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Favorable spot on 4th down Arky TD next play 7 points Arky favor, phantom hold against zeimba stops drive gives good field position to ARky points u figure out and phantom pass interference on good line  changes 3 to 7 points for Arky .....see two can play at this game  :believe::wareagle:

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This is the natural way of things.  Go look at how many of us have griped about bama's holding calls, or lack thereof.

Ark had some pretty blatant calls go against them saturday, as did we.  Only the losers are complaining.

Duck's back + water = what this should be to you all.

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OK. I guess them saying that bothered me alot. I just don't want our possible championship season to be tainted by that perception.

Did one person come on this board last week and call Kentucky cheaters?  Not one.  It was bad calls by the officials.  LSU and Arkansas are loaded with ignorant fans.  I wouldn't lose any sleep over what they thought about Auburn.

You're completely right. What people say about AU usually doesn't bother me, but that did for some reason. I'm glad to see everyone else's opinion on the subject.  :wedance:

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If you're looking to rival fans for edification and validation of AU achievements, it's going to be a long wait.  This isn't the first time there were "opinions" about calls in close, hard fought games.  I wouldn't be surprised if there aren't a few more this week against LSU.  When the stakes are high, everything gets viewed throught a microscope.  Welcome to the big time!!!

Spot on.  It doesn't bother me a bit.  But if one is so inclined to worry about such things, take comfort in the fact that Auburn was the catalyst for fans of hated rivals Clemson and USCe to "agree" that our coaches teach our defense to take cheap shots to knock out QB's - I haven't checked but wouldn't be surprised if those threads were revived after Nick Fairley knocked Mallet out, and while we are at it, Locke too.

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I've looked at the Fannin "fumble" several times, and I noticed a couple things. First if you watch the angle that is almost straight down the goal line but still slanted, the razorback db's hand is directly above and inline with the goal line the moment the ball is punched loose. The other thing that is clearly visible is that the ball did not fall straight down. It clearly is punched backwards, but hits Fannin's thigh pad. This clearly causes the ball to head back towards to goal line but hits the Arkansas defender possibly in the lower leg, and that is when the ball fell straight down, crashing nose first inches behind the goal line. Either way because of the camera being at a slight angle towards the goal line it is safe to say the difference between a touchdown and a fumble is probably less than an inch.

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I quit giving a flying flip about other team's fan's perception of many many years ago. I just don't give a rip about that. There are bad calls in every game. I think SEC officiating has gone downhill in recent years. I spoke with a former referee  today. He said that is also his perception and his idea as to why that has happened is interesting. He attributes it to the whole replay business. He says that some good officials have left the game because they don't like the idea of their work constantly being subjected to second guessing.

Did the bad calls impact the game? It's hard to say at this point. Which bad call do you have in mind? Are you talking about Fanin's fumble or Ethridge's fumble return? Are you talking about the phantom hold on Ziemba or the very poor spot on the fourth down play by Arkansas? The problem is that you cannot assume what would have happened on the next play had the "proper call" been made. If it is ruled that Fanin fumbled the ball before he crossed the goal line, how do you know that Arkansas would not have fumbled the ball in the end zone and we would recover for a touchdown? Can you guarantee what wold happen on the next play had the call been made other than the way it was made? Absolutely not.

My bottom line is this, it's hard for me to blame the officials. If you lost by one point after playing a perfect game then maybe you could blame the officials. If you missed no tackles, if you missed no blocks, if you caught every pass so on and so forth. Until that happens, be careful about blaming the officials. Maybe it was your missed tackle that cost the team the game.

One more thing, I'm still pissed because the officials in the iron bowl failed to see that Dennis Dixon held Gusty Yearout. That cost us the game.

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This is silly.  If we were really cheaters, when why did we wait so long to use our influence on officials when we had chances to lose earlier this year?  How did we manage to end up on the wrong side of so many terrible calls in all of the other games?

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>YAWN< It is only their way dealing with the fact that Auburn has a better team than them....I mean how in the hell can Auburn win but with the help of the League and the Refs. I heard the same thing last year about Bama even from us AU fans. Auburn showed up to play a football game and won. I find it intersting that we all spend so much time discussing the refs when our team has so many more things to work on. Arky's team did not lose that game because of the refs, they lost because they couldn't stop Cam Newton and our D made an appearance in the 4th quarter. WDE!!!!!!! Let's just enjoy winning and beating the cry babies. Hopefully we can win by a large margin and ref talk will be a moot point.

