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Everything posted by AU9377

  1. Indeed, an expression of pure grace. How in the world did he leave out ISIS and that man that Obama is married to?
  2. My first thought is that there is some serious over paying underway. I don't disagree with anything you said and I will be making a contribution earmarked for baseball, but paying players more in NIL than they would ever make playing in the minors, in addition to providing them with all of the other benefits that come with being a student athlete at a major university seems to be a fools errand at the end of the day. We have allowed this all to come to fruition, so I guess all we can do is hold on tight and hope for a soft landing.
  3. Let me pick my surprise face up off the floor..... imagine that...Fox "News" suggesting that the boogey man himself, OBAMA, as you say, "had some involvement....etc." They probably still secretly believe that he wasn't born in Hawaii or that his mother and her Kansas upbringing are all made up in this scheme.
  4. You would tell a city that they could not have a Christmas tree? I wouldn't. Why is allowing a municipality to decide for themselves a bad idea? What Ft Lauderdale does may be different than what Ocala does. That should be ok and should be a local decision.
  5. If the state sent out a notice that the state would be placing red, white and blue lights on all bridges located on state roads and highways in listed municipalities, that wouldn't cause as much as a brow being raised. That isn't what the decree is reported as being. Instead, the governor has notified municipalities that IF they choose to light up bridges over the summer, that they MUST use red, white and blue lights only. You and I both know what that is directed toward. That is directed at those cities that have chosen to light up bridges for Pride events or any of a number of other causes. He doesn't have the authority to enforce the decree, but most municipalities will simply choose not to go thru the hassle of fighting the little man over it. I would feel the same way if another governor required municipalities to light up their bridges in colors representing whatever the cause may be. I would say that the governor shouldn't get into telling municipalities how to decorate withing the city.
  6. All of Comer's "smoking guns" seem to have jammed royally. Not surprising and actually standard operating procedure for House Republicans that get their marching orders from Fox Entertainment more than actual intelligence services or their constituents.
  7. In a strange twist, I almost give Trump some kudos for going in and speaking to what he had to know would not be a very welcoming audience. Of course, they did try to pack the place with supporters. They just failed.
  8. As you are smart enough to know, there is no issue with the red, white and blue lights. The only issue is with dictates from a governor that becomes more petty by the hour. I appreciate your service and simply believe that division amongst the citizens of this country undermines everything that service protected. Actions by government officials should be directed toward finding common ground, instead of fertilizing those seeds of division.
  9. As to why Roe wasn't codified before now...... There was no perceived need to get bloodied in that fight. The Supreme Court has a very long history of abiding by its own precedent and had consistently done so. Even justices appointed by conservative presidents had respected the prior decisions once they were on the court. There are only a couple of times in the history of the country that the court has reversed a prior decision of that magnitude and had never discarded a right previously found to exist by the Court. There is now a clear majority of Americans that believe a woman should have the right to control her own body, at least up to the 15 week mark and that there should always exist exceptions for the health of the mother, rape and incest. The issue will continue to be used against Republican candidates to the extent that many Republicans are now endorsing a codification of Roe.
  10. It is so true and honestly much worse............
  11. It has been a business, but not a regular business. A regular business does not use profits to disperse to non business pursuits within its own department. A regular business does not survive when faced with decades of not being profitable (which most athletic departments aren't). Coaches are hired to train student athletes and win games. They can just as easily be fired as they can be hired by another institution.
  12. The federal govt has to do one thing. They have to pass an exemption to U.S. anti-trust laws. They are the only entity that has the power to do that. If that is not done, we are doomed.
  13. Simple only by your conclusion. The entire ordeal should have never been based on political positioning. This is the first time in our history that we placed politics above what was best for every man, woman and child. Not one single ridiculous conspiracy theory was shown to be anything more than nonsensical rants of people that wanted attention. As always, when one doesn't prove to be true, another is right around the corner.
  14. No.. I am saying that assuming it is part of some cover up involving Covid is putting the cart before the horse.
  15. I had an Italian friend (from Northern Italy) just come out and ask me in 2016.... How can your country claim to be by the people when the person that loses the popular vote by 3.5 million votes wins the election? Trying to justify that system convinced me of just how ridiculous it actually is.
  16. Using the phrase "seem to implicate" means that they do not contain any connection to other than unsupported suppositions. I am still not certain what the hunt is for exactly. I guess when people didn't die from taking the vaccine, a new angle needed to be taken.
  17. If it is work related, it should be communicated by work email. If someone is using their personal email for work purposes, then it should be fair game to be reviewed. If it is not work related, they should have the same privacy as anyone else.
  18. Absolutely. A comprehensive plan that would allow a reasonable stipend that is incapable of being used as an inducement in recruiting is essential for the sport to continue to grow. NIL being used as a pay to play scheme is a recipe for system wide failure and the loss of opportunity for many of the most deserving student athletes. If university presidents have any integrity at all, they must insist that guardrails be placed that require minimum educational pursuits. If not, the teams should not be part of the university. I would rather the system be scrapped totally and we adopt the Ivy league model than we totally capitulate and treat the athletes as simply employees and not students.
  19. My first thought was that before 2016 the statute of limitations has run and they are prevented from suing. You could also be correct. I will read more about it over the weekend. There are still so many problems out there. Title IX is still in full force and that means that you will have to make a reasonable effort to make pay across the sports as equitable as possible. Scholarship numbers will also require additional women's sports teams at most Power conference schools. More than anything, Congress has to get off its lazy ass and get an anti-trust exemption pass in order to restore some sense of structure.
  20. Note that former student athletes eligible for damages include only those that were active from 2016 forward. Student athletes prior to 2016 are not eligible for damages. There are so many missing parts to this moving forward. It is obvious that there is still no real plan or consensus, other than everyone believing that they are entitled to as much money as they can get as quickly as they can get it.
  21. Does he remember that he met his wife when she was an out of work model who was out of money and was about to be forced to go back to Slovenia where her career began? Somehow he has convinced himself that when they met she was interested in his hotness more so than his song and dance about being a billionaire. She was so enamored with his hotness that she refused to move to the White House in early 2017 without first renegotiating her prenuptial agreement. Trump, being the same age as her father, got the deal done. I doubt due to hotness.
  22. Or he could be a loud mouthed self righteous ass that believes he is always the smartest guy in the room. I'm not defending him. I am simply pointing out that using a lack of information to prove a supposition is not very helpful at all. Some people will take this article and assume that it proves some clandestine plan was underway. People still try to pull Fauci into every conspiracy known to man since Covid. Government employees on every level should be smart enough by now to not use their work provided email account for all of their communications. It isn't always due to something that they are doing that is unethical or illegal, but often out of concern that something they do or say will be twisted or misinterpreted and used against them at a later time.
  23. I have heard rumblings of that as well. Her hesitation, from what I understand, has a lot to do with her daughter. I can understand that. Oklahoma currently pays her around $240k so she isn't hurting for the money. I just think u have to make the call at least.
  24. Jennifer Rocha, current Oklahoma Associate Head coach and pitching coach would be an excellent choice if she is willing to leave Oklahoma, where most of her family resides.
  25. There was hazing, but we didn't go that far.
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