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Economy in U.S. Grows More Than Forecast


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This summer President Obama has attended a bumper crop of political fundraisers, now more than 400 since taking office. He claims he wants to work with the House Republicans he mocks as "hatin' on" him. And, of course, Obama boasts of creating new jobs.

In his weekly remarks last Saturday and almost every other week, Obama has declared something like: "Our economy created over 200,000 new jobs in July. That’s on top of about 300,000 new jobs in June." He asserts there would have been even more had it not been for those you-know-who's in the House.

The economy is by far the most important factor controlling Obama's weakening job approval, still underwater at 41%. Approval of his economic job is even worse. So, he grabs at any seemingly positive job news, hoping to mitigate damage in November's midterm elections.

Those new monthly job figures he cites are true, as far as they go.

But as usual with this Chicago pol's declaratory statements, there's much more hidden than revealed.

Obama does not mention that July's unemployment rate ticked up to 6.2%. He does not mention that July's new employment figure was lower than expected. And, of course, he will never recall that this is the fifth straight summer of the 2010 Recovery Summer that turned out to be as invisible as this administration's transparency.

That 2010 summer was when both Obama and Joe "That Three-Letter Word J-O-B-S" Biden promised that their nearly trillion-dollars of stimulus spending -- that vast sum that went straight to enhance the national debt -- would be creating "hundreds of thousands" of new jobs in the very next month. Or the one after that. Or maybe in three months. Surely, in four.

That bunk was what made "Shovel-ready jobs" such an embarrassing laugh line.

Those two recovering senators, Obama and Biden, have danced around the jobs issue better than Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers ever could.

Here's the pathetic truth about jobs under these guys:

According to the latest figures from their own Department of Labor, since Jan. 20, 2009, that chilly first inauguration day, 11,472,000 Americans have left the workforce.

That's as if every living human being in the state of Ohio was working and then wasn't. Or the entire population of four Chicago's. Or 14 San Francisco's. Or almost 18 Washington, D.C.'s went jobless.

Put another way, ever since Aretha Franklin's huge hat sang-in Obama's era of "Hope & Change," 5,682 Americans were out of a job every single day of every single week -- even the weeks Obama was vacationing. As he will be again later this week for half the month. After again promising to do everything he can to boost the economy.So, around the clock for 2,019 days every hour another 237 additional job-holders stopped earning money they could spend to employ other job-holders.

And they each stopped paying income and Social Security taxes. Not to mention falling behind in pursuit of that dream of middle-class life that the Democrat professes to assist so ardently.

But wait, there's more. The new EPA regulations designed to strangle the coal industry will snuff out an estimated 800,000 additional jobs.

And ObamaCare has yet to take full effect in the workplace. For some strange reason, its authors wrote in requirements perversely discouraging employers from keeping full-time workers, by exempting the need to pay healthcare coverage for anyone working less than 30 hours.

Take this June, for instance. Obama boasts the economy under his administration helped to create "about 300,000 new jobs." (Actually, 288,000.)

OK. Let's look inside those numbers. During that month the United States, in fact, lost 523,000 full-time jobs. They were replaced by 811,000 new jobs.

That might look good, until you realize that only 12,000 of those new jobs -- 1.4% -- were full-time. The other 799,000 "new jobs" -- nearly 99% -- that Obama's claiming credit for were only part-time.

Apparently, in his remarks President Obama can't find time to go into such detail. We're pleased to help him out.


But the Liberals/Democrats will either ignore this reality, attack who wrote it and/or attempt to distract from the reality. It is what they do.

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Well, I sure ain't going to ignore my personal reality, which is my portfolio is up more than 12% for the last 12 months. ;)/> ;D/>

That's all that matters, right? ;)

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Well, I sure ain't going to ignore my personal reality, which is my portfolio is up more than 12% for the last 12 months. ;)/> ;D/>

That's all that matters, right? ;)

Not at all.