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If they want to see being screwed by the refs look back at our last two games against kentucky.  Yesterday was a par for the course we screwed up a call instead of reversing the call as should be done.  They give make up calls and that just messes up the games.  So we got 14 points if that's the way the want to see it so did they on the pi in the endzone and the no call on the push off on thorpe.  I'll give them some more to whine about the crap spot on the 4th down, the bogus call of roughing the passer, the personal foul and holding calls on pugh that pulled us from around the 10 out to the twenty that caused fgs instead of tds, and the whoops I tripped on grass and the guy laid on me holding call that ended our 1st drive.  Open your eyes pigs everyone benefited and was punished by a terrible officiating crew.

You've pretty much stated my feelings on this game.  I recall being screwed pretty bad last year against UK and Arkansas but this year I think Auburn recovered enough to show the refs are just plain incompetent.

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This must be an unmentional rule which just came into effect.  Several years back we played FL in the swamp and Ron Stallworth just raked his hand over Kerwin Bell's facemask.  Did not latch on, did not grasp and pull, as a matter of fact Bells's head did not even budge.  Instead of a 5 yd penalty the ref called 15 yds.  That cost us the game.

Another incident also involving Stallworth was when a snap from center got away from Shula at Legion Field and when Shula got his hands on the ball, Stallworth nailed him, knocked the ball loose, and AL covered the ball about 20 yds  back of where the initial contact occurred.  Jimmy Goodwin, the head ref in the SEC, ruled that Shula's forward progress had stopped at the spot where Stallworth nailed him, and added 20 yards back to the line of scrimmage.  One more play gaining several yards, then Tiffan hit his famous 53 yd field goal to beat us.  Had the refs been honest in both of those games, we would have won them both.  There is absolutely no way that Auburn is designated to get the positive ruling on any questionable call by the refs in the SEC.  If we win a game in the SEC, it is definitely because we have beaten our opponents and most of the time the refs, too.  So I do not, under any circumstances, accept the fact that we, Auburn, get any preferential treatment.  This has not been and never will be the case!

And this time, it is not JMO, it is fact!!!  WDE  :wareagle:

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Even IF (and it's a very very big if) they could convince me that every single call was in favor of AU, that's the refs doing; that doesn't make Auburn a bunch of cheaters.  These are just weak minded people trying to ruin our success so they can feel better about their lower quality (but still going well, jeez, you'd think they'd never won) season.

Being an Arkansas fan I will say this about the officiating Saturday.  I would not blame Auburn for some of the very bad calls all the way around.  Just because it happened against Auburn does not mean Auburn had anything to do with the calls.  All Auburn can do is play not matter what.  I blame the SEC more than Auburn for the officials Saturday.

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Arky has benefited from as many bad calls since you've been in the SEC, as you feel like you got called for. More than several went your way Saturday too. Just going to be honest with you, Arky lost a lot of respect from me this week.

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Arky has benefited from as many bad calls since you've been in the SEC, as you feel like you got called for. More than several went your way Saturday too. Just going to be honest with you, Arky lost a lot of respect from me this week.

I hate to hear that telling tiger.  There might be teams or coaches that I do not like but one thing I have learned is that you dont have to like a team to respect them.  I respect how Auburn played this weekend.

Every fan base has those fans that will show no respect to any team at all.  That being said I will say most fans are good fans and I respect that.  The game is over and I will move on to the next game.  I hope Auburn can understand some of the Arkansas fans frustrated and know it is mostly witht he SEC not Auburn specfically.

Good luck the remainder of the season.

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Arky has benefited from as many bad calls since you've been in the SEC, as you feel like you got called for. More than several went your way Saturday too. Just going to be honest with you, Arky lost a lot of respect from me this week.

I hate to hear that telling tiger.  There might be teams or coaches that I do not like but one thing I have learned is that you dont have to like a team to respect them.  I respect how Auburn played this weekend.

Every fan base has those fans that will show no respect to any team at all.  That being said I will say most fans are good fans and I respect that.  The game is over and I will move on to the next game.  I hope Auburn can understand some of the Arkansas fans frustrated and know it is mostly witht he SEC not Auburn specfically.

Good luck the remainder of the season.

I'm not trying to bash you. Let me give you a couple of examples. Last year at Arky we blew our chances in the first half. HOWEVER, we got a flag for everything except our opinions and they were trying to figure out a way to do that. Were the calls from ARKY fans for equity, as loud last year when they got the benefit of those calls as they are this year when they went the other way? What goes around comes around and you guys have been in the good seat and the bad seat just like we have. During the UK game at Lexington this year the Wildcat O line didn't bother with blocking, they  decided to tackle our D line. How many of those do you think got called? We were penalized for 3- 15 yarders, only one of which was even in the realm of reality. It evens out over time and what goes around comes around. Bama even got called for a chop block this week, last year they never were called for a holding penalty. You gotta wonder how that happens don't you?
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Well if you want to talk about cheating... perhaps some people should go watch the calls against Auburn in the Kentucky game.

The refs gave the game to Kentucky and we still found a way to win.

Excuses, Excuses.

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