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Listening to AirAmerica on Nov. 3rd.....


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I know, not everyone has access to this Anti American crap, but I forced myself to listen to it just for kicks. In the early part of the morning, the talk was centered on 2 main topics: 1) Not all the votes are in yet, so there's hope Kerry can win. There was lots of snickering by the host as they thought they were gonna still pull this one out. 2) The votes were rigged. Somehow Karl Rove had a hand in it. Plenty of anectotal 'evidence' by 'callers' came in, but back in the real world, there was no hint of wide spread voter irregularities.

Then mid morning rolled around...' Kerry bettter not make John Edwards a liar! Edwards said that every vote was gonna be counted and that they were gonna fight for us! ', was the cry. You could hear a hint of despiration in their voices. A touch of dispair.

Then the other shoe fell. Kerry was going to concede. They were devestated. How could he ?

It was too funny, but I had to listen to Laura Ingraham and Boortz. Then Rush. It was time to revel in the glory. Have some fun after all the torture and pain the Dems put this country through. But I still had to check back in ..

Mid afternoon: Al Frankin. He was being his usual unfunny self, trying to crack jokes at the Presidents expense, but the laughs were forced. ( more so than usual ). Then Frankin said something I could not believe. He said he was going over to Iraq and Afghanistan. Sounded like he had promised to go over there after the election.... and he said he was going to see the troops and let them know that the Americans back home were behind them.... " well, 51 % . " If that doesn't say it all! That f-ing b*****d!!... I wanted to choke that a-hole's neck right then and there. I was so pissed that after a few more moments to make sure I had heard what I thought I had... I changed the station.

Later on, I checked back for one last time. Were the Taliban loving idiots still in denial ? Yep! The NEW electronic voting machines were the reason Bush won. Yeah, that's the ticket! No WAY could America vote for him. Imagie.... the DEMOCRATS having the balls to say that Bush won on voter fraud. :roflol:

In 2000 , the butterfly ballots were to blame.

In 2004, the electronic voting machines were to blame.


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I listened to some of that Grade-A tripe yesterday too. You can listen online. It was quite funny to listen to them practically swallow their own tongues at the prospect that the man they referred to as "selected not elected" had not only won the electoral vote, but had garnered more votes than any candidate in history and won the popular vote by 3.5 million.

I also heard the same crap about how we managed to put electronic voting machines in all the heavy Democrat districts so the counts could be manipulated while all the Republican districts got the traditional punch card ballots where you had proof. Of course, I've always lived in red states and always lived in heavily Republican districts and I've never had to punch out a chad in my life. I've known anything but some form of electronic voting machine.

I just think it's delicious to have to listen to them wallow in their bitterness. They talked a lot of crap and now they have to deal with it. Good ol' Air Amerika.

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The lies continue. The Left wing has already started a broad based campaign to claim that THIS election was stolen too, just like in 2000. This after the Butterfly ballots were mostly done away with, after Kerry and the DNC were to send out LEGIONS of lawyers to make sure votes were counted fairly. But what is at work here is more devious than the Dems are claiming. It's tthe DEMS who are engaged in intentional, wide spread voter fraud. How ? Well, it goes like this.

Vast registration fraud. The Left goes out and registers those not eligible to vote, those already dead, those already registered in another county/state,ect..., those who never existed ( Daffy Duck, Mickey Mouse, etc.)

They accomplish this drive to register voters by paying 'volunteers' with cash ( whch is illegal ) and with crack cocaine ( which is VERY illegal )

Illegal registration forms brought in by NAACP, ACORN and Unity'04 have already been uncovered.

Then they 'instruct' as many people as possible to use provisional voting ballots. This makes it harder to verify each individual vote cast . The plan is to simply overwhelm the precincts and bank on them just accepting most of these ballots, en mass.

Release the lawyers. The Dems KNOW that there will be some challenges to their plan, and they were ready for it. Along w/ the cries of 'racism' and 'intimidation of minorites', they were ready to send in lawyers to harrass and intimidate the ballot counters themselves. Only one small problem spoiled their plan ---- -KERRY CALLED IT QUITS!

How much Kerry knew about this plot will probably never be known. It clearly was cooked up long before he became the nominee. But even he could see the writing on the wall. Despite the best efforts of the Left to rig this electino, the people had voted.

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Personnaly I would love to see Al Frankin go to Iraq. You wouldn't have to soil your hands on that useless twit. I'm sure the Marines would take care of that idiot. Unless of course he were to go see Osama in Afghanstan.

What an ultra maroon he is.

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