But AA was making statements about what "Democrats and Liberals" feel about the economy as a liberal (if not a Democrat) I just thought I'd provide my personal perspective, first hand report from a liberal so to speak. Take it for what it's worth.

But if he doesn't have a job, I can understand why he's so disgruntled.

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Well, I sure ain't going to ignore my personal reality, which is my portfolio is up more than 12% for the last 12 months. ;)/> ;D/>

That's all that matters, right? ;)/>

Not at all.

But AA was making statements about what "Democrats and Liberals" feel about the economy as a liberal (if not a Democrat) I just thought I'd provide my personal perspective, first hand report from a liberal so to speak. Take it for what it's worth.

But if he doesn't have a job, I can understand why he's so disgruntled.

I've noticed on several occasions where you use your personal improvements as fodder for the Democrats policy making. I'll take that for what it's worth.

Personally I'm doing ok, but I know a lot of people who are struggling to regain their footing since 2008 and the loss of jobs in their respective areas of life. Most are still treading water if not going under. I guess they should become liberals and give in? ;)

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Well, I sure ain't going to ignore my personal reality, which is my portfolio is up more than 12% for the last 12 months. ;)/> ;D/>

That's all that matters, right? ;)/>

Not at all.

But AA was making statements about what "Democrats and Liberals" feel about the economy as a liberal (if not a Democrat) I just thought I'd provide my personal perspective, first hand report from a liberal so to speak. Take it for what it's worth.

But if he doesn't have a job, I can understand why he's so disgruntled.

I've noticed on several occasions where you use your personal improvements as fodder for the Democrats policy making. I'll take that for what it's worth.

Personally I'm doing ok, but I know a lot of people who are struggling to regain their footing since 2008 and the loss of jobs in their respective areas of life. Most are still treading water if not going under. I guess they should become liberals and give in? ;)

I think the people who are still suffering from the great recession of 2008 ought to do some serious critical thinking about what caused it and strive to support whatever party they think best represents a change from those policies.

As far as my personal condition, if you and others can offer anecdotes about unnamed people who are suffering, I don't see anything wrong with offering a personal account that disproves the universality of that reality.

I understand that our system works for people like me and is not working for many other less advantaged people. I understand that once one can attain a certain level of assets they enter into a "different economy" that places them above the daily struggle that is all too common for many people. (At least if they have the sense to live beneath their means.)

As a liberal, I think we should do everything possible to reform our system to empower everyone to reach a status of financial independence if they are capable of doing so. That includes providing them help. I don't see that as a threat to me at all. Just the opposite.

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Well, I sure ain't going to ignore my personal reality, which is my portfolio is up more than 12% for the last 12 months. ;)/> ;D/>

That's all that matters, right? ;)/>

Not at all.

But AA was making statements about what "Democrats and Liberals" feel about the economy as a liberal (if not a Democrat) I just thought I'd provide my personal perspective, first hand report from a liberal so to speak. Take it for what it's worth.

But if he doesn't have a job, I can understand why he's so disgruntled.

I've noticed on several occasions where you use your personal improvements as fodder for the Democrats policy making. I'll take that for what it's worth.

Personally I'm doing ok, but I know a lot of people who are struggling to regain their footing since 2008 and the loss of jobs in their respective areas of life. Most are still treading water if not going under. I guess they should become liberals and give in? ;)

I think the people who are still suffering from the great recession of 2008 ought to do some serious critical thinking about what caused it and strive to support whatever party they think best represents a change from those policies.

As far as my personal condition, if you and others can offer anecdotes about unnamed people who are suffering, I don't see anything wrong with offering a personal account that disproves the universality of that reality.

I understand that our system works for people like me and is not working for many other less advantaged people. I understand that once one can attain a certain level of assets they enter into a "different economy" that places them above the daily struggle that is all too common for many people. (At least if they have the sense to live beneath their means.)

As a liberal, I think we should do everything possible to reform our system to empower everyone to reach a status of financial independence if they are capable of doing so. That includes providing them help. I don't see that as a threat to me at all. Just the opposite.

