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Jesus in Islam & misconceptions


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In another thread a poster asked what Muslims believe about Jesus, so I decided to post here..as well as some informational things about Islam all together.

Historical Jesus..

What the Quran says about Jesus http://ahmadusman.hu...w-of-Jesus-PBUH

Misconceptions http://islam.about.c...ns/tp/myths.htm

"Slay them....if they oppress you" http://islam.about.c...orism_verse.htm

Islam..booklet. http://www.islamtomo...ds/islam_is.pdf

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Very informative. Thank you...and the authors of the linked references. :thumbsup:

Unfortunately, as with the Bible and probably the scriptures of every other religion, there will always be those who interpret the Quran according to their own agenda, bias, and/or hate, among both believers and denouncers.

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Auburn06......would you like to see Sharia law imposed anywhere outside an Islamic country, particularly some place in the U.S.?

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Auburn06......would you like to see Sharia law imposed anywhere outside an Islamic country, particularly some place in the U.S.?

I really cannot answer that question because I myself do not even know what true sharia law is. It is definitely not the extreme brutality seen in "Arab" countries...

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Isn't a Sharia caliphate what ISIS wants? And they sure as heck are going to brutal means to achieve it and say they will fly their flag over the White House.

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Isn't a Sharia caliphate what ISIS wants? And they sure as heck are going to brutal means to achieve it and say they will fly their flag over the White House.

I am beginning to wonder if ISIS isnt really just Baathists looking for a new dictator under the guise of Islam.
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ISIS can claim to be Muslim but they are a cancer that has hijacked the religion. Their version of sharia is not really sharia...

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Why would a person new to faith believe the Islamic way over the way of Christ?

Many finding their faith for the first time are rejecting the way of the world. They looking for discipline, solidity, etc.

Many of those new converts (Christian or Islamic) are drawn to the rigorousness of the fundie side of things. Their lives were likely chaos and they are looking for the structure that the fundies provide.

When i first became active, i was in a fundie church that wouldnt let a woman wear any slacks, pants, shorts, etc. A dress for church was all they would allow and would and did walk out many women that showed up wearing any form of pants. The church i attend now is completely different. We wear whatever. We have mohawks, piercings, & tattoos everywhere. We do jeans and flip flops and tees or a suit and tie and no one says a word. As i mature in Christ, i am filled more and more with Grace toward the world. I also can see the crazy things we say and do to each other. Vilifying someone that doesnt believe your orthodoxy is nuts whether you are Christian, Muslim, or Politically Correct Nutjob. But it happens every single day.

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Why would a person new to faith believe the Islamic way over the way of Christ?

The way of Jesus IS Islam....that is my as well the belief of all Muslims.

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Auburn06.....I can't understand how you can say "all Muslims.". ISIS people are in fact Muslims. They, the Talban, etc. are the ones giving Muslims a bad rep.I have a hard time understanding why more good Muslims aren't speaking up and openly condemning them

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Isn't a Sharia caliphate what ISIS wants? And they sure as heck are going to brutal means to achieve it and say they will fly their flag over the White House.

ISIS claims or objectives have little to do with reality. ISIS is no threat to convert the US to Sharia law or to control the US. Sure, they can kill people...that's about all they have proven. But they are no viable threat to the survival of the United States or the constitutional democratic secular government of the United States. And the US is not going to become a majority Islamic country in our lifetime or for the foreseeable future. If Hitler or Communism at the height of their power could not defeat democracy, why even think that ISIS or radical Islam, which can't even sway the majority of Muslims, can enforce their particular form of tyranny here?

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cptau....I was just asking Auburn06 his thoughts. I didn't mean to imply ISIS would succeed in their goals. But I only point out that they ARE Muslims.

I would just note that there are areas in France with heavy Muslim populations that practice Sharia law. The French authorities just tolerate them asng a they don't cause undue trouble. There was a lengthy thread on this a while back.

Here is a revealing article on the reality of what ISIS is doing to other Muslims:


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Why would a person new to faith believe the Islamic way over the way of Christ?

The way of Jesus IS Islam....that is my as well the belief of all Muslims.

So, in the Islamic faith, is it common to see Christians as believing incorrectly about the deity of Jesus?
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Why would a person new to faith believe the Islamic way over the way of Christ?

The way of Jesus IS Islam....that is my as well the belief of all Muslims.

So, in the Islamic faith, is it common to see Christians as believing incorrectly about the deity of Jesus?

Yes, Muslims believe that Jesus was saved from the crucifixion(that a man bearing his image was killed instead), that Jesus then went up into the heavens & will return to kill the anti-christ..

Muslims believe that starting with paul, over time..the teachings of Jesus was changed..things added,took out...etc.

Muslims believe that God is one with no partners & is far above sharing divinity with his creation.

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I really don't know what I can say about isis...etc because I just know they are twisted. I know that many Muslims have spoke out against them but the media will not share that...http://www.beliefnet.com/columnists/commonwordcommonlord/2014/08/think-muslims-havent-condemned-isis-think-again.html

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