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Have a feeling the tv ratings are in the dump, the only reason I'm still somewhat watching is I'm on here and my son is hogging the Xbox

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Makes you wonder why in the world Smart would have ever considered going against satan across the state

he didn't realistically

Not what everybody and their brother was reporting, oh well

Goodnight all I've got my fill of this crap

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ND = fraud. Will they still be in the top 5 in the final rankings? They should outside the top 10. Being ND they may be ranked #2...

The BCS pollsters are the real frauds. ND didn't vote themselves as #1. Just saying ...

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The playoff system will end Alabama's continual ease of "championships". I expect Saban to bail before it comes to that.

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I HATE Bama just as much as any other Auburn fan but I do give credit where credit is do. I keep telling people that Bama is able to beat most teams without even stepping on the field and playing 1 minute or 1 second. How is that possible? It's primarily because of their S&C Program and discipline! Period! They have guys at EVERY position that are a freaking thoroughbreds. They start developing guys in the weight room first. Yea..every team does..but theirs is on another level! They have a system that's an well oiled machine. Take their RBs..their RBs are bigger, faster and stronger than many teams LB's...esp. ours. Yes they have very good players esp. on D...but no one stands out head and shoulders on offense. The OLine are the stars of the O. Other top teams recruit well just like Bama.

They out work teams in conditioning first and foremost which translates over to the field. Add in some discipline on both sides, good coaching and they just wear teams down. It's nothing fancy or spectacular about what they run on O or D. It doesn't matter what offense other teams run scheme wise....if they are not able to match up pound for pound with Bama...it will be a long hill to climb.

I got blasted on another board for questioning S&C Russell and making a S&C coach hire a big deal...nothing against the man...just hope he is up to the task b/c it starts with conditioning if you want to be competitive against Bama. However, with the hires we have on D...it makes me feel a little better but we have to focus on getting bigger, faster and stronger at EVERY position first and foremost..before we can worry about running any type of scheme.

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If someone had shown me a glimpse of the future 5 or 6 years ago by showing me this headline:

"Alabama dominates Notre Dame to claim third BCS national championship in four years"

I would have poured the disbelief and ridiculed them to the nuthouse. At least ND showed they are still not back and definitely not a top 15 team.

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Not sure if we can legally keep up with bammer's S&T. Anyways, our S&T will have an emphasis on endurance to keep up with our fast pace. Probably why Gus brought him from A-State.

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The playoff system will end Alabama's continual ease of "championships". I expect Saban to bail before it comes to that.

If Saban continues this domination i think he will go to the NFL. Some may say that doesn't make sense but I think he likes challenges and if he is only getting 2 or 3 games where he is being challenged and keep piling on NCs..i think he will look at giving the NFL another shoot. I think it eats at him that he failed badly at Miami but if the right team comes along and has some decent /key players on the roster...I think he will leave. I see him leaving within the next 3 or 4 years.

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The playoff system will end Alabama's continual ease of "championships". I expect Saban to bail before it comes to that.

If Saban continues this domination i think he will go to the NFL. Some may say that doesn't make sense but I think he likes challenges and if he is only getting 2 or 3 games where he is being challenged and keep piling on NCs..i think he will look at giving the NFL another shoot. I think it eats at him that he failed badly at Miami but if the right team comes along and has some decent /key players on the roster...I think he will leave. I see him leaving within the next 3 or 4 years.

Saban will retire at bama. You can put that in the bank.

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The playoff system will end Alabama's continual ease of "championships". I expect Saban to bail before it comes to that.

Unfortunately I think it is the other way around. Only sec teams can hang with them. Now all Alabama has to do is finish in the top 4 and they get to play a non conference opponent. Bottom line is we are facing a machine and have a tall task ahead to knock them down

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Not sure if we can legally keep up with bammer's S&T. Anyways, our S&T will have an emphasis on endurance to keep up with our fast pace. Probably why Gus brought him from A-State.

I don't care for the word endurance..for me it sounds like we would be staying too small and have no power. Regardless of what we run...every team should have 2 or 3 BIG boys to cause some havoc on D. I understand that we will not be matching power for power with someone like Bama due to us playing a different style but we still need some power guys up front on O & D. I'm tired of our guys looking like gymnast!

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The playoff system will end Alabama's continual ease of "championships". I expect Saban to bail before it comes to that.

If Saban continues this domination i think he will go to the NFL. Some may say that doesn't make sense but I think he likes challenges and if he is only getting 2 or 3 games where he is being challenged and keep piling on NCs..i think he will look at giving the NFL another shoot. I think it eats at him that he failed badly at Miami but if the right team comes along and has some decent /key players on the roster...I think he will leave. I see him leaving within the next 3 or 4 years.

Saban will retire at bama. You can put that in the bank.

We shall see but i doubt it. He had a perfect thing going at LSU but left. He's never really stayed anywhere long. 5 or 6 years somewhere the most...i think. I just really believe that the fact that he failed big time at Miami...will continue to eat at him. If it's the right team and situation...I certainly can see him leaving. IMO the reason why he didn't bite on anything this year is b/c he does want to spend a few more years at Bama. I know the coach in waiting thing hardly ever pans out but if Smart is still there and Saban sees an NFL job he likes and wants...i could see it happening.

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Notre Dame fans attending

tonight's BCS Championship game:


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We will know in about 5 years

Yep. We will. I hope he does leave! lol. Good grief. He has a freaking machine that doesn't look to be slowing down anytime soon. They may not go undefeated every year but he can easily say his teams will be able to contend EVERY year for a NC. Every year! I hate it...but respect it.

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