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Everything posted by icanthearyou

  1. So you really want to contend that NMSU has better players than we do??? We were seriously outclassed in coaching today. They were more prepared, more physical, better game plan, excellent play calling. We were not prepared at all,,, in any way.
  2. We all knew Holloway would be good. Didn't know he would be this good. The freshman is playing like a veteran. He is special.
  3. Better players??? On paper, recruiting stars, NIL money,,, we have much better players than NMSU. NOTHING we did today indicated that we were in any way prepared. The mismatch today was purely coaching.
  4. Yes they did. https://www.reuters.com/world/us/us-senate-democrats-block-republican-bid-aid-israel-not-ukraine-2023-11-07/ The Democrats obviously hate Israel. Israel is doomed. We are doomed. Prepare now for life under the combined rule of the Iranians, Hamas and, the Taliban. Biden, Soros, Clinton, Fauci are all communist idiots. Clearly,,, the correct course of action is to attack Grenada, bomb Iraq, defund the IRS, then cut all cabinet officials salaries to $1 annually, hold up all military promotions, a tax cut for the ultra wealthy, cut Social Security and, physically threaten all those who disagree. The only problem in this country can be summed up in one word,,, Democrats. They are playing political games with our national security. We must stop the socialist now. This country is collapsing under socialist rule. When will people wake up and realize that what this country needs is more poverty, more billionaires, more assault rifles, more unwanted children, and NO socialism. Damnit,,, people want to ingest benzene from their gas appliances, people want incandescent light bulbs. We will not be denied. Freedumb!
  5. The truth will come out in the impeachment inquiry. All that smoke and, a laser focused investigative team will bring down the whole Biden crime family.
  6. This is all a set up. The guy is undoubtedly a member of ANTIFA and BLM. He is the same guy who killed Seth Rich for the Clintons. He is the same guy who programmed Venezuelan voting machines to change Trump votes to Biden votes. He's the guy who infiltrated the peaceful visitors to the capital on January 6th and, turned them violent. This guy reports to Biden, Clinton, Fauci. He is on the George Soros payroll. Damnit people,,, can't you see the truth?
  7. Well,,, not you. Also, you left out ignorance as part of the equation. Them demoncrats is all socialists. They hate America. They wont too destroy America. You know how that goes.
  8. The problem is not the structure of our government. The problem lies in the fact that WE have allowed the government to be compromised, purchased, corrupted by the wealthy. WE have legalized corruption by not legislating limits on PACs, lobbyists, insider trading, (term limits?). We have reinforced the idea that money should have an outspoken voice in the political process through Citizens United. We are diminishing democracy in every way. Our government has become nothing but a scam. It is about political power serving economic power. WE allow it. WE vote for it. WE want to be their servants. WE are cowards and no longer deserve democracy.
  9. Well,,, how about that impeachment inquiry? What happened to all of the smoke? Are we not going to save the country from the Biden crime family? That should rally the base. Can you run on openly saying that your only goal is to consolidate power and destroy democracy?
  10. Disagree. It all started with Republicans feasting on the vile ideas of Rush Limbaugh. He taught one half of the country to hate, despise, loath the other half. He created the hateful echo chamber. In the end,,, I do not believe he did it out of any spirit other than greed. Trump did not create the emotional, ignorant hate. He merely exploited what was already there.
  11. Now you have changed the focus. You have gone from "capitalism versus big government" to Trump. Either way, ignorance, misinformation, the manipulation through fear and anger,,, no matter, all part of the same issue,,, propaganda and indoctrination that stifles thought and demands conformance to power. Are you a servant to power or,,, to principle. Trump has never been the sickness. He is merely a symptom. Again, politics is class warfare. Truth must be gleaned through history, logic, humanity. Many are incapable of understanding. They are driven by emotion, manipulation, indoctrination. The answer is the same,,, balance through the dispersion of power. Democracy, education, information are the keys. Left and right are not social directions (that is a distraction). They are political economic directions. They are all about who will economically benefit from political power. The real question is,,, are we on course, too far left or, too far right. In an environment of growth, with historic, dramatic inequality,,, I think the answer is obvious.
  12. It is the issue. It is always the issue. It is politics. Totally "free" markets is a delusion. You see it as a personal contest. That is wrong because,,, power is constantly in play. Too many forget how power moves the supply/demand curves. Good government is necessary to balance power so that power cannot consolidate and destroy capitalism and democracy.
  13. No. Those people consolidating power, buying government, creating poverty, debt are the problem. It's not that they are capitalists,,, they are not. It's that they are sociopaths with insatiable greed for wealth and, lust for power. I know you think highly of them, believe they are special. By what virtue? They aren't the ones creating. They are too often the ones with the power and desire to monetize.
  14. Yeah, you just cannot win anymore. The super wealthy are getting crushed. American business has never seen such a decline. And,,, as we have spent years reducing the size of government (privatization), only the cost of government increases. Seems as though American business just cannot buy enough government.
  15. The problems have nothing to do his proposal. Our spending (per capita) is in line with other developed countries (our military expenditures and, lack of social spending being exceptional). Not to mention,,, most of our social programs have their own revenue stream outside of normal income taxes,,, employment taxes. Our problems lie in taxation and inequality (privatization as well). We either have to raise the rates or, reduce the loopholes (exceptions for those that demand REAL investment). Pushing the burden down to the state level is entirely disingenuous as,,, every state in our country has a regressive tax structure. The wealthiest country in history should not be creating poverty through inequality. That is immoral, unpatriotic, unsustainable. As the government goes further into debt, as the number of people living near/at/below the poverty line increases,,, the top .1% in this country have tripled their share of wealth since 1980 (seriously, they are over taxed?). We need to balance the interests of society and capital, not merely surrender to the power of capital. If we wish to live in a better society,,, the answer is clear. And again,,, broadening the economy will also broaden the tax base. This idea of a weak government with a strongman leader is purely ignorant, undemocratic, certainly not what functioning capitalism is about. For the love of God,,, please stop promoting inequality.
  16. Or,,, we deserved the skepticism and,,, are so paranoid that we truly believe we are victimized.
  17. Yeah. The traditionally powerless and marginalized people ruin everything for those of us who had the decency to be white, male, christian.
  18. Simply not true. 1. Who blocked the two state solution in the U.N. 2. Taking land, continuing to take land is THE "first strike". Treating people like animals ("putting them on a diet") is a first strike. 3. Genocide is genocide, outright violence or, by slow, methodical means.
  19. Again,,, disingenuous. You are clinging to a problem that does not exist. You ignore the real problem which is lack of resources for far too many. Your stance seems purely political to me. Therefore,,, along with the disingenuous response,,, I cannot respect your "thinking".
  20. When we look to the love of Jesus in our hearts for guidance,,, we will usually do what is right. When we look to worldly power/authority,,, we will further the problems of this world. No sir. However, I will not diminish the message of Jesus with religion.
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