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I just saw this. If he was any dumber, his face would literally be an ass. Obviously USCe's defense is better than UAT's and LSU's because they were totally able to stop Cam. :lol:

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If you think about from another angle, if one of our ex coaches chose another team over us, I'd think quite a few people(Auburn fans) would be surprised.

His statement about their defense is just grasping at something positive to justify his opinion.

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His response after the game was priceless. :roflol: :roflol: :roflol:

what did he say???

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His response after the game was priceless. :roflol: :roflol: :roflol:

what did he say???

"Oh thit."

:roflol: LMAO

What did he say? I missed it...

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He said something along the lines of, "I guess I shouldn't say too much since I picked em to lose." :roflol:

He also said Oregon's offense was really good but it was also good last year until they had a month off and got drubbed in the Rose Bowl by Ohio State. :big:

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Holtz has the IQ of a fern....and that's being charitable

Not to mention insulting to ferns!

I have to admit, I'm waiting to see College Football Final tonight (and halftime of the VT/FSU game) just so see the look on his face, and the look of smug satisfaction on Mark May's face (who has been an :au: supporter this season). I know they're "playing roles" and I shouldn't watch, but like a moth drawn to a flame, I can't help myself...


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Well at half time he spoke of the possible reasons for Oregon to win those included: "the heisman winner never plays well in the big game because of the obligations", "It will give Oregon extra motivation to play the Heisman winner" and my personal favorite "Malzahn may leave for a head coaching position"

Wow just Wow!

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