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Everything posted by auburn41

  1. Dude, I admire you for trying but the partisan crowd you are talking to are "all in" on Orange Man Bad because he was not nice and fought back after being spied on and lied about every day. Now they actually believe that the worst President in US History is not performing that badly. More outrageous BS couldn't be made up although Homer's "reputable news sources" try everyday!!
  2. Youngster, I don't doubt Don Henley referenced Fox News in the video you posted (he is liberal as hell). I was speaking more to who could he have possibly been thinking about when the song was written? Fox News didn't exist then!! The truth is that he was poorly treated by the news media when a 16 year old girl almost died at his house because of a drug overdose. He was not originally talking about Fox News!!!! I did not watch the video. I don't have to listen to the song again.....I know it by heart. I've literally heard it almost my entire life!!
  3. Well damn. Don Henley could see the future huh? The song was released in 1982 and Fox News didn't start until 1996. I guess Henley was singing about the main stream media and CNN.
  4. Then the Gov of the Great State of Oregon says, "hold my beer." You can't make this stuff up! PORTLAND, Ore. (TND) — Schools in Oregon will soon be required to place menstrual products in all restrooms, including boys' restrooms, and Portland Public Schools are preparing to follow that requirement. https://kpic.com/news/local/oregon-public-schools-will-put-period-products-instructions-in-every-student-bathroom
  5. You just can't make this stuff up. The Disinformation Czar is a Left Wing Hack. The equivalent on this board would be making Coffee, Homer or McDoofus the Disinformation Czar! https://nypost.com/2022/04/28/who-thought-a-clearly-partisan-hack-should-be-bidens-disinformation-czar/
  6. Wow, you nailed that one (just like usual)! 😀
  7. Ha, safe to assume everyone reading this board knows you are a bomb throwing, virtue signaling, lightweight moron.
  8. If you are referring to me as the "DUMBASS," (not really easy to tell with all the BS virtue signaling) you can bite me!
  9. Well damn, when I saw the title "Mr. James your hate" I was sure this post was about this guy https://www.nytimes.com/2022/04/13/nyregion/frank-james-subway-shooting.html I was wrong. Why haven't there been a bunch of posts about Frank James or this recent shooting in Sacramento? https://www.sacbee.com/news/local/article260465242.html
  10. Elon wants to buy it ALL! It seems he may want to get back to the whole "Free Speech" concept.
  11. Strangely, she is about the only First Lady that was not married to a lifelong Politician. Even someone like you should understand that, and there are plenty of pics of her that you can post.
  12. Well, It is a good thing you are a Lib. Any conservative would have at least been harassed as being a racist, or at most banned from this board, for doubting an African American's "claim" or making fun of their developmental disorder.😇
  13. Here is Elon Musk's definition of "Wokeness."................"At its heart, wokeness is divisive, exclusionary, and hateful. It basically gives mean people a shield to be mean and cruel, armored in false virtue."
  14. I can't believe you would even mention the REC or Bama recruiting......especially without evidence of wrongdoing! Everyone knows they've always operated within the rules! More of the "Big Lie" from you 😇
  15. Wait until Republicans show up to protest and bang on the doors of the court building......maybe they will ride an elevator with Jeff Flake and get him to change his mind again...oh wait...he didn't run again. Bork, Janice Rogers Brown (would possibly have been the first female of color on the SC but the Circuit Court vote was held up by the Dems), Clarence Thomas....the Dems own the Supreme Court confirmation process the way it is today! https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2018/oct/04/kavanaugh-supreme-court-protests-washington
  16. Wow, it seems like she may be the Yin to your Yang. You guys are a lot alike!
  17. Obviously......the only explanation.......is because those damn Republicans are so partisan🤣
  18. Well damn, maybe the Republicans should have come up with a dude from her high school days (that she didn't remember) that claims she tried to rape him, in a house that he couldn't identify, and none of the people he said were present and could corroborate his story had any recollection of it ever happening. Then they should have this dude tell his story in front of the Judiciary Committee and broadcast live on TV in order to try to ruin her family and reputation. If the Republicans had come up with this idea.....then they really would be guilty of resorting to whatever it takes! I guess Mr. Chemerinsky forgot that this is what the Democrats did to Brett Kavanaugh!!!!
  19. Rio Bravo is also better because of Dean Martin and Ricky Nelson's version of "My Rifle, My Pony and Me" and then Walter Brennen joins them on "Get Along Home, Cindy Cindy."
  20. One of the many perks of being a Democrat living in DC with all the other D's that live off of the Federal Government. The next Republican President should move every one of the Government agencies out of DC. Move each of them to "fly-over" country in different cities and states. It would be great for the cities that get influx of new high paying jobs and for sure all the sycophantic D's that work for the Department of Agriculture (for example) would likely not want to move from DC to some place like Dubuque Iowa!
  21. John Huang says hello from about 25 years ago!
  22. Sorry I hurt your feelings, I didn't know you were so sensitive. If you need a rebuttal from me when I give you a "thumbs down" in the future, then you can attribute my opinions to be 180 degrees from yours. You battle it out with three or four others on this forum to be the most wrong on just about everything you discuss. I'll steal a quote from a terrible Democrat Senator that had a Chinese spy as a driver for 20 years to describe you........"The dogma lives loudly in you."
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