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Conversation with a Bammer


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A friend of mine (Alabama fan) just left a few minutes ago after telling me how Auburn never stood a chance at this Iron Bowl and how he thinks Bama is gonna beat the crap out of Florida. I may have been wrong about the Iron Bowl, and I know that anything is possible, but I seriously doubt that the Tide will beat the Gators... what do you guys think about the SEC Championship game?

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Well first of all the Iron Bowl, I think we had a chance but there is NO WAY we could win without them turning the ball over and us not turning it over at all!! That was the only way i could see us winning it!! And on the SECCG I can see bama having a chance at winning the game but i think that they need to create some turnovers and control the time of possession. I think that is the only way that bama wins! 

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I am not giving all the credit in the world to the Bammers.  Yeah, they beat the s**t out of us but we really helped them out a lot.  They are not 36 points better than us.  That is why I think Florida is still the superior team in this matchup and will show it on saturday.  That being said, they could play bad and help the mullets to an SEC championship, though.  I hope not.  I don't usually like to say this, but GO GATORS!!!

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I'm glad to hear your realistic responses even though deep down I would love to hear that Bama doesnt have the slightest chance of winning the game. I guess anything is possible in the SECCG and thats something we have to live with. I think that I too will have to resort to the Gator Chomp in this rare situation... GO GATORS!!


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I mean Bama played good football against us. They made one obvious mistake that I saw. The missed pick 6 by Powers. Other than that I thought that they played very aggressive D hitting players even when they did not catch the ball. On the other side we were playing 7 or 8 yards off recievers and giving them all the room they needed to get first downs. There was that one missed call on a bomb when the bama DB pushed our receiver to the ground with no call. It looked pretty obvious to me, he put both hands on his shoulders and pushed down, looks like Pass interference to me, but what do I know I watched it like 4 times on the DVR. Bama played smashmouth football and really gave us no chances to come back in the 2nd half. They hung in there in the first and waited on us to screw up. Bama is going to play aggressively against the Gators and will score against them. I think if Bama controls the time of Possession and doesn;t turn it into a shoot-out then they have a chance. They are going to have to get some turnovers as well. But they seem to be doing pretty good at that. John Wilson, the bammers add the Parker like it makes him cool or something, is really pretty much a crappy QB. He has some great receivers that make him look better but if FLorida can keep him running Florida wins this one easy.

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