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My Dad, Hubert Reeves is 79 years old. He Attended Auburn from 1948 to 1953. He's computer iliterate, so I'll post for him. He Graduate in Ag Science 1953. He was a Kappa Sig.  He once told a story about his Frat brothers stealing Chickens from the University.  As it turned out those where experimental chickens and it cost those boys dearly. He gets a gleam in his eye when he tells that story. He is still in good health and a huge AU football fan as is every member of his family.   Merry Christmas  Dad and War Eagle

I am suprised I have never heard the story before.  I would have thought that was a story one of you would have told me at some point.  That is funny...  :) 

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My Dad, Hubert Reeves is 79 years old. He Attended Auburn from 1948 to 1953. He's computer iliterate, so I'll post for him. He Graduate in Ag Science 1953. He was a Kappa Sig.  He once told a story about his Frat brothers stealing Chickens from the University.  As it turned out those where experimental chickens and it cost those boys dearly. He gets a gleam in his eye when he tells that story. He is still in good health and a huge AU football fan as is every member of his family.   Merry Christmas  Dad and War Eagle

I am suprised I have never heard the story before.   I would have thought that was a story one of you would have told me at some point.   That is funny...   :) 

I bet you would like to hear about "cow-tipping" and "deer hunting" at the ag experimental farm on Saturday nights after waaaay too many adult beverages.  Ever try to run down a deer when you're three sheets to the wind?!!  Even Omac couldn't do that!!
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My Dad, Hubert Reeves is 79 years old. He Attended Auburn from 1948 to 1953. He's computer iliterate, so I'll post for him. He Graduate in Ag Science 1953. He was a Kappa Sig.  He once told a story about his Frat brothers stealing Chickens from the University.  As it turned out those where experimental chickens and it cost those boys dearly. He gets a gleam in his eye when he tells that story. He is still in good health and a huge AU football fan as is every member of his family.   Merry Christmas  Dad and War Eagle

Jason, your Dad's name is familar to me.  I was there from '60 to '65, and was wondering if he came back then for graduate work or something else.  Also, last name is spelled differently, but you may be related to ST.
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My Dad, Hubert Reeves is 79 years old. He Attended Auburn from 1948 to 1953. He's computer iliterate, so I'll post for him. He Graduate in Ag Science 1953. He was a Kappa Sig.  He once told a story about his Frat brothers stealing Chickens from the University.  As it turned out those where experimental chickens and it cost those boys dearly. He gets a gleam in his eye when he tells that story. He is still in good health and a huge AU football fan as is every member of his family.   Merry Christmas  Dad and War Eagle

I am familiar with those experimental chickens....they are part of my childhood.

My Dad owned a company in Opelika that made vaccines for the poultry industry, and he did a lot of work with the Auburn School of Veterinary Medicine. I remember seeing all kinds of chickens in Dad's laboratories, including those that had two heads or 3 legs.... ;D

His old facility is an Antique Mall now. :'(

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Old Timers, listen up!! Pops, Golf, AU60 and anybody else on here older than dirt. There is an article on al.com about a book written by Bobby Hoppe's wife, Sherry Lee, "A Matter of Conscience-Redemption of a Home Town Hero, Bobby Hoppe". It is about his struggle with killing the guy that had wronged his sister in the summer of 1957. Very interesting article.

I didn't know he didn't attend the 1957 team reunion in 2007. What a shame. As his wife says in this article, he regretted missing that reunion to his dying day. Pops, as I had related my association with him to you earlier this year, he had already blown this guy away when I met him up close and personal and you could really tell he had some demons within him. I guess his conscience really ate at him all those years. Very tragic story.

I am going to download the book to my wife's Kindle if it is available. Should make interesting reading.


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thanks slammer for letting us know about the book. I seldom go on al.com. Bobby sounds 100 times worse thwn David Langer with the demons. David's demons did not involve guns. He was just biopolar

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Old Timers, listen up!! Pops, Golf, AU60 and anybody else on here older than dirt. There is an article on al.com about a book written by Bobby Hoppe's wife, Sherry Lee, "A Matter of Conscience-Redemption of a Home Town Hero, Bobby Hoppe". It is about his struggle with killing the guy that had wronged his sister in the summer of 1957. Very interesting article.

I didn't know he didn't attend the 1957 team reunion in 2007. What a shame. As his wife says in this article, he regretted missing that reunion to his dying day. Pops, as I had related my association with him to you earlier this year, he had already blown this guy away when I met him up close and personal and you could really tell he had some demons within him. I guess his conscience really ate at him all those years. Very tragic story.