In your opinion, what caused the financial crisis of 2008? And it's great that you are doing good with the stock market but millions that don't have money in the stock market are benefitting from the stock market how? I thought Democrats were for the little guy! HMMMM. And we have over 11,000,000 more Americans that are jobless today than when Obama took office. What the democrat excuse for that?

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Another impressive stat for dem economic policies is more businesses are closing than are starting up. I cant see how that can ever be considered a positive indicator of a country's economic health.

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Another impressive stat for dem economic policies is more businesses are closing than are starting up. I cant see how that can ever be considered a positive indicator of a country's economic health.

But Homer made 12% on his stocks. Does any of that other stuff like jobs and opportunities really matter?

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Another impressive stat for dem economic policies is more businesses are closing than are starting up. I cant see how that can ever be considered a positive indicator of a country's economic health.

But Homer made 12% on his stocks. Does any of that other stuff like jobs and opportunities really matter?

It's not like I am a financial genius. I'm not. In fact, the bulk of my stock investments are in an S&P index fund. Anybody can do well in a bull market. And I certainly don't equate a bull market with financial acumen.

So, how did your investment portfolio do?

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Another impressive stat for dem economic policies is more businesses are closing than are starting up. I cant see how that can ever be considered a positive indicator of a country's economic health.

But Homer made 12% on his stocks. Does any of that other stuff like jobs and opportunities really matter?

It's not like I am a financial genius. I'm not. In fact, the bulk of my stock investments are in an S&P index fund. Anybody can do well in a bull market. And I certainly don't equate a bull market with financial acumen.

So, how did your investment portfolio do?

For the most part I missed the run up in the market the past year or so. For full disclosure, I don't trust the 'Wall Street boys' and the vast majority of my investments are in conservative places which prevent the higher returns but guarantee a minimum return. I'm doing fine but am extremely concerned about the opportunities or lack of them my children will have. Small business has always been difficult and now under the current Administration, we are being vilified and called greedy as opposed to being encouraged.

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Another impressive stat for dem economic policies is more businesses are closing than are starting up. I cant see how that can ever be considered a positive indicator of a country's economic health.

But Homer made 12% on his stocks. Does any of that other stuff like jobs and opportunities really matter?

It's not like I am a financial genius. I'm not. In fact, the bulk of my stock investments are in an S&P index fund. Anybody can do well in a bull market. And I certainly don't equate a bull market with financial acumen.

So, how did your investment portfolio do?

For the most part I missed the run up in the market the past year or so. For full disclosure, I don't trust the 'Wall Street boys' and the vast majority of my investments are in conservative places which prevent the higher returns but guarantee a minimum return. I'm doing fine but am extremely concerned about the opportunities or lack of them my children will have. Small business has always been difficult and now under the current Administration, we are being vilified and called greedy as opposed to being encouraged.

So, again, how did your portfolio do? Do you know?

Do you know what your net worth is? (Not what is it, but do you know what it is.)

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Another impressive stat for dem economic policies is more businesses are closing than are starting up. I cant see how that can ever be considered a positive indicator of a country's economic health.

But Homer made 12% on his stocks. Does any of that other stuff like jobs and opportunities really matter?

It's not like I am a financial genius. I'm not. In fact, the bulk of my stock investments are in an S&P index fund. Anybody can do well in a bull market. And I certainly don't equate a bull market with financial acumen.

So, how did your investment portfolio do?

For the most part I missed the run up in the market the past year or so. For full disclosure, I don't trust the 'Wall Street boys' and the vast majority of my investments are in conservative places which prevent the higher returns but guarantee a minimum return. I'm doing fine but am extremely concerned about the opportunities or lack of them my children will have. Small business has always been difficult and now under the current Administration, we are being vilified and called greedy as opposed to being encouraged.

So, again, how did your portfolio do? Do you know?

Do you know what your net worth is? (Not what is it, but do you know what it is.)

