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Let me pose a question to any/all of you...

Did Mal Moore and company hide this from the Alabammer media, or did the media hide it from the general public to protect Lord Sabben?

Very Likely its both. Mal probably did all he could to keep this from getting out. AND the media in the state that wears their knee pads everyday to uat would do everything they could to hide this info as long as they could. Had this been at Auburn, it would have been a major story the day BEFORE the letter got to the university. At uat, its covered up for almost a year. cheat to win.....or if you don't win...cheat anyway...

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On Sport's Call they said UAT basically told the media they weren't going to talk about it. The biggest complaint was that if Auburn said they weren't going to talk about it the media would have started a giant smear campaign but UAT says they won't and it's all good, we'll wait until you are ready. Like right after all those stars signed binding LOIs without knowing the hammer was coming.

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The biggest complaint was that if Auburn said they weren't going to talk about it the media would have started a giant smear campaign but UAT says they won't and it's all good, we'll wait until you are ready. Like right after all those stars signed binding LOIs without knowing the hammer was coming.

And THIS, my friends, is what the younger generations of Tigers Fans do not understand about WHY we older guys hate bammer so much. Just imagine this last year going on for over a decade...they are beating everybody on the field and cheating their tails off outside the lines, and everybody knows it point blank, but nobody will say a word about it. Live in this state and be an Auburn fan for a while under those circumstances and you will easily understand how Auburn fans truly hate them.

Regarding Finebaum...... do you guys never learn? Do you not see that he is drawing you in to his evil web of lies and deceit like moths to the flame by telling you what you want to hear?

There may or may not be some truth in what he is saying, but you must resist the temptation.

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The biggest complaint was that if Auburn said they weren't going to talk about it the media would have started a giant smear campaign but UAT says they won't and it's all good, we'll wait until you are ready. Like right after all those stars signed binding LOIs without knowing the hammer was coming.

And THIS, my friends, is what the younger generations of Tigers Fans do not understand about WHY we older guys hate bammer so much. Just imagine this last year going on for over a decade...they are beating everybody on the field and cheating their tails off outside the lines, and everybody knows it point blank, but nobody will say a word about it. Live in this state and be an Auburn fan for a while under those circumstances and you will easily understand how Auburn fans truly hate them.

Regarding Finebaum...... do you guys never learn? Do you not see that he is drawing you in to his evil web of lies and deceit like moths to the flame by telling you what you want to hear?

There may or may not be some truth in what he is saying, but you must resist the temptation.

very well said, CircleDrill. Very well said.

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Are we deleting bammer responses to these threads or are they just in hiding over this.

Usually you can't read a single thread on this board without some bammer jumping all over it, especially if it has anything to do with Bama at all.

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Are we deleting bammer responses to these threads or are they just in hiding over this.

Usually you can't read a single thread on this board without some bammer jumping all over it, especially if it has anything to do with Bama at all.

No we aren't deleting the uat responses. They simply aren't responding. We've been telling them for a while now this was gonna happen, and they are busy formulating their excuses and blame, then they'll be here.

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Well, first of all, they are all in shock. They thought they were really that good and refused to believe they were cheating. They are in disbelief that we owned them for 6 years with a clean program, but to beat us once, they had to cheat so bad that the NCAA comes to town.

But mostly, they are waiting on their talking points from Saint Saban so they know what to think and say.

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The biggest complaint was that if Auburn said they weren't going to talk about it the media would have started a giant smear campaign but UAT says they won't and it's all good, we'll wait until you are ready. Like right after all those stars signed binding LOIs without knowing the hammer was coming.

And THIS, my friends, is what the younger generations of Tigers Fans do not understand about WHY we older guys hate bammer so much. Just imagine this last year going on for over a decade...they are beating everybody on the field and cheating their tails off outside the lines, and everybody knows it point blank, but nobody will say a word about it. Live in this state and be an Auburn fan for a while under those circumstances and you will easily understand how Auburn fans truly hate them.

Regarding Finebaum...... do you guys never learn? Do you not see that he is drawing you in to his evil web of lies and deceit like moths to the flame by telling you what you want to hear?

There may or may not be some truth in what he is saying, but you must resist the temptation.

Texas A&M was in trouble by the time Bear heard Momma callin' and scooted off to T-town. That he never got caught is more than a miracle - money talks, and I'm not just referring to buying players.

I hated them then, and I hate them still today.

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Four Dangerous words potentially involved in all this. LACK OF INSTITUTIONAL CONTROL! This leaves the NCAA free to do pretty much as they want.

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And THIS, my friends, is what the younger generations of Tigers Fans do not understand about WHY we older guys hate bammer so much "Just imagine this last year going on for over a decade...they are beating everybody on the field and cheating their tails off outside the lines, and everybody knows it point blank, but nobody will say a word about it. Live in this state and be an Auburn fan for a while under those circumstances and you will easily understand how Auburn fans truly hate them

Hey, I lived through it all and then some and I totally understand! It's one thing to get beat fair and square, but to get beat annually by a cheating program is hard to take and hard to forget. I say give them the death penalty for all those years they escaped scott free.

