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J. Lee has something up in regard to Calloway


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This isn't rocket science guys.  If any reporters  (I do not consider web sites owners reporters really) out there actually WORKED anymore we would know a lot right now.  Used to if a hot tip like this came out some reporter would go over to the stepfather's house with a pad in his hand and ask for a comment.  Then he would go to the school and question anyone he could talk to about the car.  Then he would go to the Muscle Shoals car dealer and asked him if he sold a car that was going to Callaway.  ETC ETC ETC.   A day and a half of legwork would give some answers.

Unfortunately, in the internet age, there are no true journalists willing to work.  And they don't have to be from Alabama either.  Don't you think the Atlanta papers would like that story or the Orlando paper or the Dallas paper?  Instead, everyone is sitting around trying to read tea leaves.  Newspapers are going the way of the dodo bird I'm afraid.

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Here is my question regarding "sources"...If you tell the "info" without naming the "source" then the "source" has nothing to lose...Especially if the "info" may never get out.  If there is info that needs to get out, get the info out.  Are these "sources" to believe that they are the only ones whith this info and if so, why in the world does no one else have it?  I am all for protecting "sources", just like all the stories we have heard come out with "unnamed sources"; but protecting the info only protects those who the info would hurt.  Are we to believe that because someone posted something on a message board that someone else told them it would cost someone their job, and if so; how would it be proven that the "unnamed source" is the person getting fired?  If there is a need to keep stories under wraps until all the info can be proven then this is acceptable....  We seem to have a continuing scenario of " I have info but protecting sources" claims with no info ever coming...This is why alot of people are tired of the game.  DISCLAIMER:  Anyone here has the right to post what they want in regards to info they may have, and I completely agree with protecting sources and keeping info quiet during an ongoing "investigation"

In some cases, people know who others talk to.  For instance, let's say someone only talks to one person in the AD about info.  If it were determined that that one person was the one giving info, the source could lose his or her position.  That's just one instance I can think of...

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Guest jojo1515

In some cases, people know who others talk to.  For instance, let's say someone only talks to one person in the AD about info.  If it were determined that that one person was the one giving info, the source could lose his or her position.  That's just one instance I can think of...

I understand...  North Al was mentioned and that is not in the AD.  IF it is known who someones "source" is, then wouldn't this person never be allowed to say anything until the news broke, deeming the info useless (outside of maybe saying to expect something upcoming)?  Personally, I don't care either way. I am however a little tired of the sources and info arguments that happen here.  Guess that's why I chimed in  :)

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Guys, respect the desires of the sources that our members have... and many of our members here have shown they have legitimate sources...

Otherwise, if the beans are spilled prematurely, then those sources will dry up...

THIS is what I have been getting at regarding my concerns with J Lee hitting the public airwaves yesterday.  Did J Lee jump the gun before having all of this ducks (documented proof/approval from sources) in row which will result in sources clamming up and sabotaging what could be a big story.


Another side of this that may be a part of this situation (guess on my part, no inside info),

Others have been sitting on this info for a while... it has been said that more than one high profile journalist in the state has had bits and pieces of this story for a while now... but they didn't want to take the lead on going against the REC syndiacte for obvious reasons...

J.Lee steps up to the plate, and they turn over info that they have since the cat is out of the bag....

Beats the, "killer salad while falling upstairs," attack any day, especially if you are not willing to take the heat...

I believe this has some legs to it, if for no other reason, than J.Lee went to bat and was outspoken against the Cam smear campaign... & he was right-on about that when most everyone else dropped the ball...

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I just don't think a guy who makes his living because people believe he is credible would risk his career over this if he doesn't have good scources.  He couldn't sell subscriptions without credibility. Even if he is on your side you wouldn't pay money for his site if he wasnt credible.  If he is right then he will need our support for the rest of his life. We all know what happens when you go after bama. 

I will also say this.  If he is not right, I am still glad someone is throwing rocks at them.  They sure have been throwing them at us.  They need to squirm a little

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The thing about the CK recruitment is that bammers keep saying that Auburn doesn't want his family to start talking.  What makes their "insiders" so confident that we were the ones in the wrong there?

What kind of idiot would offer, or think anyone else would offer, an improper benefit to the family or player whose brother was already enrolled in your top rival's school? That is the LAST person you offer something to.

This would almost equivalent to someone claiming UAT offered improper benefits to Pat Sullivan's brother or that we offered something to one of the Castille brothers.

I think when people talk about teams buying players, they overlook this aspect in general. If a school offers an improper benefit to a guy and he goes to a rival school, he can rat out  the other school (unless he also got something  from the school he signed with).

Also, once a guy is paid to come to one school, they have to be willing to pay him for a minimum of 4 to a max of 8 years, otherwise he can sell you out to the media or a rival school. They have to pay him until the Statute of limitations runs out. When a team or booster buys a player, the PLAYER owns that team or booster.

