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Nancy Pelosi and I agree?!?!


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I’m sure Nancy Pelosi and I don’t support the Cromnibus bill for different reasons, but for the first time in my memory we agree on something. It’s a start right? Now if we can just get that Obama and Reid fellow to see it my way...


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Marsha Blackburn comments on the Cromnibus Bill.

Unfortunately, this spending package fails to take the necessary actions to defund the President’s lawless amnesty. As a result, I cannot vote in support of this measure. It is not fair that hard-working taxpayers in Tennessee will now have to compete for jobs with illegal aliens to whom the President is unilaterally granting work permits at a time when our workforce participation rate sits at a 36-year low and more than 90 million Americans are out of work. That is why I fought for and passed my bill in the House this summer to freeze the President’s unconstitutional Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program. King Obama’s amnesty is turning America into a lawless open borders society.
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Nancy Pelosi told her members in a closed-door session that she had called the speaker and signaled that Democrats could have difficulty supporting the final deal if the financial regulation and political contribution provisions were not changed.

“These provisions are destructive to middle-class families and to the practice of our democracy,” Ms. Pelosi said in a statement. By Wednesday night, Democratic opposition to the bill had hardened over the two provisions. Mr. Boehner told Ms. Pelosi that Republicans were not willing to budge on those issues, said people with knowledge of the discussions, and that if House Democrats were not willing to provide the necessary votes, they should be prepared to vote on a short-term measure that would push the spending package into early next year, when Republicans will have more leverage.

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They've had three months to work this crap out. Now at the final hours, they pull this? So I get to go tell my civilian workers that they might be furloughed tonight. Well done congress, well done...

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As a "Constitutional Conservative", ; )

I'm in 100% in agreement with you. The Federal Govt's role on providing a military is clearly defined and should be funded without all the posturing that goes on with these other issues.

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There won't be a shutdown tonight. They will just pass a procedural "bill" delaying things a couple of days. Meanwhile Obama is calling House Dems to support the bill currently ready for a House vote. imagine that.


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CR omnibus - I bet it'll be used more for a political campaign issue than anything. The Dems will feign a ruckus, but in the end, it'll be passed.

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CR omnibus - I bet it'll be used more for a political campaign issue than anything. The Dems will feign a ruckus, but in the end, it'll be passed.

Probably so but wouldn't it be sweet if Fauxcahontas came off the reservation and got enough of the far left in the Senate along with republicans who dont want it passed for other reasons to get it blocked? Politics makes for strange bed fellows but it would be fun seeing how the media would handle her dissent. They called the republicans "jihadists with bombs strapped their chests" Cant help but believe their obvious duplicity would be front and center for the whole country to see what they're all about, which is, is supporting the efforts of the left and doing everything to they can to portray the right as radicals.

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Notice how Fauxcahontas is being treated by the MSM .. 'brave' and 'courageous' , while Ted Cruz was just ' mean, petty, and angry' .

Un effing believable.

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