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Auburn's Purpose...as I see it!


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Looking deeper...Auburn took the high road in its inception through George Petrie's "The Auburn Creed".  Our first football coach set a precedent for upholding spiritual values.  Fast-forward in time through a wonderful history when much more character/spiritual emphasis emerges on the Plains...a chaplaincy in place, Friday night team prayer meetings, coaches who teach character first, a team shamelessly vocal and physically demonstrative on and off the field about bringing God the glory.  Two years being coached under "a David, the least likely king" and God truly does honor their desire to bring Him glory by doing the unthinkable and giving them the strength, the perseverance, and the faith to "win, win, win".  As I've said before, even AU fans without "spiritual interest" can enjoy the fruits of the success this year, though our coaches blatantly give credit to God, Who, as the team humbled themselves and sought Him, birthed team unity--all athletic skill gifts on the table--and unparalleled focus through prayer.

I am convinced that we saw "man's" best effort in 2009.  We got God's best effort in 2010.  He completely did, Himself, everything they "paid big bucks" for, and He did it so sweetly.  Even down to the Iron Bowl comeback...I'll never forget Auburn was ahead and lost it in 2009.  Mirror image in 2010.  Still gives me chills.  Dark vs. Light.  Any team can enjoy the blessings and favor that come through living in the Light, but they have to humble themselves to give God the glory with pure honesty.  It is too much for the Bama "nation" to see this turn of events right on the heels of its NC.  The NC itself now seems to "mean less" to them since Auburn accomplished it...and they cannot stand that, for it means EVERYTHING to them.  They are "entitled to it", they are "defined by it".  I am just in awe to be so blessed!  And I will remain so, grateful for every talented athlete and coach--head, hands, and heart--that He brings us.  I am certain, I have been told personally  ;) , that they are thanking HIM for providing a fanbase that loves, supports, and prays them up!

Auburn by God's grace achieves the unthinkable through taking the high road the very year after Bama by its actions (recruitment, demeanor, fanbase, etc.) displays just the opposite.  I am not saying that there are not "Christian" Bama fans.  I am saying that collectively, a Saban (Saul?)-based and Saban-backed program looks VERRRRRY different from what we love and enjoy.  And that, friends, is called CHOICE.  We exist as a team, a fanbase, and an institution of higher learning to present a watching world with a choice.  I feel confident that this is Auburn's purpose in life. We exist to give people a chance to decide for themselves what winners genuinely are, and where strength truly comes from.  And we exist to give players and their families an opportunity to decide what kind of coach will guide their entire futures...on and off the field.

Now, we have the nation's eyes upon us.  I grieved the "Cam" press, but I realize God, Who didn't cause it, allowed good to come out of it...character on display, teamwork solidified, and Auburn in the national spotlight.  It was impressed upon me, "Sadly, people pay more attention to scandal than to success."  But there is always a purpose to trials, and Auburn passed theirs royally...and we keep doing it.  And we must keep right on doing it.  Like it or not for the Bama nation, it is backfiring, just as it has throughout time when those truly committed to God's purpose come under attack.

Scripture shows the historical pattern of God laying choices before the world again and again.  This is why those who see His hand in the events that have unfolded in the last few years especially must pray with all their might that the Auburn fanbase, team, and coaches must always look as different from the University of Alabama as we possibly can.  No revenge.  As little attention to negative press as possible.  Full steam ahead, with "Tigers 2010 laser-beam focus".  God's in control, and He will handle it.  (And when God fights your battles, all will know it.)

For those who are mad enough to wish you could do what your mind and heart will not allow you to do (and that includes me), read Psalm 37.  It always makes me feel better.  NOTHING is going unnoticed, and a day of reckoning will come.  In some cases, it already has.  National Champions, Baby!  Warrrrrrrr Eagle!


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This is scary to me.  This "God is for us and is against Alabama" might sound good at first but to me it is fanatical.  This is what many "religions" around the world say about themselves versus every other group.  God loves everyone and I am sure is not that interested in football outcomes at all.  I believe He does want us to honor Him in all that we do but to say we honor Him and they don't, and God is for us and not them is twisting what I read about God in the Bible.  Let's just keep this to we want to beat them in football and everything else and let that be enough.

