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I was at the game tonight. Got back to the hotel and was thinking about what I just witnessed. I have been relatively quite about a few things but tonight I can't contain myself. A couple of questions:

1. We dominated Vanderbilt in the first half or at least it looked that way at the game. Why did we get away from what we were doing?

2. Franklin has said a few times that we do not have the talent to run the spread. That is fine. If we don't have the talent then we don't have it but why do you continue to try and run something when you know you do not have the talent? Why not just line up over the ball and run it?

3. I would take last years offense over this mess anytime. Would you?

I am just really disappointed in the way we are playing. I support CTT and always will. I think it is time to go back to the basics. If Todd can't line up under center, put someone in there who can. I think it is obvious tonight that Kodi will not move the team any better than Todd running the spread. That is because the line can't block and the receivers can't get open. They can not separate themselves from coverage. I hate to see the one yard passes that we constantly throw to the sideline.

When we lined up in the first half and rammed it down Vanderbilts throat, I felt good about that but you can see from the entire offensive performance that we have no leadership and absolutely no confidence. This will be a critical time for CTT. He can very easily lose this team. They are on the brink no doubt.

We must make changes. Someone has to step up and be a leader on the offense. If we continue to run this crap called the spread, we will maybe win one more game and that is it.

Just my perspective from a fan at the game.

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Anyone who watched that game and came away surprised hasn't been watching the offense this season.

Second time we've been beaten by a back-up QB as well.

There are issues on the Plains that only the leader can address. There is no such thing as patience in the SEC.

I am waiting for how we "officially" spin this one.

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On the radio tonight Quinton Riggins said that there was mass confusion on the AU sidelines, players not knowing who was supposed to be in on certain plays. There appears to be several things wrong with this team. Among them would be discipline, coaching, and chemistry. This team appeared to have chemistry problems duirng 2 a days in August. CTF has not fit in, and the older AU coaches have become lazy. Wes Byrum is a mystery, and what happened to Shoemaker the punter. Kodi is not ready for primetime, and Todd has no confidence and a weak arm. This problem on offense has been here for about three or four years now. The O line has no discipline and is becoming unraveled. Losing Powers, Dunn, Marks, Lester and Tristan Davis not playing much has also contributed to the overall problem. The receivers are not getting any separation and the defense is having to stay on the field way too long. If we win 7 games this year we will be fortunate. Vandy has nowhere near the talent level AU does. However, they are disciplined and play smart. BTW, Stan White even ripped this AU team a new one on the radio. That is not like Stan to do that.


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That we run a 6th grade offense. I wouldn't mind letting him get out of the booth and draw up some plays. Lord the radio guys have the hardest job in the world right now trying to make things exciting. I say strip the red shirts and find somebody that wants to play on the offensive side of the ball. We might as well let Trotter hop in the rotation late with the way things are going.

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Stan said with a peeve tone....this Auburn team has a lot of soul searching to do...He also said six graders don't bobble the snap as much as we've been doing.He also said...'It's not Auburn football to lose to Vandy"

Q said I have no idea why we stopped running the I formation so quickly.You just don't stop something that's working so well.

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I know this is petty but it has been bugging me...It is called the Ace formation. That is the formation that was successful. The I form has a fullback in the set. Ace is a single back formation.

My question is when did they stop the run. Tubby said at half time that they were stacking the box and they stuffed the run but i don't remember them stopping us when we ran that formation. my problem comes from the lack of imagination. why not play action from the ace or when we were stuffed at the goal line. I just feel like I could run a better scheme if I were calling the plays.

This was the same with borges. Why can't we run an offense with variations like every other school. Anyone else feel like when you flip the channel to another game that there is always a big play or something that other teams do and just say WHY DONT WE TRY THAT?!!!!

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