselves all along for the inevitable U.S. withdrawal. Iranian backed Shia forces are more than ready to take over security---which means ready to hold on to their own. Ditto for the Kurds. I belive that that's the real reason why Iraqi factions haven't made any progress toward the benchmark of political and economic settlements. THEIR LEADERS DON"T WANT A UNIFIED GOVERNMENT. Sectarian issues are more important to them than so called Democracy or Freedom. What so many people don't seem to realize is that after we are gone, either Al Maliki or someone like him will assume the role of another Saddam and the country will be much like it was before. They average Iraqi doesn't have weapons, doesn't know who to trust, hasn't had any experience at freedom, is frightened, and has a total outlook different than ours.

Before some of you Republicans jump my case, this post above is NOT to defend or accuse anyone of anything and it's simply my observation of what's happening over there and what MAY happen.

As for my opinion, I still believe that we MUST begin to demand more from the Iraqi's and make our PRIVATE plans for dis-engaging from that area. Prior to 9-11, the Al Qaeda of Mesopotamia did not exist. Now, as a result of our actions, they are spreading all over the middle-east and Europe and being emboldened each day that passes by our continued presence in Iraq and Afghanastan. IMO, our own borders need protecting now and our troops are depleted, they are tired, battle weary from excessive rotations and our funds are being expended at the rate of 10,000,000,00 per month. Anyone who thinks that this war can go on indefinately as some have implied (the war on terror) they would be wise to let others know how it is going to be financed and where the bodies are going to come from. Lastly, we are virtually ignoring very real threat being pushed in our faces by neighboring Iran. Then you have to consider North Korea. We CANNOT afford the bodies or the money to police the world any longer.Something has to give. JMO so rip me!

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No ripping here. I agree with a lot of what you've said. The main issue for me is where you point out that the people we are trying to "Help" simply don't have the same perspective on life in general that we have. I stated a couple of weeks ago, in one of my few ventures in to this forum, that several veterans of that war that I've spoken to recently, all had one common take. These people don't think anything like us and never will. The same people who are applauding them in the daytime are shooting at them at night. We will never change their way of thinking nor will we ever get to the point where we can say, "We've won this war, time to go home."

You also make a good point with regards to the fact that the money and manpower supply is not endless. Both will eventually run out. Right now, my biggest concerns with this whole thing are first, that we give our men and women everything they need for as long as they are over there and second, that we formulate a plan and a timetable to get them home.

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