These type things get overlooked in all the cloak and dagger and conspiracy accusations.

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The thing about the CK recruitment is that bammers keep saying that Auburn doesn't want his family to start talking.  What makes their "insiders" so confident that we were the ones in the wrong there?

What kind of idiot would offer, or think anyone else would offer, an improper benefit to the family or player whose brother was already enrolled in your top rival's school? That is the LAST person you offer something to.

This would almost equivalent to someone claiming UAT offered improper benefits to Pat Sullivan's brother or that we offered something to one of the Castille brothers.

I think when people talk about teams buying players, they overlook this aspect in general. If a school offers an improper benefit to a guy and he goes to a rival school, he can rat out  the other school (unless he also got something  from the school he signed with).

Also, once a guy is paid to come to one school, they have to be willing to pay him for a minimum of 4 to a max of 8 years, otherwise he can sell you out to the media or a rival school. They have to pay him until the Statute of limitations runs out. When a team or booster buys a player, the PLAYER owns that team or booster.

These type things get overlooked in all the cloak and dagger and conspiracy accusations.

Yet there are plenty of cases where this has happened and been proven.  No reason to think a school with the win at all cost mentality will change their ways until they get the death penalty. Those people have 16 teams on probation at this very moment.  I am sure no other school can match them in their desire to win at all costs.
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The thing about the CK recruitment is that bammers keep saying that Auburn doesn't want his family to start talking.  What makes their "insiders" so confident that we were the ones in the wrong there?

What kind of idiot would offer, or think anyone else would offer, an improper benefit to the family or player whose brother was already enrolled in your top rival's school? That is the LAST person you offer something to.

This would almost equivalent to someone claiming UAT offered improper benefits to Pat Sullivan's brother or that we offered something to one of the Castille brothers.

I think when people talk about teams buying players, they overlook this aspect in general. If a school offers an improper benefit to a guy and he goes to a rival school, he can rat out  the other school (unless he also got something  from the school he signed with).

Also, once a guy is paid to come to one school, they have to be willing to pay him for a minimum of 4 to a max of 8 years, otherwise he can sell you out to the media or a rival school. They have to pay him until the Statute of limitations runs out. When a team or booster buys a player, the PLAYER owns that team or booster.

These type things get overlooked in all the cloak and dagger and conspiracy accusations.

Also, if we did offer CK something, which I have no doubts we didn't offer anything but a scholarship, how did bama get him if we were offering money like the gumps claim we did. Did bama offer more money than we were offering? It's not like bama is known for their LT's in the NFL. The fact is Auburn has put far more LT's in the NFL than bama. Something stunk to the high heaven's when CK and BC both signed with bama after going on national t.v. and committing to Auburn. It seems J. Lee may have proof on how we lost CK. It also shows me why "Peaches" was so vocal about BC going to bama. It seems "Peaches" woudn't have gotten anything from Auburn for BC, and he knew it!!

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Yadda Yadda Yadda, until we read about this story being looked into by the NCAA, its all just NOISE!!!!

I agree !


Yada Yada

^^^^^ THIS ^^^^ is funny stuff...........  :laugh:

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The thing about the CK recruitment is that bammers keep saying that Auburn doesn't want his family to start talking.  What makes their "insiders" so confident that we were the ones in the wrong there?

What kind of idiot would offer, or think anyone else would offer, an improper benefit to the family or player whose brother was already enrolled in your top rival's school? That is the LAST person you offer something to.

This would almost equivalent to someone claiming UAT offered improper benefits to Pat Sullivan's brother or that we offered something to one of the Castille brothers.

I think when people talk about teams buying players, they overlook this aspect in general. If a school offers an improper benefit to a guy and he goes to a rival school, he can rat out  the other school (unless he also got something  from the school he signed with).

Also, once a guy is paid to come to one school, they have to be willing to pay him for a minimum of 4 to a max of 8 years, otherwise he can sell you out to the media or a rival school. They have to pay him until the Statute of limitations runs out. When a team or booster buys a player, the PLAYER owns that team or booster.

These type things get overlooked in all the cloak and dagger and conspiracy accusations.

Also, if we did offer CK something, which I have no doubts we didn't offer anything but a scholarship, how did bama get him if we were offering money like the gumps claim we did. Did bama offer more money than we were offering? It's not like bama is known for their LT's in the NFL. The fact is Auburn has put far more LT's in the NFL than bama. Something stunk to the high heaven's when CK and BC both signed with bama after going on national t.v. and committing to Auburn. It seems J. Lee may have proof on how we lost CK. It also shows me why "Peaches" was so vocal about BC going to bama. It seems "Peaches" woudn't have gotten anything from Auburn for BC, and he knew it!!

You make another good point that people who cast dispersions about rival schools overlook. As a general rule, a player who is not especially affluent will not play for school A for free if school B is offering a lot of money for him to play there.

