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Old fan 47

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Everything posted by Old fan 47

  1. That may be. I honestly think he returns, but unless we can get some very talented O linemen plugged in, it may not matter who is under center. I def agree TJ was not the answer and we obviously don’t know much about DD, but Gernier spelling, may be it. I have to trust Harsin for at least 2 to 3 years, to see if he can change it from the previous regime, which in my opinion had gotten stale and lazy.
  2. Be angry, to the post w the red face, but until you live by GA fans forever and hear their BS, when they’ve won nothing in 40 years, it actually makes Bama fans seem partially sane.
  3. I think DD is obviously not ready. With Gernier coming in, he may never get a true shot, but who knows. I think we’ve seen the last of Bo, which is okay. He was a serviceable QB, that had some great games and also had his share of duds. Personally, I think it’s time for a change. I just don’t know if DD is the one and I truly believe TJ isn’t either.
  4. After Bama exposing the vaunted GA D, I’m not sure they beat Michigan. I don’t like Harbaugh, but living in GA, I can’t stand the pups.
  5. Totally agree. Then again our O this year was very Vanilla and that didn’t work with our O line. In my opinion, I’m not going to be upset if Bo decides to move one. A new QB and OC may work out. Then again, if recruiting doesn’t pick up, none of it will matter. Harsin has a long way to go at the moment. I hope I’m wrong, but he sometimes seems uninterested in recruiting, which is a death sentence in the SEC.
  6. Agree. Not everything can fall on the OC if the D can’t stop people. With that being said, we took an overrated Bama team to the brink w a backup QB and very shotty play calling. Honestly, give me Kittley, a healthy tank and jarquez, 2 more talented O linemen and one number 1 receiver, I think this team wins 4 more games next year. Now, is Nix the answer for another season with a 60% completion rate, or does this new guy Gernier come in and blow he and Finley away? I for one think DD is more of a J Franklin III than a top tier QB for the SEC. JMO.
  7. Then that’s a good thing in my opinion. Then again, I expect Harsin to go w another Boise guy he knows. It’s his ass on the line though.
  8. True. It just seems he may be an unheard of guy with good O instincts. We need fresh thoughts from an OC. Bobo unfortunately didn’t update his play calling. Ultimately, I am sure Harsin goes w his guy, which is his right, but he better hope he can recruit and can bring PAC 10 offense to the SEC, which doesn’t necessarily translate very well all of the time.
  9. Per an article on the mobile register, it is down to Hill, kittley and dameyune Craig. Just from briefly reading their accomplishments, Kittley would be my choice. I am very on the fence about Harsin wanting to bring in all these Midwest coaches. Kittley has worked with mahomes at TTU and then at WKU, which is closer to us. As for Craig, I know he’s considered a great recruiter, but I don’t know anything about how accomplished a play caller he is. Any thoughts on this?
  10. Agreed. Not sure he is as big a team player as he is portrayed. No doubt he loves AU, but his father was not a selfish player and that may be why he was successful during a tough time in AU football. I just wonder.
  11. May need a little better known name. Guys coming from out west don’t know how to recruit the SE and without Bobo, we are going to need more help recruiting. Not sure how many 3 and 4 stars but into a 6/6 program. Then again, there will be plenty of opportunity to play early with the portal taking and giving.
  12. If that’s the case I hope so too. Hard to develop freshmen right out of HS to be ready for SEC. An above average line changes a lot.
  13. Agree. I also think Tank could hit the portal. Why should he stay here behind the line AU trots out? A lot of holes on this team and needs to address and that includes the coaching staff. This is a few recruiting cycles, which obviously need to be better assessed than the last few, away from really challenging UGA. We hung w Bama and w less talent, but that’s not unheard of over this rivalry the last few years when AU plays them at home.
  14. I agree. He looks too uncomfortable in the pocket and even before the ankle injury, he does not move very well. Don’t see him ever winning a starting job at AU. As far as DD, maybe he just needs more work than we know. Excited for HG to show up and see what he can do.
  15. With my earlier prediction i still stand by the O line play and the offensive play calling. With that being said, we played a great game tonight against a superior opponent. The D, in my opinion as they have in the 2 prior losses gave our O multiple chances to at the very least, put 3 on the board, but for some reason or another, which I may never understand, our really really bad OC kept trying to run the ball between the tackles behind a really poor OL. I am all for giving Harsin time to put his plan for the team in place, but I just don’t see Bobo, being innovative enough to beat a lot of teams. That’s why his first HC job at Colorado State was disastrous. Harsin has some tough decisions to make on this staff, but our backup Kicker was actually great. Too bad our stagnant O didn’t get him in range the times the D gave them the chance.
  16. Make your point then. What was so untrue about what I posted? We are in year nine of mediocre coaches and had Chizik not won a title, that streak is really longer. Plus we are so far behind in recruiting right now, that all of the great players are going to be gone. I must be the one that thinks Harsin, whom I wasn’t against hiring, is going to develop a lot of 3 star kids.
  17. We have no D-line, a very suspect secondary, a 3 star QB, no O-line, no dependable receivers, no starting kicker and a extremely, extremely suspect Head coaching, OC, DC, OL, secondary, WR coached team. At this point, in my opinion it’s really a moot point. BAMA- whatever they want AU- 16. Pile on, because this program is a dumpster fire. Hell you can’t compare it to FL or LSU, because they have at least won more titles.
  18. Yeah I read that as well. That’s so bad when your DC can’t recognize changing things even when they are repetitive plays. I was never sold on Mason as the DC and the last few games have just confirmed my doubts. As far as Bobo, supposedly he and Harsin have a lot of the same views as far as play calling. This will get much uglier for a few years until a light clicks on in the powers or should I say the idiots to be. This is now a 2nd rate school and other than the stupid money they throw out to coaches who are out of their league, why would you want to play or coach here? We are along w LSU, Vandy and maybe SC, who has beaten us 2 in a row. AU is on a bad trajectory.
  19. Tank is gone after this year and he probably won’t be the only one. This program is in big big trouble.
  20. We may have less talent, but I see 0 from Harsin recruiting that makes me think we have a shot. We are a bottom tier SEC team and i don’t see that changing in even 2 or 3 years. I will eat crow, because for all of Gus’s faults, he at least pretended to know what he was doing. Harsin looks worse and more confused than some of the top tier HS teams coaches.
  21. I would say AU hiring Briles is par for the pathetic course this program has been on for years. The LSU job is such a more appealing job to any coach with a bit of a brain. LSU has been a top tier program over the years. AU has and is now a SEC bottom feeder program. 6-6! Wow and we got rid of one self proclaimed genius, just to hire another. We are now 4 to 5 years behind GA and Bama, Tamu and both Miss teams. Pathetic uninspired football.
  22. Agreed. As much as Gus’ recruiting dwindled, as I feared, Harsin can’t recruit in the South. His 2 main coordinators are a detriment to this team. I only hope the morons in control that Gus a huge buyout after 1 good year don’t fall for that again. Most uninspired D I have seen since the Bowden days. This program is the worst in the West and it’s not really close.
  23. Well I never said that. If he is the future. AU is screwed!!!!! Bottom line.
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