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NC Game Thread


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Best hit of the night:


Honestly this was the only time he was in any real danger all night. What do you think they fought about anyways? My guess

a.j. " dude You farted in my face !" Jones "maybe you farted! It wasn't me!" Aj " I'm about to throw up!" Stein "sorry guys the Cuban food in Miami is really good"

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Best hit of the night:


Honestly this was the only time he was in any real danger all night. What do you think they fought about anyways? My guess

a.j. " dude You farted in my face !" Jones "maybe you farted! It wasn't me!" Aj " I'm about to throw up!" Stein "sorry guys the Cuban food in Miami is really good"

Look at the #91 NDame player jumping up and down - - - he had his ass handed to him all night long, what was he excited about?
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Best hit of the night:


Honestly this was the only time he was in any real danger all night. What do you think they fought about anyways? My guess

a.j. " dude You farted in my face !" Jones "maybe you farted! It wasn't me!" Aj " I'm about to throw up!" Stein "sorry guys the Cuban food in Miami is really good"

Look at the #91 NDame player jumping up and down - - - he had his ass handed to him all night long, what was he excited about?

Guess he wanted to see someone in the game fight...even if it wasn't his team.

Also, in case you didn't see the after game stuff, the issue was snap count confusion. They hugged it out after they got off the field.

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Why are some folks pushing this PED agenda so hard right now? A couple of years ago it was the oversigning agenda.... Now it's the PED's?

Question - is UGA, LSU using PED's too? They took UAT to the brink this year and fought toe to toe with them down to the very end. How 'bout aTm, are they using?

It's sad and embarrassing for our fans to drum up new accusations to throw against a program just because we can't beat 'em on the damn football field. The constant conspiracy theories range from one extreme (oversigning) to the other (PED's) - - Crap like this shows an inferiority complex by AU fans and I'm sick of it.

this^^^ It's pathetic on our part. It's time for Gus to man up and make our program competitive again. I believe we will be...soon.

I agree, the only way to beat them is on the field and Gus will do that soon. We should not stoop to their level. Love Auburn more than you hate bama.

And for God's sake people, don't create conspiracies/rumors/innuendo about how the opponent runs their program. To continue to see agenda's like this PED crap spewed across other boards on the web that are initiated by "AU" fans is just embarrassing.

We now have a coaching staff that will work their butts off to bring this program back up to the top level of this conference. We don't know what this group of coaches are capable of accomplishing yet. At this point, I just want to see an AU team that takes care of their buisness on and off the field. Beat the teams Auburn "should" beat (OleMiss/MSU/Vandy/Arky), be competitive against the elite SEC teams (LSU/UGA/FLA/UAT) and pull out W's were we can get them. Eventually, if this coaching staff has success and a good plan for the future, we will be back in the hunt for championships. I look forward to that day!

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