Does my net worth matter? I have a good idea approximately what it is but with a significant portion of it in real estate and various business's, it' hard to put a solid figure on it. Yea, I can look at an appraisal and that will give me an idea but one property is worth much more than it is appraised at but until I decide to sell it, we really don't know what someone will be will to pay for it. Obviously putting a specific value on ongoing business's is even more difficult but I have a fairly good idea on those as well. What's your point?

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Another impressive stat for dem economic policies is more businesses are closing than are starting up. I cant see how that can ever be considered a positive indicator of a country's economic health.

But Homer made 12% on his stocks. Does any of that other stuff like jobs and opportunities really matter?

It's not like I am a financial genius. I'm not. In fact, the bulk of my stock investments are in an S&P index fund. Anybody can do well in a bull market. And I certainly don't equate a bull market with financial acumen.

So, how did your investment portfolio do?

For the most part I missed the run up in the market the past year or so. For full disclosure, I don't trust the 'Wall Street boys' and the vast majority of my investments are in conservative places which prevent the higher returns but guarantee a minimum return. I'm doing fine but am extremely concerned about the opportunities or lack of them my children will have. Small business has always been difficult and now under the current Administration, we are being vilified and called greedy as opposed to being encouraged.

So, again, how did your portfolio do? Do you know?

Do you know what your net worth is? (Not what is it, but do you know what it is.)

Does my net worth matter? I have a good idea approximately what it is but with a significant portion of it in real estate and various business's, it' hard to put a solid figure on it. Yea, I can look at an appraisal and that will give me an idea but one property is worth much more than it is appraised at but until I decide to sell it, we really don't know what someone will be will to pay for it. Obviously putting a specific value on ongoing business's is even more difficult but I have a fairly good idea on those as well. What's your point?

The actual value doesn't matter. I was just curious if you tracked it as an indicator of personal financial acumen.

You - and a handful of others - on this forum like to come on here and disparage the opinions and positions of others by attacking their intelligence and calling them ignorant.

I don't think you - meaning all of you - are nearly as smart as you think you are. If you were, you'd be able to see at least some value in opposing views. I don't think you are really capable of objective, critical thinking. And the more you post on here, the more I think that.

You make really stupid and pointless posts like the one above responding to Blue (who is another habitual offender). Ya'll come on here to use the forum to vent your mindless political passions which is certainly your right, just don't expect to avoid being called on it. It's our forum too.

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Another impressive stat for dem economic policies is more businesses are closing than are starting up. I cant see how that can ever be considered a positive indicator of a country's economic health.

But Homer made 12% on his stocks. Does any of that other stuff like jobs and opportunities really matter?

It's not like I am a financial genius. I'm not. In fact, the bulk of my stock investments are in an S&P index fund. Anybody can do well in a bull market. And I certainly don't equate a bull market with financial acumen.

So, how did your investment portfolio do?

For the most part I missed the run up in the market the past year or so. For full disclosure, I don't trust the 'Wall Street boys' and the vast majority of my investments are in conservative places which prevent the higher returns but guarantee a minimum return. I'm doing fine but am extremely concerned about the opportunities or lack of them my children will have. Small business has always been difficult and now under the current Administration, we are being vilified and called greedy as opposed to being encouraged.

So, again, how did your portfolio do? Do you know?

Do you know what your net worth is? (Not what is it, but do you know what it is.)

Does my net worth matter? I have a good idea approximately what it is but with a significant portion of it in real estate and various business's, it' hard to put a solid figure on it. Yea, I can look at an appraisal and that will give me an idea but one property is worth much more than it is appraised at but until I decide to sell it, we really don't know what someone will be will to pay for it. Obviously putting a specific value on ongoing business's is even more difficult but I have a fairly good idea on those as well. What's your point?

The actual value doesn't matter. I was just curious if you tracked it as an indicator of personal financial acumen.

You - and a handful of others - on this forum like to come on here and disparage the opinions and positions of others by attacking their intelligence and calling them ignorant.

