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Doctor's licence revoked for recommending abortion


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the Kansas State Board of Healing Arts has decided in favor of revoking Dr. Ann Neuhaus's medical license. Neuhaus, a colleague of Dr. George Tiller, assisted him by providing second opinions for mental health exceptions for late abortions.

According to the Associated Press, Neuhaus was hoping to have her full medical license restored after spending years only allowed to provide limited medical care for charity work. Instead, an ongoing investigation into 11 patient cases obtained by Operation Rescue became the center of a movement to have her license stripped all together.

The cases all involved girls who sought abortions due to mental health issues from depression to suicide, with an age range from 17 years old to as young as 10. The board alleged that Neuhaus's exams were not thorough enough based on the available records provided, and that her follow up care was inadequate, as she did not recommend counseling or hospitalization afterwards.

Neuhaus called the accusations ridiculous. She said she refused to put too much identifying information in the records because she knew that they could eventually end up in the hands of outsiders and violate the patients' privacy. As for abortions not being necessary,

Neuhaus found that laughable as well.

"To even claim that isn't medically necessary qualifies as gross incompetence," said Neuhaus. "Someone's 10 years old, and they were raped by their uncle and they understand that they've got a baby growing in their stomach and they don't want that. You're going to send this girl for a brain scan and some blood work and put her in a hospital?"


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10 years old, raped by an uncle, yet the neocons say she should have the baby

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10 years old, raped by an uncle, yet the neocons say she should have the baby

Yes, arnie, you understand correctly that this article is about neocons. :slapfh:

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Arnie, lets ask the baby. How do you think the child would vote?

Which one, the 10 year old or the fetus?

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So the 10 year old rape/insest victem should be required by law to carry and deliever this baby, that's what your saying?

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I'm saying there are two people involved here. You shouldn't get to play God and kill one.

How about you answer a question...what did the unborn child do to deserve being killed? Is it his or her fault and something they should bear the punishment for? How does killing them bring healing to the situation?

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I could say something really insensitive, but I won't.

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I'm saying there are two people involved here. You shouldn't get to play God and kill one.

How about you answer a question...what did the unborn child do to deserve being killed? Is it his or her fault and something they should bear the punishment for? How does killing them bring healing to the situation?

Which two" The rapist. And if you think in this situation this 10 year old should be forced to carry out this pregnanct because of YOUR beliefs you are sick

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Are you proposing to kill the rapist in addition to the child? Because that would be killing two, not just one. We're talking about the 10-year old and the unborn child. Stop avoiding the questions.

What did the unborn child do to deserve a death sentence? What part of this is their fault? How does killing them bring healing to the situation? Does it take away what was done to this 10-year old girl?

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10 seems really really young to be able to conceive. I think it a valid question to ask if the 'mother' could even survived the ordeal, never mind the psychological trauma.

That's just bad, all the way around.

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10 seems really really young to be able to conceive. I think it a valid question to ask if the 'mother' could even survived the ordeal, never mind the psychological trauma.

That's just bad, all the way around.

That may be the case. And I've always said (and 90-something percent of pro life people in general would say) that the only thing that is equivalent to the life of the child is the life of the mother. My only point is that life is what's at stake here. The bar should be very high (as in another person's life is literally at stake) to allow anything that could end the life of the unborn child and even then, where possible, every effort should be made to preserve the life of both. We have got to get out of this mentality that human life only has dignity and inherent worth if someone says it does by their "choice." Inalienable rights are not granted us by mere human decree--the decision of a woman, legislature or court. Pregnancy is not a disease to be cured and children are not a burden to be saddled with.

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Arnie, lets ask the baby. How do you think the child would vote?

Which one, the 10 year old or the fetus?

So, you believe the baby is a child and not just tissue?

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