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I support Lebo because I think he can coach


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I also support Lebo since I think he has had some really tough breaks (AU really earned and deserved a trip to NCAA last year IMO) and I am not sure if any one could have overcome the bad luck any better (call me paranoid but do you think Vot might have gotten a medical redshirt and hence another year if he played at KY?).  I am afraid that many sincere AU basketball fans are extremely knowledgeable when it comes to football but are just passionate and frustrated and not that realistic when it comes to hoops. 

I am frustrated too.  I know we need to recruit better, but the court is not level there.  Auburn has to do it absolutely within the rules, or it has been proven, we will suffer big time.  We simply cannot get away with the same tactics that many of our fellow SEC schools regularly do.  There are a lot of influential and well placed individuals that are always seeking ways to take us down.  I would love to have KY's players (anyone want to google World Wide Wes?).  For those that don't know that is Calapari's secret.  Billy the Kid bent a lot of rules to get FL on top.  In state Bama can do things and get away with stuff in AL we can't.  That is why Lebo is working Atlanta so hard and making inroads I might add.  The new arena is going to make a difference but I am afraid it will not be overnight like we all hope. Lebo needs a chance because the man can flat out coach Xs and Os. 

While I am on my soapbox...I am tired of hearing about coaches from smaller conferences.  Put Butler, Gonzaga etc in the buzz saw of the SEC without major athletes and their record of NCAA trips will rapidly come to an abrupt halt.  Remember...any team can get up for one or two major games a year (especially at tournament time) but, like football, the SEC demands that you bring it every game mentally and physically. 

The only way I support making a change  now is if we bring in a really big name coach and that is not going to happen because Auburn is not going to pay him more than we do a football head coach -- nor should we at this time.  So we will end up with another mid level "up and commer" and simply start the process over again.  I say let's work with what we have -- a good coach that can be great with better players...take advantage of the new facilities...ratchet up the marketing  and thus increase attendance...and watch what happens.  This is just my opinion; but I do know the game and I am a rabid Auburn Basketball fan.  War Eagle!

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I agree with you jgforau. I think the new arena will help drastically with the success of the program. I know Lebo can coach. What I do not understand is what happens to our team in the 2nd half. If anyone knows where they go please tell.

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I NEVER had anything against him as a person because I think he's a good man. The problem I've had with Lebo is that he CAN'T coach or bring in the top recruits every year.

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I'm a bit torn myself. I too believe he can coach but you have to have players to win consistently. He was brought into a bad situation and I can forgive his 1st 2 years but we should be showing some improvement by now. I know a lot of people are harping on BEMC being outdated as the reason as to why we aren't recruiting better but have any of you ever seen Coleman, The Hump, The Tad Pad or whatever LSU calls their arena? Other than Arkansas our facilities are on par with everyone else in the west. I'm sure Lebo could do a fine job at a UNC where players are falling over themselves to come play there but to be succesful at Auburn a coach is going to have to be a very good salesman and to this point Lebo hasn't shown me anything to believe he can sale our program to recruits or fans. I like Lebo as a man and with his x's and o's but with each game I watch I'm a little less convinced he can ever get it done here.

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Lebo cant coach. He doesnt know his x's and o's. After 6 years our team still plays streetball and has no form. Thats coaching.

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I'm not at all convinced that he does not know his x's and o's. A big reason the team playes the way they do is because there is absolutely no inside presence. In six years the only thing we have had that resembled that was Vot Barber. I am surely not convinced that Lebo can recruit. In basketball that may be more important than in any other sport. That is a big part of "coaching" in basketball.

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We'll we all have our opinions I guess. Who is to say who is right and who is wrong? Time will tell.

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I just want a coach where you know what DIRECTION the program is going in. The past two years aare like well we sorta did this and we kinda did that, maybe we can.........There has to be direction and I feel that translates into our dissapearing and reappearing performances. If Lebo can use the incoming class to provide a direction for the program, great. The new arena, great. But I am not convinced and do not envy JJ's position as far as that goes.

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What part of just running up and down the floor, throwing up random 25 ft. 3's, 4 second posessions, and not boxing out is having good X's and O's?

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What part of just running up and down the floor, throwing up random 25 ft. 3's, 4 second posessions, and not boxing out is having good X's and O's?

:laugh: it's funny cuz it's true

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Other than not boxing out it is our best chance to win. To be an effective half court offense you have to be able to consistenly get something out of your low post. Knox can score a little when he can stay on the court but he is an awful passer and not an ideal post in the half court. Making the game an up and down helter skelter affair, while maybe frustrating to watch, is our best chance at victory with the players we have. If we had a Cousins, Thompkins or Ogilvy I'm sure we would look a little more organized but we've never had that type of player during the Lebo years.

What part of just running up and down the floor, throwing up random 25 ft. 3's, 4 second posessions, and not boxing out is having good X's and O's?

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Other than not boxing out it is our best chance to win. To be an effective half court offense you have to be able to consistenly get something out of your low post. Knox can score a little when he can stay on the court but he is an awful passer and not an ideal post in the half court. Making the game an up and down helter skelter affair, while maybe frustrating to watch, is our best chance at victory with the players we have. If we had a Cousins, Thompkins or Ogilvy I'm sure we would look a little more organized but we've never had that type of player during the Lebo years.

