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The AU plane has been in St. Louis, today

In an effort to help the baseball program, Gene Chizik sent piloted the plane to St. Louis himself and has told Albert Pujols that he has to retire immediately and come down to Auburn to be the hitting coach.

Wait a second....wrong thread....

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The AU plane has been in St. Louis, today, and now is in Huntsville, AL. Anybody know whats up?

The jays found out that they had a sell on Budweiser in st louis and needed a rocket scientist to open it for them him.

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The AU plane has been in St. Louis, today, and now is in Huntsville, AL. Anybody know whats up?

The jays found out that they had a sell on Budweiser in st louis and needed a rocket scientist to open it for them him.

Yeah, that Bud heavy doesn't have the same easy pop-cork top as that Conecuh Ridge Moonshine they've been slammin' lately.

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Chiz dropped by to see why I was so upset. :P

Actually he visited Bob Jones HS for one thing, I assume to visit a prospect and meet their coach. Bob Jones is actually in Madison, adjacent to Huntsville and has become a strong athletic program with some top talent.

Chizik also made a stop at Spain Park HS in Hoover, home HS of Neil Caudle.

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If some of his staff is going to come from the Pro's, then maybe he had a meeting up there. Any idea who his pro coaching prospets are?

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Joe Whitt Jr. is one of them, but Chiz. is on the trail hot and heavy until Sunday. Dead period will begin then, and that's when the staff will be given top priority.

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Yeah, that Bud heavy doesn't have the same easy pop-cork top as that Conecuh Ridge Moonshine they've been slammin' lately.

Wade, you are a true fool. Conecuh Ridge is a nice brown whiskey. Geebus, man.

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The recruiting dead period starts Sunday. I looks like CGC is spending 100% of his time recruiting while he can, and will turn his attention to staff issues during the dead period.

Maybe there's a good player near St. Louis that he was hoping to get to ISU and now CGC wants him at Auburn? Just a guess.

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Dead period will begin then, and that's when the staff will be given top priority.

Ahhh, he and his wife will finally get some alone time. It's good for the marriage.

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Dead period will begin then, and that's when the staff will be given top priority.

Ahhh, he and his wife will finally get some alone time. It's good for the marriage.

Dude! I know you didn't post that! .....Ok, yes you did. :roflol:

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