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Tiger Refuge

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Everything posted by Tiger Refuge

  1. I didn’t notice this before. So, Pro Freezers are happy?
  2. This is where we are now. We are not gonna win the game next weekend. So there better be top tier class in the wings.
  3. So you didn’t watch the game but you wanna lecture folks? Okay.
  4. That’s what I love. “We don’t have the talent yet….” BS. Line up and beat the man in front of you.
  5. Be interesting to see how Freeze handles the presser.
  6. Man, Freeze must have been recruiting his ass off this last week.
  7. This game was over before it started. Unmotivated and ill prepared.
  8. Someone check and see if Polar Express is on tv right now.
  9. Parking tickets. At a college?! Oh, the horror.
  10. Man, you already putting that fried chicken voodoo over my day. Now I’m gonna have to run to my favorite gas station later.😬
  11. Big congrats man! Soak it up, because time is about to speed up!
  12. There is so much happening in this gif. I love it.
  13. Me neither. If anyone can screw up a “sure thing” in recruiting…
  14. Well, we certainly know what not recruiting gets us.
  15. I think this is the hardest thing for me. I mean, if you told me before the game started that we would be in the game all the way till the final whistle and lose on a late td, I would have been tickled. The reality is that, the sting is still greater than the gratitude. And I think that’s normal. I just want to keep getting better. I’m so tired of the inconsistency.
  16. It’s like football gumbo. Add all the ingredients, turn the heat up and simmer. Oh and drink beer(s) while watching it come together.
  17. Yeah, I’m not panicking. Mostly because there are a ton of new pieces in place that are still trying to come together on both the staff and players. Also, CHF asked for patience from the fans. Okay, you got it, Coach.
  18. LSU defense is as suspect as Brian Kelly’s southern accent.
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