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Hey guys...

Sorry I've been MIA so long, just overwhelmingly busy. Things here are going great and the family has adjusted well. James has had a few minor bleeding episodes, but nothing major to report. Madison is #1 in her class (I didn't know they kept up with things like that for 4th grade, but they do) Amanda is substituting while looking for a job and I'm doing my thing. A wild cat has now claimed us(thanks Amanda for feeding it) and the kids have named it Purcy because it purrs so much...uggh, I hate cats, and apparently Maggie does too. The football team is 6-0 and the secondary has had 7 INTS :hellyeah:

I hate that I can't be with y'all as much as I once was, but know that all of you are in my thoughts and prayers.


:-\ thought I got rid of your rear end

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Howdy folks!! I feel like I haven't been here in a month. Have I been fired? Has anybody been fired? Will anybody be fired?

Hey Bird, hopefully things will slow down for you after football season and you can join us more often. I'm glad to hear things are going well.

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uhhhh, uhhhhh. :-\ It was good! Actually, I cancelled because the back has been OK since about last Wednesday. I didn't want the chiropractor to mess it up.

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So, is this your way of pumping sunshine? It's not bad that we are a 5 pt. underdog going to Vandy because our win percentage against them is .500? Gee, I feel so much better.

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Oh no, there is another one of us golf isn't going to like, although I am a fan :bow:

Welcome aboard or give me a hand up on the wagon, either way.

I've liked Tigers, right colors too, since way back.

We could have a classic series with Cards and Kitties.

I think last time they met in one was one of the Classics in seven.

Motown Tigers had 2, dominating pitchers, Lolich and Morris.

If I remember correctly, Morris won 30 that year and Lolich won 3 in Series.

Cards were loaded with all stars and a wicked pitching staff led

by Bob Gibson, the most intimidating pitcher I ever saw.

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I'm a Bosox man. Baseball has been 100% wrong for me this year. HOWEVER, if those yakkees get dumped it takes an instant 50% upgrade. sometimes you just have to settle for the next best thing and that is it. Sad, but horribly true.

It cannot be argued that the Cards come alive for the playoffs from WAY BACK, I've spent a lot of time in St. Louis they are 1 of my fav NL teams and the Giants are the other one. Hard to choose.

Gibson was a MONSTER, one of the all time greats, he was a tough arse cookie.

Edited by telling tiger
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Gibson's scowl was intimidating.

I remember story about him .

His catcher was his roomie and then got traded.

The first time he came to bat against Gibson, he said he knew what was coming.

Gibson hit him in ribs with the first pitch as in . " that was then this is now. "

First baseball memoriesI have were of Whitey Ford's pitching, Bobby Richardson's glove, and Maris and Mantle dueling for 60.

I think Maris was a Card once too.?

Adopted the RS later, figured they were a baseball us.

Good to know another baseball fan.

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