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Recruiting Comparison Tubs vs. Chizik


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   Ok, first off sunshine pumpers, this thread is not for you. You already got it. This is for the ones who where like I was early this morning. I admittedly was a little negative earlier today with the way the recruiting was looking. I calmed down, thought about things, and with the help of Avery Young I came to be excited about this class. After reading some post here and there, and listening to the radio I realized not everyone shares my sentiment. Some are saying the coaching staff should have done more, especially coming off a NC year.


Ok now for the fun part.

Click this link. Go ahead. It's not porn or a virus :


Close to the top of the page you'll see the number 2012 with a little black arrow beside it. Click it and put the cursor on any year Tommy Tuberville was the HC. Anyone at all. Pay close attention to 2008, and 2005 (Coming off a perfect season, mind you). Look at all these players that never qualified, or played a down. Look at all those icky 2 stars. For the life of me I can't find but 2 classes that would rank higher than this years.  :dunno: .  I don't remember us gripping all that much then. Well maybe 2008. Funny, I know. Now compare most of these classes next to this years.  I hope that by doing this it will help come to appreciate this years class and give a little bit of perspective about what Coach Chizik and his staff have done this year. It sure helped me. Your welcome.  ;D

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This means nothing we aren't coaching against tubbs. Beating an old standard means nothing we have to continue to be competitive with coaches currently in the SEC.

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CTT went after the lower ranked players most of the time. He went for ones that would jump all over an offer and ones he could turn into stars even though none of the big schools wanted them.

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One thing I noticed is that an many of those who ended up being better players at Auburn were lower ranked players.  Sure, there is some science to ranking/rating players, but not as much as many of us would like to think.  What I have observed from CGC classes is that we are now playing int eh big league boys.

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This means nothing we aren't coaching against tubbs. Beating an old standard means nothing we have to continue to be competitive with coaches currently in the SEC.

:rolleyes:  Let's try this again. In what areas did we not fill this recruiting season. Can't say Oline or WR. Can't say D line. Two were signed (and I believe Huthcerson will play DE) and there's like 15 on roster with only 4 spots on the field. We got a great RB. Probably could have used a safety, but we got some pretty good ones last year. LBs? Mitchell and Mckenzie say hi. So outside of a kicker/punter I think we got just about every position covered with some great players.

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This means nothing we aren't coaching against tubbs. Beating an old standard means nothing we have to continue to be competitive with coaches currently in the SEC.

:rolleyes:  Let's try this again. In what areas did we not fill this recruiting season. Can't say Oline or WR. Can't say D line. Two were signed (and I believe Huthcerson will play DE) and there's like 15 on roster with only 4 spots on the field. We got a great RB. Probably could have used a safety, but we got some pretty good ones last year. LBs? Mitchell and Mckenzie say hi. So outside of a kicker/punter I think we got just about every position covered with some great players.

Why gAUlf, you old sunshine pumper you.  :laugh:  :thumbsup:

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It's brighter on this side  ;). I was upset this morning, but it was more of me focusing on who we missed rather that who we had.

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I personally am OK with missing out of some of the big time 5 & 4 star recruits. Its law of averages and its going to happen. At least were swinging for the fences and going after the best. Last year we won more than our share of battles for big time recruits. This year, maybe not as well, but at least were going after the best.

Im OK with our results and think the class is great.

CGC swing for HRs and try to hit the ball out of the park. Tubbs swung for Doubles in the gap that he could try and stretch into triples and maybe even the occassional in the park HR. Theres no comparison.

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Wow, going back and reading some of those names almost brought a tear to my eye. And I know in time, so will the members of this 2012 class. I really believe they are going to be special- but then again, any one who signs that LOI to Auburn is special.

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No disrespect gAUlf but I dont understand the need to trash one area of our AU football history just to build up another.  Yes as far as stars go xCTT's classes did not measure up to CGC.  These coaches had two different philosophies about recruiting. xCTT relied on his coaches to scout talent at their camps.  CGC and company believe that if someone is keeping score then they should try to win. They go after highly rated players.  I learned to trust xCTT and believed that if they offered a kid regardless of stars, he had potential and they would get it out of him.  I also trust CGC that they can recruit with anyone and have a shot a landing the best rated players in the country.

Tubs lost many games he shouldn't have lost.  That wasnt because he didnt have the talent, he just got out coached.

CGC is doing a great job and will get Auburn the respect it deserves in due time.  But it wont be because of the ranks he gets from a recruiting site but the teams he develops and makes competitive.  This class is a great class that met our needs in every area.  With a strong 2012 season, we will be able to use the vacant spots to stack talent like crazy next year.  But we have to take care of business on the field or we will again be the first runner-up  for the big dogs we try to land late.

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No disrespect gAUlf but I dont understand the need to trash one area of our AU football history just to build up another. Yes as far as stars go xCTT's classes did not measure up to CGC. These coaches had two different philosophies about recruiting. xCTT relied on his coaches to scout talent at their camps. CGC and company believe that if someone is keeping score then they should try to win. They go after highly rated players. I learned to trust xCTT and believed that if they offered a kid regardless of stars, he had potential and they would get it out of him. I also trust CGC that they can recruit with anyone and have a shot a landing the best rated players in the country.

