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Old fan 47

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Everything posted by Old fan 47

  1. Thank you. He basically cost UGA a lot of wins and Richt his job and if Harsin isn’t careful, the same will happen. Finley is very bad! He may have an arm but his accuracy is worse than Bo’s. I hope the Holden kid is better. This is not the O for DD. This is also the most pathetic AU D I have seen in a long while. Buckle up, because Harsin cant recruit in the South. There is far too many problem areas and the current coaches aren’t capable of teaching. Pile on, because any disagreement is empty and just undeniable. This is an awful team and I now will eat my words about Gus.
  2. Not sure on either question, but I’m worrying the HC has lost or is losing the team. As I said we need a new OC and a new DC, but more than that we need a new game plan. Harsin will get 3 years but after the last 3 weeks he deserves no more. Finley may be the worst QB I’ve seen in a while. This program is in trouble.
  3. He may. The play calling by Bobo has been atrocious. We should have been running Tank so much more. Finley also can’t take a snap. And now I will say this AU needs a new QB and a new different OC and DC. This is so pathetic 3 weeks in a row.
  4. Agree. He has a great arm, but it’s very inaccurate as Bo is and our D is complete s***. Fire Mason or risk sinking this team even further. His scheme sucks. This is a really bad football team. I would love to hear arguments, but Harsin has a lot of work and decisions to make.
  5. Exactly. We have not had a good pass rush since Holland a few years ago. Our DT’s have been stellar but they are there to create spaces for the ends and stop the run, occasionally getting into the backfield. I do not like the 3/4 with AU. I’m no coach at all, but we have done little to nothing in getting pressure on SEC teams this year. All I know about Mason is that he was at Vandy for a number of years, but that obviously carries no weight. Harsin, as the HC will have to reassess some of the coaches he has hired. Not saying Mason is not worthy, but he came from a losing program, from the SEC east which has been weak for almost 20 years. If he can recruit, does his scheme really work in the toughest division in College Football? As of 10 games in against the best competition, I don’t think it translates. Pile on now, but this D is soft on the front and has no big guys, which are needed to move an OL.
  6. Scares me too. We have an issue with making mediocre teams look much better than they really are. I haven’t given a score prediction, but I did read where no Gus team ever lost three games in a row. We lose here, with our unstable recruiting class thus far, this regime may not make it past year three. I believe three is plenty of time to prove some things and if recruiting can’t maintain at least Top 20 or so, which is low for AU, then there will be major decisions to make. Then again, I’m not very confident in those that make those decisions. I just hope TJ balls out Saturday night.
  7. I have never doubted Bo’s will or his toughness. Unfortunately, those traits don’t always mean success. Maybe this is a good thing for AU and Finley or maybe it crashes and burns. One thing is for sure, I don’t think the moment will overwhelm him completely. Jitters at first are expected, but a few completions and a few good drives with the play calling mixing things up, may be just what the team needs. I for one, am a bit excited to see what he can do as the Main Guy.
  8. In my opinion, Mason brought a leaky defensive scheme w him from Vandy. We have some talent on D, but I truly think it’s a scheme issue at this point, but coupled along with an inept 3 and out O, disaster was bound to happen. I’ll be the first to say, I blamed GM a lot, but if we don’t turn recruiting around, this is going to be disastrous. Just a thought.
  9. Agree, but I honestly don’t think he will be able to recruit in the South and that has 0 to do with his actual coaching ability, which is shaky and unimpressive so far.
  10. Hope we don’t give him 8 years like we did our last coach. Lots needs to change
  11. If Harsin wants to make it three years, he most likely needs to change OC, DC, WR coach and OL coach. That’s a scary pathetic thought after one season with a brand new coaching staff. We will not beat SC or Bama and should refuse to go to a bowl game at 6/6. Then again the 15 extra practices gives our 5* QB time to regress even more. We will be in the cellar with LSU at end of season. Harsin is not winning people over trotting a team out there that looks like this. Just bad football all around.
  12. At this point i agree and a scarier thing is, we really don’t know if Harsin can recruit in this part of the country yet. Blowing a lead like this, when you know they are going to throw 90% of the time is unacceptable. We have a massive talent deficiency and at this rate will never be in the SEC race again w all the other programs moving up. Pathetic game to watch and money says Tank is in the portal after this season.
  13. I keep forgetting about the Covid extra year. We have a commitment from one of the top kickers in the country already.
  14. Let’s be partly logical here. As good as Cam was that 1!!!! Year, he will never be mistaken for a great QB. With that being said, Nix just is not the QB that Harsin envisions running this O. I thought we would lose this game, but I didn’t think it would be because of the O. Theres a lot of work to do just to get to 8 wins this year. Nobody will touch UGA. My opinion only. I really would like to see another guy under center next year and no Finley is def not the answer.
  15. Agreed. Has Bo really improved so much? He had a stretch of a couple of games where he was serviceable, but I will not say he’s improved that much. It’s been a few years now and I hate to point out the obvious, but he is a middle of the road QB. With that being said, the O game plan was pathetic. This is solely on the offense. It’s reminds me of why everyone around me wanted Bobo gone during his tenure under Richt. We can still go 9-3 but it won’t be easy by any stretch.
  16. Just as your prediction, like mine, I figured more scoring. I doubt seriously we have a shot at a winning today. The O can’t do anything.
  17. I agree. We played like underdogs for years and we were viewed this year as not having a legitimate chance. Harsin is changing the culture. I guess I just get nervous hearing how we’ve never lost at Kyle Field and hearing the game day crew pick us. I think depending on how recruiting goes, we will be getting plenty of respect come next preseason. I think we are capable of running the table but this feels like our toughest test left, even over Bama. Hard to get a true read on A&M this year.
  18. Me too. Them picking us is the kiss of death. They are rarely right. All of them picked Ole Miss last week.
  19. Great post. While I don’t dig as deep into the stats, what you said, makes really good sense. My simple take on things is this: We have really been coached up this year by a brand new competent staff, compared to the last 2 years or so. We have talent no doubt, but I’m not sure it’s enough to overwhelm a team that just as we are, is on the rise. The SEC is brutal, especially the West. I do think the game will remain close, but by my very simplistic logic, I do believe our mini run will end in College Station. I do think we could still win 8 to 9 games, which is a great season considering the turnover and what our genius predecessor left in the cupboard. My final score is: TAMU- 29 AU- 22. Hard fought game, but after 4 in a row at College Station, I do fear it ends this year. As usual, I hope I’m very wrong! WDE!
  20. And I think Leota only has this year of eligibility left.
  21. Agreed. MSU could easily upset us. They throw the ball and our secondary coverage/coaching is not very good.
  22. To me, this one is a difficult one to try and predict. First of all, yes I tend to be pessimistic, but also very wary of college football. This is our first look at a new staff with a week off prepping for a high powered O. The week off could speak volumes as to the competence of this coaching staff. With that said, I don’t mean a loss is a derogatory comment toward the current staff, but a blowout loss at home will not look good. With that said, I believe if we can rush for 225-250, and throw for 235/270, we win. Of course that’s based on no more than one turnover. My prediction may seem weird, but that’s all it is, a thought/prediction. OM- 29 AU- 24. As usual, I hope I’m wrong. This could be a great win if we pull it out. WDE!!
  23. On O- Karsten Bailey- guy caught any and everything near him. On D- Stanley McClover- guy was flat out nasty honorable mentions- O- Lee Ziemba D- Carlos Rogers- last great lockdown CB we had.
  24. We are nowhere UGA’s level. We might could upset Bama at home, but I’m not willing to hold my breath for that either. Great road win today!!!!!
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