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Everything posted by tigerman1186

  1. I can tell you're not president of the Penn State Chamber of Commerce
  2. We need to give Bo and everyone else a break...these kids work hard on the practice field, in the weightroom and in the games...we treat them like they're professional players and they should never make any mistakes...as for Bo, he is a competitor that wants to win every play (maybe that's his downfall at times), but he's the first one (competitor) we've had at QB since Nick...
  3. Since the end of 'camp', the defense faces the scout team...probably walkon QB's....maybe the freshman QB from Texas...the top 3 QB's are practicing against the defensive scout team....
  4. A couple things I've seen so far out of the OL is they are moving their feet on their blocks...not leaning into their blocks, but moving their feet and trying to create some running lanes...Also I've seen some twists with our defensive front...the past all we did was 'bull' rush and couldn't get a lot of pressure on the QB...if you watch Penn State, they do a lot of stunts, twists and shifts at the line to try a confuse the line...we need to be ready for this...
  5. The game boils down to our offensive line play and the passing of Bo...also must be strong on the D and be disruptive on the defensive LOS!!!
  6. Something to build on...but don't let this be the 'high water mark' of the season...regroup and come out ready...let us score a goal in the first minute the next time..
  7. I know we're suppose to take each game at their time, but what are your thoughts about PSU??? They look very stout up front and we haven't had much success against Big Ten schools in the past...hopefully the new coaching staff will have some better ideas than the past regime...
  8. I'd heard if Sean would receive a scholarship this year it would have an impact on our numbers for this coming year...Jason Caldwell mentioned this the other day...
  9. Finally!!!! I hope we play Mizzou, looks like my also pick up a conference win too!!!!
  10. Need to get back where we dominated with both programs...also need to add some outstanding international talents....seems we're making the right moves
  11. A special player at Auburn and a special coach...it looks like the future is bright at running back in about 15 years from now...
  12. Got 3 weeks to improve and get better as a team...kinda expect the offense to struggle, if the information is true...I'm sure the next scrimmage the offense will have more pluses...
  13. Listening to a podcast with Auburn's coach on the Auburn Tiger website and he said the rules are different between college and the Olympics, but he never said what they were, does anyone know how the rules are different???
  14. Hate to see it, but maybe she'll reconsider and sign in November..
  15. So important to EARN a college diploma...congrats to the young men and continue to work in the classroom too....
  16. Nothing against Bo Nix, but is there a market for his signature???? I'd think Miss Lee will reap the awards from her gold medal; and rightfully so....
  17. They made their decision, too much is made by where they were drafted and should they had gone or not...I'm sure if you were in their shoes, you would have gone to the pros...wish them the best...
  18. I think everyone is making too much out of all this NIL stuff....but I can see a player becoming a NASCAR driver during an interview after a game..."first I want to thank....for their sponsorship"...
  19. They both raised the level of their teammates, which is a sign of an outstanding player....Cam had the ability to score every time he had the ball in his hand, Tim needed his teammates...
  20. Curious how the 3 team members were selected??? Was there a 'tryout' for the team??
  21. A year later and nothing has changed with the program...men's is mired towards the basement in the SEC and if it were not for our women in the weight events we would be in the lower end of the conference....it seems Harvey Glance has bama going strong, and he used to be our coach...maybe its time for a change and put more emphasis in the program...
  22. We need to find some 'big boppers'...right now, I don't think we have anyone in our lineup that puts any fear in the opposing pitcher or team...
  23. The players were having fun with Gus...it was mostly the fans who weren't having fun....
  24. Kentucky didn't go after him while he was in high school...Bruce was on him early and got his signature...but I'm sure most Kentucky kids always dream for play at UK, now since he showed them what he could do, I'm sure this is why he wants to return...but I think we all wish we could have seen a healthy team with him, Cooper and the rest...probably would've won a few more games...
  25. I know the MLB draft isn't what it used to be, but does anyone know if these players might be drafted....we lost some last year???
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