I don't think you - meaning all of you - are nearly as smart as you think you are. If you were, you'd be able to see at least some value in opposing views. I don't think you are really capable of objective, critical thinking. And the more you post on here, the more I think that.

You make really stupid and pointless posts like the one above responding to Blue (who is another habitual offender). Ya'll come on here to use the forum to vent your mindless political passions which is certainly your right, just don't expect to avoid being called on it. It's our forum too.

Indeed you 'on the other side' should expose your views. It allows anyone with a mind with common sense and the ability to reason to see what the Democrat/Liberal mind thinks. The fact that IMO the vast majority of what you people think is ignorant shouldn't matter as others form their opinions. I'm far from the only one who honestly believes the liberal mind is at a minimum somewhat mentally ill and at worst, insane. For example, here's Thomas Sowell's article wondering about 'ya'lls' ability to think as well. http://jewishworldreview.com/cols/sowell080514.php3#.U-EXUPco7IU

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Indeed you 'on the other side' should expose your views. It allows anyone with a mind with common sense and the ability to reason to see what the Democrat/Liberal mind thinks. The fact that IMO the vast majority of what you people think is ignorant shouldn't matter as others form their opinions. I'm far from the only one who honestly believes the liberal mind is at a minimum somewhat mentally ill and at worst, insane. For example, here's Thomas Sowell's article wondering about 'ya'lls' ability to think as well. http://jewishworldre...p3#.U-EXUPco7IU

I would say that individuals continually refusing to learn what "liberalism" actually means before bashing it are probably more symptomatic of a mental disorder or defect.

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The actual value doesn't matter. I was just curious if you tracked it as an indicator of personal financial acumen.

You - and a handful of others - on this forum like to come on here and disparage the opinions and positions of others by attacking their intelligence and calling them ignorant.

I don't think you - meaning all of you - are nearly as smart as you think you are. If you were, you'd be able to see at least some value in opposing views. I don't think you are really capable of objective, critical thinking. And the more you post on here, the more I think that.

You make really stupid and pointless posts like the one above responding to Blue (who is another habitual offender). Ya'll come on here to use the forum to vent your mindless political passions which is certainly your right, just don't expect to avoid being called on it. It's our forum too.

Indeed you 'on the other side' should expose your views. It allows anyone with a mind with common sense and the ability to reason to see what the Democrat/Liberal mind thinks. The fact that IMO the vast majority of what you people think is ignorant shouldn't matter as others form their opinions. I'm far from the only one who honestly believes the liberal mind is at a minimum somewhat mentally ill and at worst, insane. For example, here's Thomas Sowell's article wondering about 'ya'lls' ability to think as well. http://jewishworldre...p3#.U-EXUPco7IU

Well, it's hardly surprising someone so content in their ignorance would endorse Sowell. He writes for people like you.

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The actual value doesn't matter. I was just curious if you tracked it as an indicator of personal financial acumen.

You - and a handful of others - on this forum like to come on here and disparage the opinions and positions of others by attacking their intelligence and calling them ignorant.

I don't think you - meaning all of you - are nearly as smart as you think you are. If you were, you'd be able to see at least some value in opposing views. I don't think you are really capable of objective, critical thinking. And the more you post on here, the more I think that.

You make really stupid and pointless posts like the one above responding to Blue (who is another habitual offender). Ya'll come on here to use the forum to vent your mindless political passions which is certainly your right, just don't expect to avoid being called on it. It's our forum too.

Indeed you 'on the other side' should expose your views. It allows anyone with a mind with common sense and the ability to reason to see what the Democrat/Liberal mind thinks. The fact that IMO the vast majority of what you people think is ignorant shouldn't matter as others form their opinions. I'm far from the only one who honestly believes the liberal mind is at a minimum somewhat mentally ill and at worst, insane. For example, here's Thomas Sowell's article wondering about 'ya'lls' ability to think as well. http://jewishworldre...p3#.U-EXUPco7IU

Well, it's hardly surprising someone so content in their ignorance would endorse Sowell. He writes for people like you.