If that's the case why have a coach? I'm just frustrated because watching Auburn basketball is like watching a local pickup game. It may be our best chance to win but that says more about Lebo's ability to get the best out of his players.

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Yea, obviously Lebo is a horrible

coach.... Look at his record in a bad SEC basketball conference

^^^ The record says it all. He has been at Auburn longer than any other coach in the west except Stanfield at Miss. State and only Donovan at Florida and Stallings at Vandy has been in the SEC longer than him in the East. If that's not a long enough time to have a decent program, I don't know what ever will be.

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I said it before and I'll say it again. If Jacobs keeps Lebo and AU has another 5 to 7 win in the conference in 2010, we'll be saying this same old thing come next year. "Why didn't we fire him after the 2009/10 season." Has Jay Jacobs lost what little mind he has left???

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I said it before and I'll say it again. If Jacobs keeps Lebo and AU has another 5 to 7 win in the conference in 2010, we'll be saying this same old thing come next year. "Why didn't we fire him after the 2009/10 season." Has Jay Jacobs lost what little mind he has left???

No, people will be saying, "Lebo only had one year in the new arena..give him another year and see what he can do.  He is just about to turn the corner!" 

(He must be a slow driver...because I seem to recall that he was just about to turn the corner for the past 3 years.)

I also don't believe that the reason Lebo is doing so badly is because he is the only honest coach in the SEC.


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I disagree on all levels. I am not trying to be rude, but Lebo doesn't know X's and O's! Don't give me the we don't have a big man excuse! Take a look at his plays to end halfs and games! Every player on the court is confused! As far as the SEC being tough, again I disagree! The SEC is actually one of the worst conferences in America in B-ball. You have UK, Tennessee, and Vandy that are really legit tourney teams. Nothing at all other than that. There is NO reason for us to have as many seniors as we did this year and not do better than 5th in the West! That my friends is inexcusable! I just don't understand why there are still people that want to keep him so bad. Is it because he's a nice guy? Go to Wal-Mart and talk to the greeter. They're supposedly nice people. Can they win B-ball games?

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I disagree on all levels. I am not trying to be rude, but Lebo doesn't know X's and O's! Don't give me the we don't have a big man excuse! Take a look at his plays to end halfs and games! Every player on the court is confused! As far as the SEC being tough, again I disagree! The SEC is actually one of the worst conferences in America in B-ball. You have UK, Tennessee, and Vandy that are really legit tourney teams. Nothing at all other than that. There is NO reason for us to have as many seniors as we did this year and not do better than 5th in the West! That my friends is inexcusable! I just don't understand why there are still people that want to keep him so bad. Is it because he's a nice guy? Go to Wal-Mart and talk to the greeter. They're supposedly nice people. Can they win B-ball games?

a reason for that is b/c we have a 60% juco roster, no one stays more than 2 years......the walmart thing is funny though

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This is a reply to the above posters assertion that Lebo doesn't know Xs and Os.  Of course he does ...but it takes someone who also knows them to see it.  Watch him change defenses on the fly against some of the so called best coaches in the league.  His play calling out of timeouts always results in a good shot...we might miss it but more times than not we get a good look.  Sometimes the best play is the move at the top of the key from Reed.  Now I will admit that Reed will make the wrong decision more than I like, but who do we have that is better?  Wallace...a nice player and a smart player but not quick as needed against an aggressive SEC defense like Bama threw at us Sat.  Don't get me wrong...I like Wallace but to think he can hang with Reed...come on.  I saw like many of you that in the first 5 minutes Sat Reed was playing in a way that would cost us the game.  Unfortunately I was right.  But who do we put in?  And just like Lebo said...once Knox was out...that was all she wrote.

If we had a dominate post player we would run more through the post I'm sure.  Knox is getting much better at passing out but still not nearly good enough.  I think we run great plays out of timeouts.  What game are you watching?  Have you ever played?  Without size we are relegated to shooting the ball from outside.  Its not the best option but right now its our best chance to win and Lebo knows it.  We do a good job of getting the ball in to Lucas and he is good at kicking it out to open shooters.  Against Bama we had great looks created by that offense...we just missed the shots.  Not coaching...hitting the open looks.  The problem is players and until we get better ones we will continue to lose games in the SEC.  Again let's buy us a "World Wide Wes" or tap into that sho fund slush fund and we can get the players too.  Oops...as I mentioned the first time...we would go on probation forever probably!

Again...not trying to protect Lebo...just we must be realistic and not simply blame the coach.  Either pay a few million for a BIG name or allow Lebo a chance with the new facilities.  War Eagle!

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Wow, these excuses for Lebo are astounding- too bad Lebo has to have excuses made up for him. The man is not going to get it done at AU. 6 seasons in and the program is terrible. Recruiting is bad. We play like an average YMCA team. By the way, for those making excuses about the players, you realize every single player on this team was recruited and signed by.....Lebo? It's the players and the coaches. The whole program that is bad. WDE.

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