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Flash from Tuscalossa


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A lady in Tuscaloosa calls 911. Hysterically, she says, “Someone’s just broken into my house, and I think he’s going to rape me!”

The police officer says, “We’re really busy at the moment. Just get the guys jersey number and we’ll get back to you.”

Q: What is Nick Saban’s biggest concern?

A: Does the NCAA count bail money as a recruiting violation?

Q: What do you call a drug ring in Tuscaloosa?

A: A huddle

Q: Four Bammer players in a car, who’s driving?

A: The police

Q: Why can’t most of the Bammer players get into a huddle on the field?

A: It is a parole violation to associate with known felons.

The Bammer team has adopted a new Honor System. Yes, your Honor, No, your Honor.

The Tide had a 7-6 season last year. 7 Arrests, 6 convictions.

Q: How will the Tide spend the first week of Spring Training?

A: Studying the Miranda Rights

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Unidientified Alabama Asst coach being arrested at The Legacy.

SSDD in Thugscaloosa.... ;)

Yes, I moved it, very funny.

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Ive heard two versions of this one:

Q. Why are so many Bama football players starting fights on the Strip in Tuscaloosa?

A1. 'Cause if they go into the stadium, they'll probably lose.

A2. If they can be in prison next Thanksgiving, they won't have to take another beating from Auburn.

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"Police brutality would be a nice change for Alabama fans, who are angry over an Auburn license plate on a Tuscaloosa police cruiser, and their use of the phrase “Beat ‘em like he’s Brodie Croyle!” during difficult arrests."

Thank you EDSBS...

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