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Article on Obama Acid Bath

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Obama Tosses His Former Allies into the Political Acid Barrel

Ben Shapiro

“If you want a friend in Washington,” President Harry Truman once quipped, “get a dog.” And if you want a politician as your friend, make sure you wear a bulletproof vest – once the politician has used you for all you’re worth, he’ll shoot you in the back.

Barack Obama wasn’t supposed to be a typical politician. He was supposed to be a soul-fixer. “efore we can work on the problems [in this country], we have to fix our souls,” Michelle Obama told supporters. “Our souls are broken in this nation.” And Barack, she implied, was just the man to save our souls.

So much for the secular messiah. It seems that Obama has turned from fixing souls to dumping former allies in the political Hudson. Over the past few weeks, Obama has treated his friends like rusty cars at a monster truck rally. He makes Snidely Whiplash look like an amateur.

First, it was his grandmother. After the press finally noticed that Obama’s pastor and friend of 20 years, Rev. Jeremiah Wright, was an anti-American, racist buffoon, Obama compared the pastor to his grandmother, stating that the woman who raised him was a racist.

Now, when it has become clear that Wright simply does not know how to shut his mouth, Obama has decided to cast his pastor into the sea. Obama said that after seeing Wright’s cringe-worthy performance at the National Press Club, he was “outraged” and “saddened.” “What became clear to me is that he was presenting a world view that contradicts who I am and what I stand for,” Obama explained. "And what I think particularly angered me was his suggestion somehow that my previous denunciation of his remarks were somehow political posturing. Anybody who knows me and anybody who knows what I'm about knows that I am about trying to bridge gaps and I see the commonality in all people.”

What Obama sees is the gullibility in all people, black and white. The “moderate” son of a white mother and black father, the man who attended Occidental College and Columbia University, began attending Trinity United Church of Christ, home to Reverend Wright, in 1988. He then attended Harvard Law School, where he listened to tapes of Wright. After returning to Chicago after law school in 1991, he joined Wright’s church. In 1995, he announced his intention to run for the State Senate. He won, but only after first politically kneecapping former ally Alice Parker, whom he kept off the ballot in order to run in the primaries unopposed.

There are two ways of viewing Obama’s relationship with Wright. Either he believes in Wright’s rhetoric – unlikely, considering Obama’s supposedly cosmopolitan worldview – or he joined Wright’s church in order to shore up his street cred. It is simply untenable to believe that Obama never heard Wright’s radicalism, akin to stating that Gary Hart never realized that Donna Rice was a woman.

When the Wright story first broke, Obama realized that to disown Wright straightforwardly would seem cowardly, and would likely undercut his support in the black community. He therefore decided to toss grandma overboard, hoping that invoking the broader racial problems in America would cow white voters into silence.

When Wright wouldn’t go away, Obama recognized that he needed to dump Wright. So he did.

Who else will Obama dump when it becomes politically convenient for him to do so? His white supporters, who foolishly believe in his ability to walk on water? Or his black supporters, who have the strange idea that he is a genuine ally to the black community, despite his lack of shared experiences and his dramatic lack of solutions to the problems ailing the black community? Or will he simply dump everyone in order to curry favor with the European community?

One thing is for sure: Barack Obama is a manipulative, conniving, self-involved politician. The former friends in the ashbin of Obama campaign history can testify to that.

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What a pathetic excuse for a "journalist." There was not one substantive piece or bit of new information in that article. Nothing more than a poor attempt at a hit job by a far rightie. Hard to believe you actually took the time to post this drivel.

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What a pathetic excuse for a "journalist." There was not one substative piece or bit of new information in that article. Nothing more than a poor attempt at a hit job by a far rightie. Hard to believe you actually took the time to post this drivel.

So everyone should take your word on this because of your ad hominem attack? OK.

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Excellent web site TigerMike.They also called for they have also called for President Bush to nuke Iraq.

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