There you go. Avoid the realities of what is being said and throw in a little 'attack the messenger'. You probably will end up in the later category mentioned above.

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The actual value doesn't matter. I was just curious if you tracked it as an indicator of personal financial acumen.

You - and a handful of others - on this forum like to come on here and disparage the opinions and positions of others by attacking their intelligence and calling them ignorant.

I don't think you - meaning all of you - are nearly as smart as you think you are. If you were, you'd be able to see at least some value in opposing views. I don't think you are really capable of objective, critical thinking. And the more you post on here, the more I think that.

You make really stupid and pointless posts like the one above responding to Blue (who is another habitual offender). Ya'll come on here to use the forum to vent your mindless political passions which is certainly your right, just don't expect to avoid being called on it. It's our forum too.

Indeed you 'on the other side' should expose your views. It allows anyone with a mind with common sense and the ability to reason to see what the Democrat/Liberal mind thinks. The fact that IMO the vast majority of what you people think is ignorant shouldn't matter as others form their opinions. I'm far from the only one who honestly believes the liberal mind is at a minimum somewhat mentally ill and at worst, insane. For example, here's Thomas Sowell's article wondering about 'ya'lls' ability to think as well. http://jewishworldre...p3#.U-EXUPco7IU

Well, it's hardly surprising someone so content in their ignorance would endorse Sowell. He writes for people like you.

There you go. Avoid the realities of what is being said and throw in a little 'attack the messenger'. You probably will end up in the later category mentioned above.

Sowell has never written a substantive, thoughtful "message" in his life. He has made a career publishing rhetorical fluff. He's a political shill of the worst type. The only reason he is well known is because he capitalized on the novelty (at the time) of being a black conservative wacko. He's a perfect fit for a shameless political rag like "Forbes" and he has ridden them from the beginning.

I used to get a copy of Forbes at work decades ago and would read every column he wrote just for the humor of it.

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Well, I sure ain't going to ignore my personal reality, which is my portfolio is up more than 12% for the last 12 months. ;)/> ;D/>

That's all that matters, right? ;)/>

Not at all.

But AA was making statements about what "Democrats and Liberals" feel about the economy as a liberal (if not a Democrat) I just thought I'd provide my personal perspective, first hand report from a liberal so to speak. Take it for what it's worth.

But if he doesn't have a job, I can understand why he's so disgruntled.

I've noticed on several occasions where you use your personal improvements as fodder for the Democrats policy making. I'll take that for what it's worth.

Personally I'm doing ok, but I know a lot of people who are struggling to regain their footing since 2008 and the loss of jobs in their respective areas of life. Most are still treading water if not going under. I guess they should become liberals and give in? ;)

I think the people who are still suffering from the great recession of 2008 ought to do some serious critical thinking about what caused it and strive to support whatever party they think best represents a change from those policies.

As far as my personal condition, if you and others can offer anecdotes about unnamed people who are suffering, I don't see anything wrong with offering a personal account that disproves the universality of that reality.

I understand that our system works for people like me and is not working for many other less advantaged people. I understand that once one can attain a certain level of assets they enter into a "different economy" that places them above the daily struggle that is all too common for many people. (At least if they have the sense to live beneath their means.)

As a liberal, I think we should do everything possible to reform our system to empower everyone to reach a status of financial independence if they are capable of doing so. That includes providing them help. I don't see that as a threat to me at all. Just the opposite.

Help on a temporary basis is one thing, but many of you have no problem with the Robin Hood method of taking from one and giving to another. That never works but hey...it's your ideology not mine.

BTW, it's none of your business who these people are, but they are hurting and you can damn well bet they would be happy to let you know about it.

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The actual value doesn't matter. I was just curious if you tracked it as an indicator of personal financial acumen.

You - and a handful of others - on this forum like to come on here and disparage the opinions and positions of others by attacking their intelligence and calling them ignorant.

