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Important: Cameron Newton and the Offense


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Guest simonsez

Everything has pretty much be speculation up to this point.  We know that our offense has the potential to beat some teams down.  We know that our defense has the potential to beat some teams down also.  We dont know why the offense was so conservative.  For all we know, Malzahn was trying to rest up our play makers, or Miss St had us figured out or it coulda been that Miss St defense is just a lot better than anyone expected. We just dont know right now.  It all comes down to this...There is potential there.  How soon the offense and defense comes together as one is a question that only time can answer.  But on the occasion that it does happen, I feel sorry for the opposing team.  Can you imagine a defense that plays the way that Auburn defenses used to play paired with our new offense that is clicking on all cylinders?  Complete destruction of every team in our path.

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I just assumed since the offense went all vanilla after our new lineman came in to replace an injured zimba, that the play callling was limited because the guy didn't have a grasp of all the blocking paterns. Seems like a logical explanation to me. Anybody else?

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Let's not forget how important this game was for MSU. They had this game circled since the spring, we got their best shot and like a true heavyweight we weathered the storm and came out on top. I mean this was going to be a program turning game for them, a game to show they can compete in the SEC and if Mullen stays it's not that far off. All you can ask for is week to week improvement and I think we saw that especially on defense. Brace yourselves people it's going to be a special season down on the "lovliest village on the plains"!!

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