Tubs lost many games he shouldn't have lost. That wasnt because he didnt have the talent, he just got out coached.

CGC is doing a great job and will get Auburn the respect it deserves in due time. But it wont be because of the ranks he gets from a recruiting site but the teams he develops and makes competitive. This class is a great class that met our needs in every area. With a strong 2012 season, we will be able to use the vacant spots to stack talent like crazy next year. But we have to take care of business on the field or we will again be the first runner-up for the big dogs we try to land late.

Not trashing, just putting it out there. For the record I loved coach Tubs, he was just a lazy recruiter. And I seriously doubt Chizik just recruits for stars and recruiting class rankings. Tubs did get a lot out of players he got but go back and look at how many of the 2 and 3 stars, the ones that made up the majority of some classes, and look at how many were not successful.

The point of this thread was not to bash Tubs, but to open the eyes of the folks who weren't satisfied with this class and show them how it was not too long ago.

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No disrespect gAUlf but I dont understand the need to trash one area of our AU football history just to build up another.  Yes as far as stars go xCTT's classes did not measure up to CGC.  These coaches had two different philosophies about recruiting. xCTT relied on his coaches to scout talent at their camps.  CGC and company believe that if someone is keeping score then they should try to win. They go after highly rated players.  I learned to trust xCTT and believed that if they offered a kid regardless of stars, he had potential and they would get it out of him.  I also trust CGC that they can recruit with anyone and have a shot a landing the best rated players in the country.

Tubs lost many games he shouldn't have lost.  That wasnt because he didnt have the talent, he just got out coached.

CGC is doing a great job and will get Auburn the respect it deserves in due time.  But it wont be because of the ranks he gets from a recruiting site but the teams he develops and makes competitive.  This class is a great class that met our needs in every area.  With a strong 2012 season, we will be able to use the vacant spots to stack talent like crazy next year.  But we have to take care of business on the field or we will again be the first runner-up  for the big dogs we try to land late.

Not trashing, just putting it out there. For the record I loved coach Tubs, he was just a lazy recruiter. And I seriously doubt Chizik just recruits for stars and recruiting class rankings. He did get a lot out of players he got but go back and look at how many of the 2 and 3 stars, the ones that made up the majority of some classes, and look at how many were not successful.

The point of this thread was not to bash Tubs, but to open the eyes of the folks who weren't satisfied with this class and show them how it was not too long ago.

"I love you, man !"

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I was and still am very proud of the overall job CTT did at Auburn. My gosh, the man beat bammer year in and year out. I have a lot of respect for the man as should any true blue Auburn fan. With that being said, CGC has down a fantastic job at Auburn. This goes without saying. I am happy with the 2012 recruiting class. The past 10 or so years have been good for us except for a few years. I am sure we will beat bammer our fair share of times over the next decade on the field  and the recruiting trail. Good times are ahead and we should enjoy each and every one that comes our way!

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No disrespect gAUlf but I dont understand the need to trash one area of our AU football history just to build up another.  Yes as far as stars go xCTT's classes did not measure up to CGC.  These coaches had two different philosophies about recruiting. xCTT relied on his coaches to scout talent at their camps.  CGC and company believe that if someone is keeping score then they should try to win. They go after highly rated players.  I learned to trust xCTT and believed that if they offered a kid regardless of stars, he had potential and they would get it out of him.  I also trust CGC that they can recruit with anyone and have a shot a landing the best rated players in the country.

Tubs lost many games he shouldn't have lost.  That wasnt because he didnt have the talent, he just got out coached.

CGC is doing a great job and will get Auburn the respect it deserves in due time.  But it wont be because of the ranks he gets from a recruiting site but the teams he develops and makes competitive.  This class is a great class that met our needs in every area.  With a strong 2012 season, we will be able to use the vacant spots to stack talent like crazy next year.  But we have to take care of business on the field or we will again be the first runner-up  for the big dogs we try to land late.

Not trashing, just putting it out there. For the record I loved coach Tubs, he was just a lazy recruiter. And I seriously doubt Chizik just recruits for stars and recruiting class rankings. Tubs did get a lot out of players he got but go back and look at how many of the 2 and 3 stars, the ones that made up the majority of some classes, and look at how many were not successful.

The point of this thread was not to bash Tubs, but to open the eyes of the folks who weren't satisfied with this class and show them how it was not too long ago.

I understand your ends but its the means I question.  You realize that similar things are being said about Chizik's 09 and 10 classes except they're talking about how many 4 and 5 stars were not successful?


Again my point why tear down our history to try and build our future?

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That article was one of the most misleading things that B'ham news has put out in awhile. The 09 class was made up of mostly Tubs recruits (Again, not trying to put him down). And Chizik had to take chances on some guys that we did not have to the past 3 years. The 10-11 class has mostly stayed intact.

Not trying to tear anything down, it just is what it is.

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