I am going to download the book to my wife's Kindle if it is available. Should make interesting reading.


Thanks slammer, that is a book I want to read.  Merry Christmas to all you ole' folks!!
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Golf, I don't post on al.com, just lurk. I wouldn't be caught dead getting into those 3rd grade playground pissing contests. It is entertaining sometimes to just see the bammers having total meltdowns over AU's success though. 99.9% of those jerks have never spent one hour in the classroom at UAT and couldn't find Tuscaloser on the map with a GPS. I go there strictly for entertainment. I come here to find out what is really going on and even then this place can get rediculous  ;D

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Switching gears a little, since this is the time of year when we all reflect on the past year and the past in general.  I never thought I would see a year of Auburn football this fantastic in my lifetime.  What a magnificant year it has been, with the opportunity to play for a National Chanpionship, a SEC Championship already in the house, a Heisman winner.  I don't know about you other "seasoned" guys, but I have found that Camgate has bothered me much more than my kids, and it has caused some tension in my family.  I am very, very bitter towards the media (which I abhorred already), not only for their lack of professionalism and due diligence, but more so for their taking the joy and celebration of this season and the damage to the reputation of the University I love so much.  I cannot tell you how many times my kids have said:  "Let it go, Dad."  Anybody else having that problem?  On another note, this year has been a very challenging one for me and my family, most of it self-inflicted.  We have just purchased a beautiful old farmhouse (circa 1875) which has recently been remodeled.  We did this because of the beauty and peacefulness of the countryside, the house itself, and to be closer to my granddaughter's private school. ( We have raised her and her sister since they were babies).  This has come, of course, with added financial responsibilities.  But the Dear Lord blessed us with an opportunity to take a management position with a retail grocery company.  But now, instead of retirement, I am working 50-60 hours/week.  All this with a ever-growing arthritic condition in my back and legs.  So it has, indeed, been a very eventful year, but one which I will cherish forever.  Thank you guys for your friendship, and let's go to Glendale and finish this thing!!!

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Pops, your first note is dead on!!!  I agree 100% with what you said.  This is a season to remember forever.  I told my kids, both in their 20s, to cherish this season, even the Camgate part.  I am 54 years old, I told them I have never witnessed an Auburn season like this has been.  I was 1 year old in 1957.  The ups and downs on the field and off the field have aged me even more than my 54 years.  I am glad I have a strong heart.

As for your second note, we will keep you and your family in our prayers.  You take care of yourself.  I know you have to provide for the family but remember, you will be no good to them if you work yourself to the point you can't work any longer. 

Here's hoping that January 10th will be all we hope it is and will be the beginning to a great year for you and yours and for the Auburn Family.

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Pops, your first note is dead on!!!  I agree 100% with what you said.  This is a season to remember forever.  I told my kids, both in their 20s, to cherish this season, even the Camgate part.   I am 54 years old, I told them I have never witnessed an Auburn season like this has been.  I was 1 year old in 1957.  The ups and downs on the field and off the field have aged me even more than my 54 years.  I am glad I have a strong heart.

As for your second note, we will keep you and your family in our prayers.  You take care of yourself.  I know you have to provide for the family but remember, you will be no good to them if you work yourself to the point you can't work any longer. 

Here's hoping that January 10th will be all we hope it is and will be the beginning to a great year for you and yours and for the Auburn Family.

Thanks, a4e, but I guess I want to see if I have one more rodeo left in the tank.  But I will keep everything in perspective.
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Golf, I don't post on al.com, just lurk. I wouldn't be caught dead getting into those 3rd grade playground pissing contests. It is entertaining sometimes to just see the bammers having total meltdowns over AU's success though. 99.9% of those jerks have never spent one hour in the classroom at UAT and couldn't find Tuscaloser on the map with a GPS. I go there strictly for entertainment. I come here to find out what is really going on and even then this place can get rediculous  ;D

I hear you slammer. I started out at al.com about 5 years ago. It was bad but not too bad. But every year since it gets worst. The turds can be entertaining after lossing to us 8 of the last 11 years. Of course they think their dominating us.

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yes pops a very special year indeed. I too could never in my wildest dreams believe this type of season. Us old times have that old feeling something going to mess it up, think of 2004. Then this camgate crap hits us in the middle of the season. Seems like everybody is against but the true Auburn Family sticks together. I ain't letting no one mess up my season this year. Win or loss the NCG I am walking proud as an Auburn Man. Oh another thing since I have been in Orlando for over a month I am getting a ton of War Eagles from Auburn fans as well as Gators fans and a few Nole fans....

