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Anyone else seen the movie "Zeitgeist"


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If anyone here needs a link I'll post it, but you can Google "Zeitgeist" and watch it (almost two hours long). It will offend a lot of people here. But, it just secured most everything I have been suspecting.

The greatest "unspin" movie of all time

Demolishing the myths

that are destroying our world

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I truly hate and pity the delusional black helicopter types.

I really do.

Is there a distinction between this movie and another, called ' American Zeitgeist ' ?? One review from IMDB mentions they are not the same.

" We've been lied to. " - Presuming that folks somewhere have always known the answers, but have intentionally chosen to keep the facts from us.

".... you begin to see lies everywhere...." :roflol:s

STLL, some interestng points were made......

As a general rule, two terms the moonbats love to throw around are "zeitgeist" and "body politik." I generally avoid the over "opti-mystical" moonbat psuedo-intelligentsia stuff.

Wow, a 10 minute intro.......And a trip down Zoroastrian lane....Wow. I just wasted a huge part of my life watching a guy selling a lie.

BTW, please google some of his facts, go ahead. You will be shocked to find out the real truth. Why does he fail to mention Zoro-astrianism in the intro? Or did I just miss it?

This is the same goofball that I and others debunked with his full of crap 9-11 film. He quotes bad eye witness testimony and flat out contradicts himself over and over again.


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