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Excerpts from this mornings Mobile Register:

"It was something so petty that we didn't even talk about it," Rogers said. "It wasn't anything you'd even blink twice about. Like your girl needs some books, 'I'll take care of your books. I know money's tight.' It was more that than I'm trying to sell books. I wasn't even getting any money."

"I was trying to help out friends," Coffee said. "There wasn't any money involved. The books were returned after they used the books. I was trying to do good, actually. Unfortunately, there's a rule saying you can't do stuff like that, and I got caught. I felt like I was in the right the whole time. But a rule is a rule."

I can't believe these kids are saying this. What they did was flat out steal. And they don't think they did anything wrong! My a$$!!!! Their girlfriend or their cousin or whoever didn't get a scholarship.....the football player did. It doesn't matter that it was UAT or UAB or USC, it is stealing. If Joe Blow student had been caught stealing from the UAT, guess what would have happened to them......they would have been kicked out of school!!!!!!!! But not the players....nooooooooo!!

With the amazing character on display from UAT football the school is probably just glad they only took textbooks. The admin was probably worried they were going to rape, pillage and burn the campus. A few textbooks is a small price to pay to protect the school from the visigoths football team.

This cracks me up... yeah yeah yeah.. they weren't getting any money.. just being good citizens and helping friends out by "getting" textbooks and GIVING them away. Right.. uh huh..

Is it just me or does anyone else think that they were stealing textbooks and giving them to friends so that the friends could sell them and give a "cut" of the sell to the players??? I am probably way off on this one.. but...

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I hope they get slammed on this, I really do. But I don't see how the players doing this has anything to do with them beating us this year.

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Well, first of all, they are all in shock. They thought they were really that good and refused to believe they were cheating. They are in disbelief that we owned them for 6 years with a clean program, but to beat us once, they had to cheat so bad that the NCAA comes to town.

But mostly, they are waiting on their talking points from Saint Saban so they know what to think and say.

CD - you are stepping up to the plate and hitting it out of the park. Good stuff. My new sig.

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I hope they get slammed on this, I really do. But I don't see how the players doing this has anything to do with them beating us this year.

Where there is smoke, there is fire my friend. They got away with keeping a cocaine dealer on the team, because "no one knew." They got away with 10 players arrested in a year, because "it's not my fault." They got away with all of that stuff because of clever CYA techniques.

Now that the NCAA has access to anything and everything, there is no telling what all has been going on down there. You better believe they are "cooking the books" right now as hard as humanly possible. Do you think they are more likely to come clean on anything, or more likely to cook the books and try their best to cover it up? We are talking about a program that carried on its roster and FIELDED a COCAINE DEALER widely known across campus as just that. How many known recruiting violations has Saint Saban already committed? What about the unknown?

Now excuse me while I go put my AU flags on my truck for display this weekend. :cheer:

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I hope they get slammed on this, I really do. But I don't see how the players doing this has anything to do with them beating us this year.

I'm with you. I don't understand how a few players being dishonest about some textbooks translated into us having our teeth kicked in this year, so perhaps others who evidently know more details about the situation can enlighten us.

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I hope they get slammed on this, I really do. But I don't see how the players doing this has anything to do with them beating us this year.

I'm with you. I don't understand how a few players being dishonest about some textbooks translated into us having our teeth kicked in this year, so perhaps others who evidently know more details about the situation can enlighten us.

They're not operating under the assumption that the textbook fiasco helped them win, just the fact that they've cheated and gotten away with it, it just makes the loss sting even more. Although, CircleDrill hit the nail on the head, this probably isn't the only violation.

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I hope they get slammed on this, I really do. But I don't see how the players doing this has anything to do with them beating us this year.

I'm with you. I don't understand how a few players being dishonest about some textbooks translated into us having our teeth kicked in this year, so perhaps others who evidently know more details about the situation can enlighten us.

They're not operating under the assumption that the textbook fiasco helped them win, just the fact that they've cheated and gotten away with it, it just makes the loss sting even more. Although, CircleDrill hit the nail on the head, this probably isn't the only violation.

Believe me, I hope more than anyone that more is uncovered, but until that actually happens, I'm not saying that the reason we got humiliated on the field this past year is because they MAY have done other things that MAY have given them an advantage. What has FACTUALLY been discovered thus far is not enough to be able to say that it caused us to lose the game. I think most anyone would admit that no team needed much of an advantage if any advantage at all to overcome our ineptness this past season.

