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Our tradition is winning National Championships, don't respond, I don't expect you to understand.

At least we have been able to continue our tradition since 1992. :poke:

Yeah Birmingham, what do you do after a win? Make sure the Vulcan is lit up? That is one thing my son said about LSU, (he went to school there and was in the band) it is great winning but after a win, what do you do? Go to a party or home. At least in Auburn we have a whole town celebration. When the games are away, it is a great place to go and see all your friends who watched the game in town and roll it! From babies to my 87 year old mother, I go to Toomers and roll! A great tradition and at least we have one like it.

They go stand in front of the Bear statue. Take pictures with him, talk about how great he was, leave him a bag of golden flake chips and some jack and coke.

Good one!!

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Here's a pic from the city webcam of the fire from last weekend.

Man, that was worse than I thought.....of course it could have been much worse, but thankfully it wasn't!

As far as the trees go....a friend of mine mentioned that their father was saying that it might be good if Auburn had the folks from Disney who made the trees for Disney World's Animal Kingdom make us some replicas of our trees.... of course it'd be weird that the trees weren't real, but they'd most likely look pretty real and we wouldn't have to be as worried about some idiot burning the things down.........

I hope we all get to celebrate at Toomer's long into Saturday night! War Eagle!

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Our tradition is winning National Championships, don't respond, I don't expect you to understand.

At least we have been able to continue our tradition since 1992. :poke:

That's funny, tradition is something that happens on a regular basis, what you are talking about is living in the past and worshiping history. uat really doesn't have any traditions except arrogance, inferiority complex (look at me, look at me we are on Sports Illustrated again!) and changing coaches every few years.

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Perhaps Ohio State should stop dotting the I, Texas A&M should stop with the 12th Man, FSU should retire Osceola, Colorado should get rid of Ralphie, Georgia should get rid of Uga, Clemson players should stop rubbing Howard's Rock and Wisconsin should stop Jumping Around. This list truly is full of great traditions. Tell me this, it doesn't bother you that in the presence of such great college tradition, Auburn's "tradition" involves toilet paper? I guess it does seem fitting the more that I think about it.

Perhaps if Alabama had a tradition other than worshipping a coach who has been dead for twenty-five years, you would understand why it is important. Our tradition is winning National Championships, don't respond, I don't expect you to understand.

idol worshiping dead and current coaches = losers You are now the 2nd person who brought up Coach Bryant in this thread. Neither were Alabama fans, as usual.

Which of your 914 National Championships has UAT "won"? I mean, like, on the field and whatnot. Oh, none? Does that mean the national championship is indeed mythical? Do you even know what tradition means?

We mention PBB because he's the Chief Deity in the Bammer pantheon. Nickpoleon is the current Grand Potentate of the Church of the Historically Peculiar Reckonings of Past Glory.

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Our tradition is winning National Championships, don't respond, I don't expect you to understand.

At least we have been able to continue our tradition since 1992. :poke:

That's funny, tradition is something that happens on a regular basis, what you are talking about is living in the past and worshiping history. uat really doesn't have any traditions except arrogance, inferiority complex (look at me, look at me we are on Sports Illustrated again!) and changing coaches every few years.


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Our tradition is winning National Championships, don't respond, I don't expect you to understand.

At least we have been able to continue our tradition since 1992. :poke:

That's funny, tradition is something that happens on a regular basis, what you are talking about is living in the past and worshiping history. uat really doesn't have any traditions except arrogance, inferiority complex (look at me, look at me we are on Sports Illustrated again!) and changing coaches every few years.


you are mistaken....there's the triannual Coaches Interview tradition, the Quadrennial Brick Toss, the Quadrennial Coaches Credit Card Expense Review, the Semiannual Mayor's Conference, and many other fine traditions.

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