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Great story about Mark Richt's character


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I give up, good lil story, but I can't figure out how to share via IPad. Someone delete this plz? Sorry for my lack of knowledge about image sharing

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If you want to share a photo you need to right click on the photo then click copy image URL. When you post, click on the little picture icon just below and to the left of the smiley face. Then paste the URL in there. The photo needs to be in jpg format for it to work.

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This is a great story about Mark Richt. I am personal friends with the Eunice family (we were both in Air Force together) - it was a tragedy for them to lose James who had so much going for him as a young man with plans to walk on at Georgia. Coach Richt has been supportive of James and the Eunice family and their continued the mission of spreading the word through ministry. Here is the website.


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