War Eagle.

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To all my Aubies, check this guy out. Some of you might have seen this already but if this isn''t the typical "bama fan" I don't know what is. Make sure no kids are around if you watch this. This guy should be neutered. You probably won't make it all the way through the video but you will get the general idea after about 30 seconds.


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Do any of you older guys remember Lloyd Nix during your time at Auburn? I had the opportunity to meet him this past semester and I came away very impressed. He is a true Auburn man. Does anyone have any stories about him?  :wareagle:

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Also one more question for some of our senior Auburn folk. Can someone please explain how a panty raid was executed back in the day. I have been a student at Auburn for more than 3 years now and no one ever talks about panty raids. I did see a pair of panties up in a tree one time last year around the lower quad dorms.  ;D

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Do any of you older guys remember Lloyd Nix during your time at Auburn? I had the opportunity to meet him this past semester and I came away very impressed. He is a true Auburn man. Does anyone have any stories about him?  :wareagle:

I will have to dig into my memory bank for something on him.  He was before me, a man with a solid reputation and character, and a championship leader.  I'll work on something more concrete for us, though.
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Also one more question for some of our senior Auburn folk. Can someone please explain how a panty raid was executed back in the day. I have been a student at Auburn for more than 3 years now and no one ever talks about panty raids. I did see a pair of panties up in a tree one time last year around the lower quad dorms.  ;D

Man, I guess it's a sign of age, but I had forgotten about panty raids.  Here's some info.  Most were impromptu, brought on by Spring fever(most occurred during Spring Quarter).  Something about the nights getting warmer, finals and summer vacation on the horizon.  They typically would start on old frat row or the houses on College Street (Phi Tau and KA especially), then it would build as word got around to the other houses and Mag dorms.  The sororities, located in the women's dorms would soon chime in, and the windows would open and panties would be flying everywhere.  The girls loved it!!  Most of the time, the raids were harmless, but a few times guys tried to get into the dorms, and, of course, as the alcohol took over, some got nasty and fights broke out.  One time, I remember the water hoses coming out!! (that was the extreme!!).  Next morning, when the administators tried to find people to suspend on even arrest, no one knew anything!!
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The late 60's and early 70's the raids were a little more organized. My frat. would let a few other houses know and the little sisters of the frats were given hints of the upcoming raids. As pops said sometimes guys got out of hand and it could get a little rough but usually very tame and alot of fun. I made a few dates from those raids.

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Man I wish I could have went to Auburn during yall's time. I believe if someone ever tried to do that now it would result in jail time! lol. I guess you could get away with a little more back 30 or 40 years ago. Now the only crazy thing I have witnessed on campus is a flash mob. 

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Lambda, re your post on Lloyd Nix, he was a very classy guy as I remember him in 1957. He seemed more mature than the rest of us. He did not possess the talent of the players today. He just somehow out of sheer willpower got the job done. As you might or might not know they played both ways back then. He was a great defenive back when we were on defense. I often wonder how the players today would handle playing both offense and defense.

Panty raids were a lot of fun. Just a little devilish fun that really didn't hurt anyone. I never witnessed any fights that broke out but I am sure there might have been some, I just never saw one. One of the favorite targets was Dorm 5 because that was where the Phi Mus lived. They had a lot of good looking girls in that dorm. There were cuties in every dorm but the Phi Mus seemed to have the most. I don't know what the deal is today. They wouldn't look twice at this old fart anyway  ;D. Getting old is sort of really weird, the mind thinks the same things but your body and your looks just can't stay up. Oh well, beats the alternative. Today is my anniversary of my 72nd trip around the sun. Just glad I made it.  :thumbsup:

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I don't know if they number the dorms anymore like when you mentioned dorm #5. Can anyone tell me where you would find them on campus today? I'm just wondering because I like to know random stuff about AU's campus from back in the day.

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As for the Phi Mu's I can back up slammer's vote for cuties. I dated a Phi Mu for over a year Pam F. from Lake Worth, Fl. I love those Fl. girls. As for Dorm 5 I would bet they are not numbered anymore.

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Lambda, Google "auburn campus map". When you get there zoom in almost all the way in the sattelite mode. The dorm I was talking about is on the corner of Heisman Drive and Mell St. It is known today as Glenn Residence Hall. However, this map does have the old numbers in parenthises. I might have meant Dorm 6 and not 5. Golf, help me out here. My 72 year old brain is having a hard time remembering specifics. I Googled "Phi Mu at Auburn" and from what I saw nothing has changed. They are still a bunch of cuties.  :thumbsup:

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