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Another Reporter gets it right . . .


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Finally someone says the facts, ratings+huge disgruntled fan bases (anger is humans strongest emotion)+minor league journalism= money,  a sad sad situation for all respectable journalist in the history of sport.   

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right on Will!!! war eagle!! I wish I could talk to Joe schad.

Schad is on Facebook, and answered 2 of my questions a couple of weeks ago. (Both answers exposed that he didn't do his job well, BTW). I've got a question now that has been pending on his FB wall for over 24 hours without an answer, and I've sent the same question by FB message. I think he's ignoring me now. Why not "friend" Joe and post your questions?

And let's keep it classy.

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Great article by Will. He nails it.

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I do believe that is the best article I have read on the subject since all this BS began.

War Damn Eagle!

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I had this ready to post before the topic was locked and I wanted to get some thoughts on this.

Here are my thoughts on this,  There is no timeline listed by the NCAA on when Cecil had any $ discussions or even if they were directed by him. Remember when this was reported the AD at MSU stated "we will continue to recruit Cam Newton as we do any athlete". If Bond turned this info over quickly as he stated I am sure this had a direct link as to why Cams recruiting opened up in the last week. Remember the OU and AU visits and interest happened late. If this was brought to Mullens and Cams attention that his father did this then the NCAA could have said this could effect his eligibility at MSU. I have said all along that Cecil admitted to this much earlier in the process than anyone realizes and that the NCAA was on this in DEC.  What if his statement, IF there even was one, was stating to MSU "the money is just to much". In other words since this happened I am not taking a chance on signing here and the NCAA ruling me ineligible. In other words lets get a clean start somewhere else.  

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Very well thought out article. He won't last long in the "media" using common sense. I have come to absolutely hate ESPN during this whole ordeal. Oh well, their crying and whining makes this even more special to me for some reason.

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