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Embarassed to be an American

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Just a little while ago I was playing an online video game and my opponents were in Spain. I kindly greeted them in Spanish, and they responded by calling me Obama. I was so pissed. Are we as Americans gonna have to put up with that kind of ridicule for the next four years, being a joke amongst nations? I felt humiliated and had no come back whatsoever. Am I going to have to tell people of other nations how stupid my country is, while remaining silent to Americans for fear that they will call me racist for thinking Obama is terrible because he happens to also be black? America, I beg you to THINK and do the smart thing not the popular thing in November. Don't screw this country over worse than it already is. Vote McCain, hell, vote anything you want as long as it isn't Hussein Obama.

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If it makes you feel any better, I'm embarrassed that you're an American, too.

Just a little while ago I was playing an online video game and my opponents were in Spain. I kindly greeted them in Spanish, and they responded by calling me Obama. I was so pissed. Are we as Americans gonna have to put up with that kind of ridicule for the next four years, being a joke amongst nations? I felt humiliated and had no come back whatsoever. Am I going to have to tell people of other nations how stupid my country is, while remaining silent to Americans for fear that they will call me racist for thinking Obama is terrible because he happens to also be black? America, I beg you to THINK and do the smart thing not the popular thing in November. Don't screw this country over worse than it already is. Vote McCain, hell, vote anything you want as long as it isn't Hussein Obama.

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I'm embarrassed that I am even responding to your liberal propaganda but I fight for the good of my country.

If it makes you feel any better, I'm embarrassed that you're an American, too.

Just a little while ago I was playing an online video game and my opponents were in Spain. I kindly greeted them in Spanish, and they responded by calling me Obama. I was so pissed. Are we as Americans gonna have to put up with that kind of ridicule for the next four years, being a joke amongst nations? I felt humiliated and had no come back whatsoever. Am I going to have to tell people of other nations how stupid my country is, while remaining silent to Americans for fear that they will call me racist for thinking Obama is terrible because he happens to also be black? America, I beg you to THINK and do the smart thing not the popular thing in November. Don't screw this country over worse than it already is. Vote McCain, hell, vote anything you want as long as it isn't Hussein Obama.

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