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Sabanic SI Covers Gone Wild

DKW 86

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Good fark. Minor correctinon, though: $aben was born in 1951. So technically, if he was born 50 years earlier he would be 6 years younger than he is today. To make it sound plausible, you'd have to say: "Listen up byotches! If I was born 100 years earlier, Bear Bryant would be coaching in MY shadow!" (FYI -- Bryant was born in 1913, so the 100-year thang works really well with the reference.) This just illustrates how long ago it's been since the Bear drunkenly stumbled up & down the sidelines.

i disagree. the usage of 'earlier' works. if it had said 'if i was born 50 years ago' then it would have been wrong.

..but who's counting anyways

Doh! Point of reference malfunction on my part. :homer:


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