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Auburn will make it to a bowl game if lucky

Tiger Scout

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Our young team must grow up quickly for us to have a successful season (9-3). This can be achieved but it will not be an easy task; our schedule is murderous. I have faith in our coaching staff and talented, young players but we have to be realistic. Look what UAT had coming back for 2010 after a championship season--much more experience than we have coming back for 2011. If we can go 9-3 with a bowl victory, I'll be ecstatic. And be expecting a huge year for us in 2012!

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I've been working back in S.C. the last 10 weeks and I occasionally catch the local sports talk radio analysts over here.  I can tell you that the hosts and the callers consistently believe that Clemson and USCe will beat Auburn this year.  Some of the hosts think we will be blown out because "Auburn lost everybody".  Yesterday, I was listening to a couple of the local goobers discussing what they believed to be the toughest 4 games USC's and Clemson's schedules - Auburn wasn't mentioned except in passing by one of them discussing Clemson because it is so early and they will have a new starter at QB.  I love it - nowhere to go but up!  We may lose one or both, after all we have a 14 game winning streak against Clemson and won the last 2 in OT, and we are 8-1 against USCe all-time... so the law of averages is in their favor. 

Even so, I like our chances and it sure will be fun to hear their excuses if Auburn wins what both fan bases collectively already seem to believe is a "gimme". 

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I have a buddy that i played high school ball with, Spencer Region OL, and i gave him hell all the time about commiting to Clemson.  So I ended up making a $50 bet that Auburn would beat Clemson this year, and I believe we have enough talent to do that its just we have to minimize mistakes.

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I have a buddy that i played high school ball with, Spencer Region OL, and i gave him hell all the time about commiting to Clemson.  So I ended up making a $50 bet that Auburn would beat Clemson this year, and I believe we have enough talent to do that its just we have to minimize mistakes.

...and score more points.

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I have a buddy that i played high school ball with, Spencer Region OL, and i gave him hell all the time about commiting to Clemson.  So I ended up making a $50 bet that Auburn would beat Clemson this year, and I believe we have enough talent to do that its just we have to minimize mistakes.

Just curious, does Spencer wish he hadn't fooled around so long in making his decision to where he had to commit to Clemson? 

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