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Okay, any funny comments you have been sitting on for The Spitzer's Fall Story?

DKW 86

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Just a thought: I really thought Spitzer would one day be running for President and would likely win. I really did. Now, all this has happened and ruined his political future. Imagine what having the first Jewish President of the US could have meant to history. Would we have permanently moved toward Israel or away? How would the Muslims have reacted?

Did we just see American History change in one of those stereotypical 'fork in the road' moments? Did everyone's future change because Spitzer had to hire a hooker? Could this be a 21st Century History changing moment like Chappaquiddick was in the 20th Century?

So what do we call this event? Whoregate? Viagra-gate? Client 9 from Albany?

Be creative, have some fun.

Client #9 Song, yes they have a song out already.

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"It's so sunny and bright outside that earlier today, Eliot Spitzer came out of a brothel squinting," David Letterman

"What't the highest paid position in government? President? No it's under Eliot Spitzer!" Jay Leno

Across the country, Jay Leno of NBC's "The Tonight Show" peppered Spitzer with seven jokes. "The real ironic thing about this case?" he said. "Today the hooker said that Spitzer was done in a New York minute."

Politics is the only profession where the wife of a man caught with a prostitute has to stand by his side, Leno said.

"If this guy was a plumber ... he would have his wife's SUV tire tracks over his head," he said.

For the second day in a row, Spitzer was the topic of Letterman's top-10 list. This time, it was "messages left on Eliot Spitzer's answering machine."

No. 1: "It's Arnold Schwarzenegger. Thanks. I'm no longer America's creepiest governor."

--Jay Leno "This is the guy who vowed to clean up New York. But to be fair, he did bring prostitution to its knees one girl at a time. ...

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