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Dan Rather


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Questions Linger Over Bush Memos

Dan made another factless defense of his Memos tonight, there was nothing at all to counteract all of the other phyiscal evidence and expert opinions, except for some inchorent arguements. They said in one memo, that the letter l in the text, and the number 1 in the date looked the same. They had an expert saying that laser printers today couldn't do that. Huh?? Maybe the forger just typed the letter 'l' in the date??? Anyway, the other thing they pointed to was one of their 'found' memos had the same date as one from Bush's official papers. Huh? The forger was stupid, that's obvious, but certainly he can look at the official papers and reference the same date, can't he? They have the logic of this whole thing backwards, you have to prove that the standard typewriter used by Killian could have produced these memos, but they are trying to prove that a computer today could not. I think Rather and his producer are on some serious drugs.

Anyway, now look at this article on their website, the whole thing basically lays out the case AGAINST the memos, and barely mentions their attempt at a defense tonight. Are they beginning to cave?

If you want to see one of the most ludicrous, partisan reports from the national media ever, knowing what you know about the documents, watch the Video Clip of tonight's news report (link on the same page), it will blow you away.

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