A corollary to that is that school A will not offer $100k or $200k to a player that has NO other school has offered money. School A would only need to pay the "market rate" or beat the highest bidder. If there is no other bidder, $10k - $20k would be just as effective as $100k-$200k.

I doesn't matter who school A or B above is. To me, this indicates that ALL major SEC school operate basically the same way. Either they are all equally clean for the most part or they are all equally dirty for the most part.

Also, in terms of CK,  it did not bother me as loosing CK and BC. I really wanted CK as well, but, as much as it pains me, it also really made more sense for him to go to UAT where his brother is.

If I were a parent from a family that had no ties to either SC or Clemson, or to college football in general, and I already had one child at SC, I would encourage the other one to strongly consider SC just so me and his mom would not have to choose which child we would go and see play on a given Sat. Of course in the end I would allow him to make is OWN DECISION, but I know I would make sure he understood how nice it would be for us to be able to see both our kids play on a given weekend.

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Good point pi, but some kids get offered money and won't take it because they know it is wrong.  It's not always a bidding war.

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Im guessing that the person who blew the whistle is a close freind of BC's.He probably saw that he was steared to a place he didnt want to be,and he is spilling the beans.

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Good point pi, but some kids get offered money and won't take it because they know it is wrong.  It's not always a bidding war.

I agree with you there. My point was, that if it is NOT a biding war, there is no need for any one school to pay anyone 6 figures.

Also, if a kid got offered money and refused it because he knew it was wrong to take it, he might be inclined to report the offer. Seems like that would put the booster making the offer in jeopardy.

This is the reason I tend to doubt that people like Lowder, Rane, and Bryant Jr. are out there buying players.

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Yadda Yadda Yadda, until we read about this story being looked into by the NCAA, its all just NOISE!!!!

I agree !


Yada Yada

^^^^^ THIS ^^^^ is funny stuff...........  :laugh:

"Not that there is anything wrong with that"  :rolleyes:

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Some people on AuburnUndercover think jlee source is Brent Calloway himself, because hes pissed that he has to go to bama....

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Some people on AuburnUndercover think jlee source is Brent Calloway himself, because hes pissed that he has to go to bama....

Would that not be some crap if that is true!
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I will give a nod to the fact that it is obviously at this point an internet rumor, I would laugh my rear end off until the day I died, if it were true.

That rumor is going to make his life even more uncomfortable there.

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Some people on AuburnUndercover think jlee source is Brent Calloway himself, because hes pissed that he has to go to bama....

Maybe that benedict arnold sign was a little more prophetic than intended?

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The one thing that struck me as odd about CK's switching to Bama is that I had read that he wanted to major in Architecture. Why, if he really wanted to get an Architecture degree, would he choose a school that DOESN'T have an architecture program? Maybe that's being picky on my part, and I know kids change their minds on majors almost on a daily basis; but, I read it the week of signing that he wanted to major in Architecture, and it wasn't stated that he was "interested" or "considering" or anything of that nature.

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The one thing that struck me as odd about CK's switching to Bama is that I had read that he wanted to major in Architecture. Why, if he really wanted to get an Architecture degree, would he choose a school that DOESN'T have an architecture program? Maybe that's being picky on my part, and I know kids change their minds on majors almost on a daily basis; but, I read it the week of signing that he wanted to major in Architecture, and it wasn't stated that he was "interested" or "considering" or anything of that nature.

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One of the main recruiting tools that they use, whether anybody wants to believe it or not, is the fact that the REC will take care of you for the rest of your life as long as you toe the company line and keep your mouth shut as to what the daily operation of the REC is. Think about it, you will never be without a job or anything as long as you do what they say and keep quiet. You are set for life if you play by their rules. No wonder they have the number one recruiting class year after year. If somebody goes to a recruits house and tells the family that their son will always be taken care of and will never be without a job or money if they play at bama, wouldn't that sound really good to those parents? Sure it would. Kids can go anywhere in the country and they choose tuscaloosa? Come on, that town isn't that attractive, but security for the rest of your life is..... TIFWIW

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One of the main recruiting tools that they use, whether anybody wants to believe it or not, is the fact that the REC will take care of you for the rest of your life as long as you toe the company line and keep your mouth shut as to what the daily operation of the REC is. Think about it, you will never be without a job or anything as long as you do what they say and keep quiet. You are set for life if you play by their rules. No wonder they have the number one recruiting class year after year. If somebody goes to a recruits house and tells the family that their son will always be taken care of and will never be without a job or money if they play at bama, wouldn't that sound really good to those parents? Sure it would. Kids can go anywhere in the country and they choose tuscaloosa? Come on, that town isn't that attractive, but security for the rest of your life is..... TIFWIW

Weegs? Come on! Take care of you for the rest of your life? Now let me first say that there is absolutely NOTHING bad about being a bank teller. Its a good job to have. But do you think Tyrone Prothro feels "taken care of" the rest of his life?

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