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Everything posted by shabby

  1. At this point can we just sweep it under the rug like every other program and move on
  2. I wish him all the success he deserves. Which is none
  3. I dont think it is criminally illegal to distribute a consensual filmed sex video. But what do I know?
  4. If the video was taken without permission then yes that a problem. But if it was taken and all were aware then it woukd be ridiculous to remove Hunter from the team for this
  5. Baffled that you don't see the clear difference between Malzahn and Harsin.
  6. run blocking was lightyears better than what we have seen the last few years.
  7. I imagine this game will go into weather delay for most the day if radar proves accurate
  8. A big hell no to three and four. To me that's part of the strategy of play calling and time management. I would miss that part of the game
  9. This whole give Ashford a chance argument seems strange. Why not recruit the best qb we can get and let the two battle it out in spring or Fall camp. Maybe Ashfrd will improve. maybe he won't. But right now we need contingency plans
  10. Such a deep south south mindset. We gotta keep it in the family 🙄
  11. All these recruits Harsin dragged his feet on? The sabotage was real
  12. No surprises. I wish him well and he made the right decision. Auburn will he fine as well
  13. I am very excited about the staff Freeze has assembled. I'm also thrilled to know that he made the decisions rather than having the decisions forced upon him. It feels good to feel good about Auburn Football again!
  14. War Eagle Coach Thorton. I'm excited about what Auburn can be again with an offensive line coach that can coach them up while the focus on recruiting is amped up. This is gonna be a great hire.
  15. For those worried about the names mentioned.. ... When have the names mentioned ever been the coaches we get?
  16. I like how Trump plays dumb. I didn't know the guy Kenye brought to dinner. Next up. I' didn't know Kanye had a long history of antisemitism. Either Trump embraces antisemitic tropes or he is truly the most uninformed person ever. Either is am obvious disqualifier to hold office
  17. I'm just gonna say It. I don't thank anybody's going to come looking at our offensive lineman entering the portal has a good get
  18. How did we get to a point where its tolerated to flirt if not all but embrace Nazism. The latest from kanYE “Well, I see good things about Hitler, also. Every human being has value that they brought to the table, especially Hitler… They did good things too. We have to stop dissing the Nazis all the time.” — Kanye West, talking to Alex Jones. This is the person Trump invited to dinner.
  19. I hope continuing to play with an injury didn't create lasting damage
  20. You got me. The pic needs a little context though
  21. I get it you dislike Joe Biden. Didn't you have other Republican choices that you could have voted for in the primary? Again the hypocrisy of people planning about you freeze while voting for Trump is mind-boggling but not all together and surprising in this Society. We have a long history of selective moral outrage
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