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Stem Cell Research

I thought this might be a good topic to discuss. Personally I have not made up my mind completely. So convince me

It is in the news and has become a political point by both parties it seems. I find it hard to absolutely say it is wrong or to absolutely say it is right and should be accepted. My view seems to change depending on who is saying what on this subject. What are your views? What are the fact? What is wrong with it? What is right about it? What are the dangers? What are the benefits?

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I will make what I am sure will be a futile attempt at explaining why I believe this to be a bad idea.

We should not allow this for the same reason we stopped the efforts to clone humans. Some things are , on the surface, not such a big deal. But, when we look down the road that this could POSSIBLY lead to, well, it is kinda' frightening.

I do not have the #s on the subject, but, if the stem cells available run short, how will the market get new ones to feed the need?

It is really hard for me to make a rational, to some, arguement for the simple reason that I BELIEVE anything related to or associated with abortion is just plain WRONG!

I look forward to others thoughts and maybe I can pick up the banner after that.

Good topic.

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Well, some would have you believe that it is the cure for alot of things. The truth is that the research that has been done does not even come close to those conclusions. There have been some minor breakthroughs, but I read in a medical magazine not too long ago, that there really has not enought positive results in testing on rats to even come close to a theory, much less an conclusion. All there is speculation with no solid evidence yet.

I am like WarTim, what is the possible future negative effects. What happens when more or needed? There are more questions and doubts about this then I feel comfortable with, thus the reason I do not support it right now. I am not closed minded enought to say I will never support it, but somebody needs to show me something more concrete then what I have read and heart about.

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I actually heard somewhere, and someone more qualified than me can chime in, that the umbilical cord would be more usefull for research than stem cell.

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