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Everything posted by roe4christ

  1. I stepped away and missed the last TD by Tank. Can someone tell me how that drive went?
  2. If you put Holden in, I think it would break Ashford. Seems to wear his feelings on his sleeves. Plus, you don't want to risk an injure when you don't need to.
  3. Sorry, but Ashford is just bad at QB. No body fears him at all passing the ball. Yes, he completes one or two every so often but the other things he does negates those couple of pass completions. Next year can't get here quick enough.
  4. Man, our offense is bad. Can't wait until next year. Robby at another position and a new OL.
  5. I would like it to be Florida
  6. Saw this a few minutes ago. The impression I’m getting from various reports across the Auburn landscape is that Auburn was set on Kiffin, but then 1-2 other coaches not being considered came forward quietly. In a kind of Kelly-LSU way. We’ll see, but that would give AU some leverage anyway.
  7. At another position. If you can't pass, you can't play quarterback. Like the guy but he would be more helpful in another role. He does have talent.
  8. He must get a stout DC. It has been his achilles heal. Don't think he has ever had a problem with his offense. Its been the defense that has folded. Need a bull dog as his DC. Get Muschamp back.
  9. Is it true that Alabama's Football Performance Facility cost 288 million? Ours cost 92 millon? Not a troll, honest question.
  10. If we trot that mess out on the court with most of the SEC teams, we are going to leave with a loss. Harsh, but that was some ugly basketball. Its early and Chance will return soon, but let's hope we do a lot of growing up in the next couple of weeks.
  11. Until he can get aggressive in the post and be a presence, he belongs on the bench......not starting. He has no inside game. Plays very passively.
  12. Cardwell is definitely better than Broome. Not impressed with Broome at all. At least Cardwell brings energy, can shoot close to the basket, and is a better FT shooter.
  13. They are playing so much harder than we are. We deserve to lose tonight. Playing so lethargic. Can't believe this is a BP team.
  14. Gosh......Broome is terrible. Put the ball in the whole. Act like you have played in the post before and go up strong.
  15. Al will likely never play professionally. He is just not that good. Too many mistakes/turnovers. Hits an occasional shot but absent most of the time on the offensive end. He is better on defense than offense.
  16. Sad. No inside game (Broome looks like a robot with no post moves and Cardwell looks no better than last year). Guards can't shoot to save their life. Way too many dumb plays that is resulting in TO's and easy baskets on the other end. Not boxing out. Just an uninspired effort. Just going through the motions which scares me. Get AU on the ropes and they are done......no coming back. Had high expectations for this team but after what I witnessed in the first half......depressing. We'll see how they come out at halftime after, I hope a real tongue lashing from Bruce.
  17. This is not a #15 team. Not even close. Can't believe this much of a drop off from last year's team, even with Smith and Kessler leaving.
  18. This is going to be an ugly season based on what we are seeing in this game.
  19. This looks pathetic. We are in trouble in the SEC. This team is nowhere near last year's team. They have no go-to person on offense. Maybe that will be Westry.....let's hope so. They just look so discombobulated.
  20. I see that is the problem with Lane. It's not about whether he's better than Deion or others but what it would cost to get him. Not only are you talking about the high salary he would demand but add on to that the buyout that you would have to pay......all while being on the hook for two buyouts already. Is Lane that much better? Is he worth it? I just don't know. Again, it is not my money but it seems for that reason alone, I would not seriously consider Lane. I have always maintained that Deion would be my preferred choice. Having said that, I don't know what he would require in salary but I am sure it is better than what it would take to get Lane. Is Deion a risk.......of course? Would he bring in top talent immediately and recruit a good coaching staff......of course. I just think this is the time to take the chance. Maintaining status quo, which we are known for has not gotten us where we want to be.
  21. yeah, hard to predict until we have a coach first. We'll have at least a week or more to discuss/debate this once the new coach is hired, whomever that might be.
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