I don't think you - meaning all of you - are nearly as smart as you think you are. If you were, you'd be able to see at least some value in opposing views. I don't think you are really capable of objective, critical thinking. And the more you post on here, the more I think that.

You make really stupid and pointless posts like the one above responding to Blue (who is another habitual offender). Ya'll come on here to use the forum to vent your mindless political passions which is certainly your right, just don't expect to avoid being called on it. It's our forum too.

Indeed you 'on the other side' should expose your views. It allows anyone with a mind with common sense and the ability to reason to see what the Democrat/Liberal mind thinks. The fact that IMO the vast majority of what you people think is ignorant shouldn't matter as others form their opinions. I'm far from the only one who honestly believes the liberal mind is at a minimum somewhat mentally ill and at worst, insane. For example, here's Thomas Sowell's article wondering about 'ya'lls' ability to think as well. http://jewishworldre...p3#.U-EXUPco7IU

Well, it's hardly surprising someone so content in their ignorance would endorse Sowell. He writes for people like you.

There you go. Avoid the realities of what is being said and throw in a little 'attack the messenger'. You probably will end up in the later category mentioned above.

Sowell has never written a substantive, thoughtful "message" in his life. He has made a career publishing rhetorical fluff. He's a political shill of the worst type. The only reason he is well known is because he capitalized on the novelty (at the time) of being a black conservative wacko. He's a perfect fit for a shameless political rag like "Forbes" and he has ridden them from the beginning.

I used to get a copy of Forbes at work decades ago and would read every column he wrote just for the humor of it.

You left out calling him an "Uncle Tom".
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The actual value doesn't matter. I was just curious if you tracked it as an indicator of personal financial acumen.

You - and a handful of others - on this forum like to come on here and disparage the opinions and positions of others by attacking their intelligence and calling them ignorant.

I don't think you - meaning all of you - are nearly as smart as you think you are. If you were, you'd be able to see at least some value in opposing views. I don't think you are really capable of objective, critical thinking. And the more you post on here, the more I think that.

You make really stupid and pointless posts like the one above responding to Blue (who is another habitual offender). Ya'll come on here to use the forum to vent your mindless political passions which is certainly your right, just don't expect to avoid being called on it. It's our forum too.

Indeed you 'on the other side' should expose your views. It allows anyone with a mind with common sense and the ability to reason to see what the Democrat/Liberal mind thinks. The fact that IMO the vast majority of what you people think is ignorant shouldn't matter as others form their opinions. I'm far from the only one who honestly believes the liberal mind is at a minimum somewhat mentally ill and at worst, insane. For example, here's Thomas Sowell's article wondering about 'ya'lls' ability to think as well. http://jewishworldre...p3#.U-EXUPco7IU

Well, it's hardly surprising someone so content in their ignorance would endorse Sowell. He writes for people like you.

There you go. Avoid the realities of what is being said and throw in a little 'attack the messenger'. You probably will end up in the later category mentioned above.

Sowell has never written a substantive, thoughtful "message" in his life. He has made a career publishing rhetorical fluff. He's a political shill of the worst type. The only reason he is well known is because he capitalized on the novelty (at the time) of being a black conservative wacko. He's a perfect fit for a shameless political rag like "Forbes" and he has ridden them from the beginning.

I used to get a copy of Forbes at work decades ago and would read every column he wrote just for the humor of it.

You left out calling him an "Uncle Tom".

Are you saying he should get a pass because of his race?

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Well, I sure ain't going to ignore my personal reality, which is my portfolio is up more than 12% for the last 12 months. ;)/> ;D/>

That's all that matters, right? ;)/>

Not at all.

But AA was making statements about what "Democrats and Liberals" feel about the economy as a liberal (if not a Democrat) I just thought I'd provide my personal perspective, first hand report from a liberal so to speak. Take it for what it's worth.

But if he doesn't have a job, I can understand why he's so disgruntled.

