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Dirk Koetter - OC Candidate


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I enjoy auto correct.

I stand by it. Street Fred is necessary for recruiting success

Everybody has to have a street Fred - R Garner used this as his pseudonym at one time, I'm jus sayin. Keep it down home cuz.

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Now coachingsearch is saying saban is wanting him too anyone hearing any inside stuff on this

It said don't be surprised if he wants him.

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The Jaguars have one of the worst offenses in the league, truly one dimensional. If not for MJD, Jacksonville would have beat Indy for the first pic in the draft. Maybe Del Rio wouldn't let him run his offense, but I'm not very excited by this candidate in the slightest.

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The Jaguars have one of the worst offenses in the league, truly one dimensional. If not for MJD, Jacksonville would have beat Indy for the first pic in the draft. Maybe Del Rio wouldn't let him run his offense, but I'm not very excited by this candidate in the slightest.

Its the NFL. I'm not sure if some of you have realized; but maybe 1% of NCAA coaches ever get to become NFL coordinators. Koetter is a guy that will have other NFL OC and NCAA HC jobs open to him for the next few years; he is a no-brainer hire if he is available.

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Phillip Marshall is saying Koetter is not a serious candidate for the job. Wouldn't rule out him becoming one but he's not one currently.

No offense to Phillip, but why is he still trying to "get ahead" of this coaching search when in this situation he's knows no more than anyone else.

The Jaguars have one of the worst offenses in the league, truly one dimensional. If not for MJD, Jacksonville would have beat Indy for the first pic in the draft. Maybe Del Rio wouldn't let him run his offense, but I'm not very excited by this candidate in the slightest.

Its the NFL. I'm not sure if some of you have realized; but maybe 1% of NCAA coaches ever get to become NFL coordinators. Koetter is a guy that will have other NFL OC and NCAA HC jobs open to him for the next few years; he is a no-brainer hire if he is available.

Agreed. Koetter would improve our passing game by 1000% and he development a commitment to the run while in Jacksonville.

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Duder u posted expect announce wensday is that still out there

As of this moment, no. It seems there is a bit of a holding pattern.

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Phillip Marshall is saying Koetter is not a serious candidate for the job. Wouldn't rule out him becoming one but he's not one currently.

No offense to Phillip, but why is he still trying to "get ahead" of this coaching search when in this situation he's knows no more than anyone else.

He knew enough to say so when everyone else was proclaiming Stoops was all but a done deal that it was anything but.

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I'm a Jags season ticket holder. After the past few years the overall feel here is that departure from Koetter is imminent. While the past few years have been a disappointment, he certainly brings great knowledge of the game to the table and there were rumblings last year of him taking the HC job at UNLV. That being said, the differences between Malzahn and Koetter are night and day. Koetter always seemed to have a very physical, run-first, conservative approach.

Not too conservative, I hope.

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I haven't looked at any statistics, but my recall is that, while he was at Arizona State, his offenses didn't have any problems putting up points and yards - albeit against Pac-10 defenses. He was at Boise before that, and they've never been accused of being conservative. Maybe just the difference between NFL vs. college / personnel / head coach (Del Rio)? I don't really pay attention to the NFL, so maybe someone can enlighten me . . .

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I think it had more to do with Jack Del Rio than anything.

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Jack Del Rio is a defensive guy, and believes in clock-control type of game. Also they had Maurice Jones-Drew a top 5 RB in the NFL, with BLAINE GABBERT as the quarterback. Their offense was forced to be conservative because the QB play was atrocious. Literally Gabbert was dead LAST in the entire NFL in Total Quarterback Rating. I would limit the times Gabbert threw the ball if I was the OC as well.

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For sure... If I had Gabbart as my best hope for a QB then my offensive philosophy would change a little too!

I am hoping that this is the guy we get! I think bringing in NFL guys will really help with recruiting, and I am excited to see how the talent we have responds.

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Except for Mark Brunell the Jags have made a habit of getting non-NFL caliber QB's. Gabbert is another guy like Gerrard who should be playing safety, tight end or in Canada. I was just reading a Jag's board and the general consensus was that Del Rio never let Dirk run his playbook. With their conga line of crappy QB's I can't blame him for that. Dig this roster of stiffs: Byron Leftwich, Jonathan Quinn, Jay Fiedler, Jamie Martin, Steve Matthews, Quinn Gray, Todd Bouman, Trent Edwards and Luke McCown. That's their starters since '97.

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Except for Mark Brunell the Jags have made a habit of getting non-NFL caliber QB's. Gabbert is another guy like Gerrard who should be playing safety, tight end or in Canada. I was just reading a Jag's board and the general consensus was that Del Rio never let Dirk run his playbook. With their conga line of crappy QB's I can't blame him for that. Dig this roster of stiffs: Byron Leftwich, Jonathan Quinn, Jay Fiedler, Jamie Martin, Steve Matthews, Quinn Gray, Todd Bouman, Trent Edwards and Luke McCown. That's their starters since '97.

That lineup is almost unbelievable! One would think that a badass QB would be a top priority for the Jags.... Apparently not!

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I have to plead some ignorance on Koetter as an offensive coach. I relied heavily on MJD for my fantasy league this year, and I'm happy to say Dirk's offense helped me win a championship over my law school compadres. Outside of that, I vaguely remember the deep passing game Arizona State had when Kevin Walter was there (mostly I remember the close call loss they had on big fat JaMarcus Russell's rolling left touchdown heave).

That said, numbers can help give some context to his track record in college. In his two years at Oregon as OC, the Ducks offense was consistent. They posted only three games in two years scoring less than 21 points (14 against UW in 1996, 16 against UA in 1997, and 13 against WSU in 1997). They never scored more than 50. So basically every game was in that 22-49 range no matter who they played.

Turns out I didn't know a lot of things about Boise State. First, Houston Nutt was a head coach there?!? Really? Odd. Anyway, I always thought Dan Hawkins was the guy who kicked off the Little Blue Engine That Could, but it turns out Koetter was the first guy there to be really successful. Hawkins built on Koetter's foundation (and Peterson took them to a place Hawkins didn't think was possible). Anyway, the Boise offense under Koetter was... wait for it... shockingly consistent. They posted only four games in 3 seasons with less than 21 points (13 against North Texas in 1998, 10 against North Texas in 1999, 7 against UCLA in 1999, and 19 against Hawaii in 1999). If we learned anything from that, don't schedule North Texas while Koetter is on the staff. Clearly. The Broncos posted six games over 50 in the same three years (including a 59-0 drubbing of North Texas in 2000). So again, the offense is pretty consistent.

At ASU, the team was held to single digits three times in six years (twice in the 2004 season). There is more variance in terms of scoring while he was there, but the thing I take from all these numbers: the offense shows up pretty much every week. Very rarely does a Dirk Koetter offense just go out there and completely hang the defense out to dry. Given that I don't know much about his system, that's at least something to take away from his track record.

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Didnt we have success hiring an OC from Jacksonville in 2002? It turned out to be a pretty good hire, if not short...

Ended up pretty good for Louisville & then Arkansas too didn't it.

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Duder u posted expect announce wensday is that still out there

Do what? This is a message board take text messaging lingo back to the smartphone..

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Duder u posted expect announce wensday is that still out there

Do what? This is a message board take text messaging lingo back to the smartphone..


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