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And THIS, my friends, is what the younger generations of Tigers Fans do not understand about WHY we older guys hate bammer so much "Just imagine this last year going on for over a decade...they are beating everybody on the field and cheating their tails off outside the lines, and everybody knows it point blank, but nobody will say a word about it. Live in this state and be an Auburn fan for a while under those circumstances and you will easily understand how Auburn fans truly hate them

Hey, I lived through it all and then some and I totally understand! It's one thing to get beat fair and square, but to get beat annually by a cheating program is hard to take and hard to forget. I say give them the death penalty for all those years they escaped scott free.

Amen brother. I too lived thru those days and they are the very root of my hatred for bama. I find it so funny that bama has statues, a museum, etc., to the biggest chaeter in the history of college FB.

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Let's look at two scenarios:

Athelete A gets a football scholarship to attend the University of Alabama. He gets tuition, fees, books and supplies. Books usually cost $500-$600 per semester (I have just finished putting two through Auburn....I know what books cost). So, Athelete A charges $1,500 for books at the bookstore, or about $1,000 more than his books actually cost. He gets the extra books for his girlfriend (as one of the guilty parties admitted to) or his cousin or his bro' (that was in a tight...whatever!!!). He doesn't get any of the money himself. And what does the University of Alabama do to him? He gets suspended for 4 football games.

Scholar B gets an academic scholarship to the University of Alabama. He gets tuition, fees, books and supplies. Books usually cost $500-$600 per semester (I have just finished putting two through Auburn....I know what books cost). So, Scholar B charges $1,500 for books at the bookstore, or about $1,000 more than his books actually cost. He gets the extra books for his girlfriend or just a friend who is in a tight financially. He doesn't get any of the money himself. And what does the University of Alabama do to him? He loses his scholarship and gets kicked out of school!!!!!

The irony of all of this is that UAT treated the FB players much differently than they would have treated regular students. And guess what? The NCAA wants all institutions to treat all students the same.

Therein my friends, lies the problem!!!!

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Let's look at two scenarios:

Athelete A gets a football scholarship to attend the University of Alabama. He gets tuition, fees, books and supplies. Books usually cost $500-$600 per semester (I have just finished putting two through Auburn....I know what books cost). So, Athelete A charges $1,500 for books at the bookstore, or about $1,000 more than his books actually cost. He gets the extra books for his girlfriend (as one of the guilty parties admitted to) or his cousin or his bro' (that was in a tight...whatever!!!). He doesn't get any of the money himself. And what does the University of Alabama do to him? He gets suspended for 4 football games.

Scholar Bgets an academic scholarship to the University of Alabama. He gets tuition, fees, books and supplies. Books usually cost $500-$600 per semester (I have just finished putting two through Auburn....I know what books cost). So, Scholar B charges $1,500 for books at the bookstore, or about $1,000 more than his books actually cost. He gets the extra books for his girlfriend or just a friend who is in a tight financially. He doesn't get any of the money himself. And what does the University of Alabama do to him? He loses his scholarship and gets kicked out of school!!!!! ...and maybe faces criminal charges.

The irony of all of this is that UAT treated the FB players much differently than they would have treated regular students. And guess what? The NCAA wants all institutions to treat all students the same.

Therein my friends, lies the problem!!!!

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Let's look at two scenarios:

Athelete A gets a football scholarship to attend the University of Alabama. He gets tuition, fees, books and supplies. Books usually cost $500-$600 per semester (I have just finished putting two through Auburn....I know what books cost). So, Athelete A charges $1,500 for books at the bookstore, or about $1,000 more than his books actually cost. He gets the extra books for his girlfriend (as one of the guilty parties admitted to) or his cousin or his bro' (that was in a tight...whatever!!!). He doesn't get any of the money himself. And what does the University of Alabama do to him? He gets suspended for 4 football games.

Scholar Bgets an academic scholarship to the University of Alabama. He gets tuition, fees, books and supplies. Books usually cost $500-$600 per semester (I have just finished putting two through Auburn....I know what books cost). So, Scholar B charges $1,500 for books at the bookstore, or about $1,000 more than his books actually cost. He gets the extra books for his girlfriend or just a friend who is in a tight financially. He doesn't get any of the money himself. And what does the University of Alabama do to him? He loses his scholarship and gets kicked out of school!!!!! ...and maybe faces criminal charges.

The irony of all of this is that UAT treated the FB players much differently than they would have treated regular students. And guess what? The NCAA wants all institutions to treat all students the same.

Therein my friends, lies the problem!!!!


fixed it for both of you... :big:

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I think some of you are confused. The violation occurred in 2007. They beat us in 2008.

This happened in Fall 2007 correct? I think we came off of probation about a month after Saban was hired. So, if thats the case....its not a violation while under probation.....

either way, the players involved knew they were wrong...

Im just confused as to why the NCAA is just now trying to investigate the matter. I would think they would have come in earlier, maybe at the start of 2008 or something.

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