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HooRah for Georgia.


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Shooting to live. Digital ID: 1108249. New York Public LibraryThis is a great day for the state of Georgia and the Second Amendment. In Georgia, we've been having a serious debate on what was known as HB89. This bill would allow Georgians with carry licenses to carry concealed guns on public transportation, in restaurants and in state and local parks.

On the last possible day, Sonny Perdue signed the bill into law. You can now legally carry your concealed weapon into a Buckhead restaurant or on a MARTA bus or in Vogel State Park. Your fundamental right to protect your life has been upheld. Although Sonny says that he expects the issue to be challenged in the courts. Well ... this law has been challenged elsewhere and upheld, so opponents can knock themselves out with their lawsuits. It will give them something to do.

Besides the whining from the editorial board of the Atlanta Journal Constitution, others opposing this law are the Georgia Restaurant Association and union bus drivers. The Restaurant Association says that it will be a hassle for wait staff to ask for a customer to show their gun permit before serving them alcohol. And union bus drivers are going to demand that MARTA buses be outfitted with bulletproof shields, which will be paid for by the taxpayers. I tell you what ... If people really wanted to bring a gun on a MARTA bus for the purposes of causing harm, they would bring it on the bus anyway, despite the law. Now, because of this law, patrons of the MARTA system have the chance to actually survive and protect themselves in such a situation, rather than just sit there with their hands tied by the law.

Let's get back to the AJC editorial board for a moment. In an editorial yesterday they wrote this gem of a line: "There's zero evidence that more guns on the street prevents crime." That statement is a pure an unadulterated lie. There have been books written about the fact that when you allow private citizens to carry concealed weapons crime rates go down. One such book is "More Guns, Less Crime" by economistJohn R. Lott. Lott clearly proved that crime rates go down when people are allowed to arm themselves. An editorial review of the book had this to say:

"In retrospect, it perhaps should not have been surprising that increasing the number of civilians with guns would reduce crime rates. The possibility of armed victims reduces the expected benefits and increases the expected costs of criminal activity. And, at the margin at least, people respond to changes in costs, even for crime, as Nobel-Prize winning economist [TAG]Gary Becker showed long ago. Allusions to the preferences of criminals for unarmed victims have seeped into popular culture; Ringo, a British thug in Pulp Fiction, noted off-handedly why he avoided certain targets: "Bars, liquor stores, gas stations, you get your head blown off stickin' up one of them."

But Lott's actual quantification of this, in the largest and most comprehensive study of the effects of gun control to date, a study well-detailed in the book, provoked a number of attacks, ranging from the amateurish to the subtly misleading, desperate to discredit him. Lott takes the time to refute each argument; it's almost touching the way he footnotes each time he telephones an attacker who eventually hangs up on him without substantiating any of their claims."

So in light of al the evidence to the contrary, why in the world would an AJC editorial writer say that there is no evidence that more guns cause less crime? One of two things is happening here: Either the Atlanta Journal Constitution does no research before they write an editorial, or they believe that their readers are so ignorant that they can get away with outright lies like this.

I'm going with the latter.


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Not owning a gun myself, that's a sensible law. Well done, Sonny.

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