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Iron Bowl mentioned on BS Report


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I assume I'm not the only one on here who regularly reads or listens to Bill Simmons. The podcast uploaded today (talking about injuries) mentioned Auburn and Alabama. Simmons and Will Carroll were discussing "rock star" sports doctors... so of course Dr. James Andrews was the headliner for that part of the conversation. Anyway, Carroll used the fact that Andrews is a team doctor for both Auburn and Alabama as proof of just how much of a star he is. It's somewhere around the 30 minute mark. I just thought it was funny.

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I assume I'm not the only one on here who regularly reads or listens to Bill Simmons. The podcast uploaded today (talking about injuries) mentioned Auburn and Alabama. Simmons and Will Carroll were discussing "rock star" sports doctors... so of course Dr. James Andrews was the headliner for that part of the conversation. Anyway, Carroll used the fact that Andrews is a team doctor for both Auburn and Alabama as proof of just how much of a star he is. It's somewhere around the 30 minute mark. I just thought it was funny.

It didn't post early enough for me to catch it today. I'll get it tomorrow at work. It's kinda funny coming from Simmons since he's an avowed non-college football fan and doesn't know a whole lot about the sport in general.

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