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Amen and Amen and WAR EAGLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We are 100% the opposit of the bammers! :zapbama:

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This is scary to me.  This "God is for us and is against Alabama" might sound good at first but to me it is fanatical.  This is what many "religions" around the world say about themselves versus every other group.  God loves everyone and I am sure is not that interested in football outcomes at all.  I believe He does want us to honor Him in all that we do but to say we honor Him and they don't, and God is for us and not them is twisting what I read about God in the Bible.  Let's just keep this to we want to beat them in football and everything else and let that be enough.

You should really try to mix in a few more positive posts. It would make you look like a true Auburn Man.

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I agree with AUINCOLORADO.

I just do not believe that God willed Auburn to win. Though I do feel that the team's faith did have a great affect on their will to win and never give up attitude. Just do not feel this should be brought into a good vs. evil type of debate, because there are plenty of good, God-fearing individuals on both sides. And anyone that thinks that God personally put his hand on this team and willed them to win, needs to really think about some things.

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Well said. Like some, I believe that while Auburn's team and coaches were proper in their faith, devotion, and thanks to God for their football success, God doesn't concern Himself with who wins sporting events.

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Colorado and Kidd- I think you are missing Tora's point.  She isn't saying that God is for Auburn, but that rather His blessings have been poured out on Auburn because of our choice to put Him first.  She references Ps. 37 which says, "Delight thyself in the Lord; and He shall give thee the desires of thy heart."  That doesn't mean that God will always give us what we want, but when we are lined up with the will of God, our desires will match his desires.  I have seen years where our team has put God first and been successful on the field and this only furthers my belief that those successes were God blessing. Regardless of your beliefs about the success of our team, God is God and is worthy of all praise and worship.  That will never change.  I am proud to support a team that recognizes and thanks God and has a large fanbase that recognizes the importance of such a choice.

And Tora, thanks for the reminder. . ."Fret not thyself because of evildoers, neither be thou envious against the workers of iniquity.  For they shall soon be cut down like the grass, and wither as the green herb.'

I believe in Auburn and love it!  Love you in Christ, Tora!

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I believe we did what we did this year not necessarily because of God's blessing, but we did it with God's blessing. Auburn put God first and gave him praise every chance we had.  I don't believe that he changed the outcome of any ball games, but I feel sure that with every snap they took, God was smiling upon our boys.

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Yes...those who "got" my drift...thanks so much for the encouragement!!  Auburn supporters cannot ignore its spiritual roots.  We have the same debate with our founding fathers' decisions in America's original documents.  We are quite diverse as a nation largely due to their care and concern in wording those documents, but they definitely knew to Whom to give the credit.  Please, no side-thread on Presidents' Day!  :D

I have stated MANY TIMES in my mounting posts that I do not believe God is "favoring Auburn OVER anyone."  Please recheck my original post where I state that I am not saying that there are not Christian Bama (or any other) fans.  I made a Scriptural parallel that is just hard to ignore, as I discover more and more about how God works.  I don't believe any of us can presume HOW in exact minute-by-minute terms He works; that would be presumptuous and arrogant.  I do know that He does want to be found, and His ways, in a broad sense, are not a mystery beyond our comprehension.  God desires to equip anyone or any group who desires to give Him the glory!  He DOES desire to make His presence known in every walk of life.  Half the time, it obviously involves a loss for one of the teams, and it often takes more grace to lose gracefully than it does to win gracefully.  This is why I love the movie "Facing the Giants" so much.

With all due respect, please leave the word "scary" to those who poison trees.  Or those who model profanity and spank their players on national TV before audiences of all ages.  THAT's a great example of scary.  I stand by the central purpose of my post--to celebrate Auburn's unique calling.  That is, to live by the Creed.  Our coaches present-day have taken this Creed to a higher level, modeling it for all of us.  And when you are told that your prayers are gratefully appreciated and have been an inspiration to the team during the highs and lows, you're encouraged to keep them coming!

Remember...do we not all benefit from whatever they believe helps them?  Why even argue and debate about this?  We all see God in different ways, and some not at all.  Yet I am REALLY EXCITED about Auburn's purpose...."as I see itl"    ;)

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