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OK, I know this is a family message board, but I think it'll be OK if some of the over 21 crowd talk about BEER! 

Now, don't come on here and say "I love Miller Light!".  No joke! Who doesn't love Miller Light?  I want to talk about new and exotic beers.  I'll start us off....

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Now, I normally don't get to drink beer, because my wife will fuss about it.  However, she had to go out of town today, and she took the kids with her.  I saw this as a golden opportunity to throw a couple back, so I went down to my nearest distributor and picked up a couple of pints.  I had never had either one before, but they looked pretty good.  First off:

Tadcaster's Taddy Porter.  Great English porter.  Super dark, but not as bitter as Sierra Nevada Porter.  Very drinkable.

Then I tried a pint of Boddington's Pub Ale.  This is the best Ale I've ever had.  The can had a "Draughtflow System" inside.  (That's fancy British talk for a little plastic ball that makes a lot of bubbles.)  When I poured this stuff, it was a glass full of foam (like a pale Guinness).  The bubbles settled, and I was left with a delicious glass of Ale with a head like a milkshake.  This stuff literally left me with a beer bubble mustache.  It was super smooth and if it weren't 3 bucks a pint, I could this stuff replacing Miller as my old stand-by. 

Chime in if you've had these beers, or if you want to talk about any others.  War Eagle!

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Guiness is pretty good if your looking for a strong, smooth flavor... Sam Adams Boston Lager is a pretty nice pale amber that hits the spot every now and then too. Although there is this Chocolate beer you can get from the "World Store" (something like that) that is a pretty smooth chocolate malt (kind of an "out there" beer). But who could pass up a Miller? First beer I ever drank was a high life. But Miller Lite is a little more suitable these days.

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In my globetrotting, the greatest I've found are Tiger Beer from Singapore, a Belgian white called Alagash from Portland, Me.  I also love Strongbow Cider.  Not a beer, per se, but good none the less.

Nothing has ever tasted as good as cold Bud in a can in Dubai after 2 months at sea.  Beer never tasted so good!

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1. Michelob Amber Boch

2. Bud Light (with a touch of salt, easy though, too much salt and you'll have a MAJOR eruption)

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  • 1 month later...

Beers that suck.

Broken Halo

Blue Moon


Nah dude!!! Blue Moon is a nice beer. Be ready to drop about $10 on a 6 pack though... I know this sounds weird but it is good with orange juice. Beware though, in excess, this stuff packs quite the punch... I should know... I've been in bed all day.

  Me (minus the mullet)-->:beatmullet:<--Blue moon

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I've been known to put about an oz. of tomato juice in the bottom of my mug and the a 12 oz. Bud Light. Now that's pretty tasty on occaision.

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I've been known to drop a Jolly Rancher (Watermelon) into a Zima....Mmmmm, lol.

I'm not a beer drinker...

Maker's with one ice cube

Maker's and Sprite

Cranberry Juice and Crown

White Russians

Those are my drinks.

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Makers and ahhh Makers. I guess... was my drink of choice before I quit drinking.  I could just drink it on the rocks or with a splash of coke.  I love beer of all kinds, also, like Guiness, Dos Equis, Amstel, Red Stripe, to name a few, and my ever-trusty Coors Light, as far as domestics go.  I have to stop talking about this now.  I quit drinking, well, liquor atleast.  I may can handle a beer here and there.

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Sapporo is a fine beer.  Amstel and Guiness are pretty good too.  This is coming from a guy who is pretty fond of the sauce in general though :dunno:

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