I've noticed on several occasions where you use your personal improvements as fodder for the Democrats policy making. I'll take that for what it's worth.

Personally I'm doing ok, but I know a lot of people who are struggling to regain their footing since 2008 and the loss of jobs in their respective areas of life. Most are still treading water if not going under. I guess they should become liberals and give in? ;)

I think the people who are still suffering from the great recession of 2008 ought to do some serious critical thinking about what caused it and strive to support whatever party they think best represents a change from those policies.

As far as my personal condition, if you and others can offer anecdotes about unnamed people who are suffering, I don't see anything wrong with offering a personal account that disproves the universality of that reality.

I understand that our system works for people like me and is not working for many other less advantaged people. I understand that once one can attain a certain level of assets they enter into a "different economy" that places them above the daily struggle that is all too common for many people. (At least if they have the sense to live beneath their means.)

As a liberal, I think we should do everything possible to reform our system to empower everyone to reach a status of financial independence if they are capable of doing so. That includes providing them help. I don't see that as a threat to me at all. Just the opposite.

Help on a temporary basis is one thing, but many of you have no problem with the Robin Hood method of taking from one and giving to another. That never works but hey...it's your ideology not mine.

BTW, it's none of your business who these people are, but they are hurting and you can damn well bet they would be happy to let you know about it.

That's a BS characterization of what I said and you know it. It sounds like something Blue might say. I thought you were better. I also thought you were better than playing the victim vs. the truly disadvantaged.

You'll have to explain the second sentence. I don't understand what you are saying at all.

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Well, I sure ain't going to ignore my personal reality, which is my portfolio is up more than 12% for the last 12 months. ;)/> ;D/>

That's all that matters, right? ;)/>

Not at all.

But AA was making statements about what "Democrats and Liberals" feel about the economy as a liberal (if not a Democrat) I just thought I'd provide my personal perspective, first hand report from a liberal so to speak. Take it for what it's worth.

But if he doesn't have a job, I can understand why he's so disgruntled.

I've noticed on several occasions where you use your personal improvements as fodder for the Democrats policy making. I'll take that for what it's worth.

Personally I'm doing ok, but I know a lot of people who are struggling to regain their footing since 2008 and the loss of jobs in their respective areas of life. Most are still treading water if not going under. I guess they should become liberals and give in? ;)/>

I think the people who are still suffering from the great recession of 2008 ought to do some serious critical thinking about what caused it and strive to support whatever party they think best represents a change from those policies.

As far as my personal condition, if you and others can offer anecdotes about unnamed people who are suffering, I don't see anything wrong with offering a personal account that disproves the universality of that reality.

I understand that our system works for people like me and is not working for many other less advantaged people. I understand that once one can attain a certain level of assets they enter into a "different economy" that places them above the daily struggle that is all too common for many people. (At least if they have the sense to live beneath their means.)

As a liberal, I think we should do everything possible to reform our system to empower everyone to reach a status of financial independence if they are capable of doing so. That includes providing them help. I don't see that as a threat to me at all. Just the opposite.

Help on a temporary basis is one thing, but many of you have no problem with the Robin Hood method of taking from one and giving to another. That never works but hey...it's your ideology not mine.

BTW, it's none of your business who these people are, but they are hurting and you can damn well bet they would be happy to let you know about it.

That's a BS characterization of what I said and you know it. It sounds like something Blue might say. I thought you were better. I also thought you were better than playing the victim vs. the truly disadvantaged.

You'll have to explain the second sentence. I don't understand what you are saying at all.

Get off the "I thought you were better than that" mantra. You present yourself in a way that leads someone to conclude exactly what I stated. I'm tired of the BS myself so deal with it. Go back and read the post prior to my reply. If you still don't understand my second sentence then I can't help you.

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homer, did i just read you calling Thomas Sowell an Uncle Tom?


Writes nothing substantive?



Dr Sowell is one of the better Intellects in the nation. By any one's account.

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