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Everything posted by tigerman1186

  1. The last leader we had in the White House was Barbara Bush....
  2. I have faith in Coach Harsin and feel we are still headed in the right direction....but we better come to play next week, we can't let this loss turn into 2 games....
  3. When Koby Hudson dropped the first pass of the game it spread to others and it prevented us to set up any rhythm....not going to 'point fingers' but our offense needs rhythm to be effective....Council not playing hurt a bit too...
  4. I know everyone was happy when they beat bama, but the win gave TAM some credence and they have played well since....I know SC and MIZZO aren't world beaters.....for them beating bama was their (coach) major goal.....because we have Coach Harsin, he'll have us ready and we will win....by 9 points...
  5. Probably according to SEC contract, Vandy has to have at least one game on Saturday night on the ESPN network during the year...
  6. Congrats to him and his family and welcome to Auburn...WDE!!!
  7. Will need to play well...maybe it'll take another pass reception like Bo to Seth to get the win, except this year to Demetris....
  8. Looking forward to the intra-squad game on Friday.....
  9. Who cares about an additional star...just begin those same stats to Auburn when you come...WDE
  10. Need to build whatever Bruce wants....a basketball facility (shared with the women) like we're building for football....
  11. Don't know their positions, but I hope they can all HIT with power....welcome to Auburn!!!!
  12. Setting up for a big weekend...another opportunity for Coach Pearl to magnify the program...wish it would be streamed...
  13. Miss him from Sirius radio in the morning with Danny Kannell....
  14. It would be nice to get some turnovers and more 3 and outs....hopefully we'll have a lot of them for the second half of the season...
  15. I remember when Randy got hurt during bowl practice, it was the only time in my 4 years that Kenny Howard ran over to an injured player....usually Kenny would take 2 puffs off his cig and walk on over after getting out of the cart with Coach Jordan....
  16. Will take the win.....but I was hoping to see some twists or stunts up front with our DL....we seem to do mostly bull rush, not too much fighting trying to get off the lineman (no swim technique)...also, like to see more 3 and outs....
  17. Coach O 'ain't going nowhere'....rather have him at LSU than bring in a coach that knows what he's doing....at least he beats up on Mullen and UF!!
  18. Get the bus started, we're coming back to Auburn with a W!!!!!
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