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I tell you one problem on here


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Many of you guys are just too freaking emotional. I can't understand that....especially you guys who say you were coaches and such. How? You build super high expectations for players from two or three plays you see on t.v.or whatnot then breakdown when it really wasn't what you thought.

I'll get flamed but I'll tell you off the rip players like JJ and Duke wasn't what we thought. JJ had me fooled too Duke did not, but hey that's what it is.

Barber, White, Cox, Adams (his motor), Louis, Smith, Matthews, Jones, Davis are not what a majority hype or hyped them to be. Some are young and may get there still and me saying they aren't AS good as hyped on here is not me saying they suck. It's not even me saying that aren't good but they are NOT superstars yet. They aren't the elite guys in this conference or division for that matter.

Then you have players like Roc, Frost, Rudy, Coleman, Cass, president to an extent JJ and maybe Golson (sp?) They're not all as bad as they are made out to be....once again this is not me saying they need to be a WHOLE lot better but it is what it is

I argued with somebody about Davis after the Jax st game who was already writing him off because he was getting picked on but you could see he was always right there....now after this game I've already seen him called a future NFL pick, a baller, the best db on the team, etc....when he goes up against Treadwell next week people will be calling for his head when he is somewhere in between.

Roc sucks because he fumbled, Peyton is awesome because he'll get 4 yards while people are hitting him...No neither are the extreme and BOTH are needed because neither does what the other can do. Neither is an elite back yet.

Sammie left wasn't a big deal because duke was the greatest and Louis could replace him. Duke didn't play well he left and Louis could replace him, now Louis dropped some passes and he's horrible....he's been that same player. Playing slot is not the same as being that number 1.

Chill out and let the chips fall and let them get tested by fire and see what you have. You NEVER know how good a player really is until adversity happens anyway. Stop putting players against each other all the time and stop proclaiming everybody is the greatest Auburn player ever and the guys that's not as successful yet the worst guy in the SEC at his position....Then you get mad and meltdown that they didn't live up to YOUR unreasonable expectations. At least that's my opinion.

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I will add my two cents. I agree with Cole. A lot of unjustified hype and unwarrented criticism of players. Things change from week to week. And this "changing coaches talk" is just about to drive me nuts. It can wreck a program for years. Look at Alabama from after their 92 season. It took until 2008 to get back on track.

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You always seem to make claims that few if any people made as though everyone made them. For example, SW. Who expected him to come in and be an instant all star? I would say he has progressed as well as could be expected. Anyone who expected much more is unrealistic.

Barber isn't what he was hyped to be? He was a 3 star and not even a starter at the beginning of the year who has exceeded expectations.

You make some good points, but some of your stuff just seems made up. I think you hear one or two people say it and then act like it's a common opinion.

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I think Barber is a good, solid, and reliable back. I do however, think Johnson and Thomas have flashed more of a "superstar" type quality. Sean reminds me of the qb that played for Boise several years back. Maybe not an NFL type qb but can be an outstanding college qb with continued improvement.

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Good thread, I'm guilty of the excessive emotions. Truth is, there are things this team is getting better at. Will we win every game left on the schedule? Prob not

Should we lose to msu, Arky, etc? Nope, but if the fanbase would take a step back and let these coaches do their thing, good things are on the way.

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You always seem to make claims that few if any people made as though everyone made them. For example, SW. Who expected him to come in and be an instant all star? I would say he has progressed as well as could be expected. Anyone who expected much more is unrealistic.

Barber isn't what he was hyped to be? He was a 3 star and not even a starter at the beginning of the year who has exceeded expectations.

You make some good points, but some of your stuff just seems made up. I think you hear one or two people say it and then act like it's a common opinion.

I didn't say what you are saying I'm not coming in and saying the emotional roller coaster from game to game and if you don't see it all over this board more power to you. I could easily call out names and quote posts but that's not in good taste so I choose not to.

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I think Barber is a good, solid, and reliable back. I do however, think Johnson and Thomas have flashed more of a "superstar" type quality. Sean reminds me of the qb that played for Boise several years back. Maybe not an NFL type qb but can be an outstanding college qb with continued improvement.

Think you're talking about Kellen Moore, and I actually think that's the best comparison anybody on this board has given

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I think Barber is a good, solid, and reliable back. I do however, think Johnson and Thomas have flashed more of a "superstar" type quality. Sean reminds me of the qb that played for Boise several years back. Maybe not an NFL type qb but can be an outstanding college qb with continued improvement.

Think you're talking about Kellen Moore, and I actually think that's the best comparison anybody on this board has given

I like that comparison too, don't see White playing on Sundays necessarily but I can envision him winnin g a lot of games for Auburn.
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Cole is laying the boom.

This is to the emotional thread starters that complain after every game. Here is an idea, and this probably won't be popular but if you are too emotionally invested in this team to not enjoy your day after a loss, I'd suggest start mentally conditioning yourself for amen corner. We can possibly win every game left on our schedule but one, but it probably won't work out that way. As a matter of fact, it could get pretty ugly as well. Pay attention to the players like Kerryon Johnson and SW, and Davis and maybe hope for an upset which will get us to 6 wins. But, mainly, start being excited about the future.

Basketball season starts in 19 days too!

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Pretty much. Let's watch them get through this season. Watch who has fight and who earns stripes. While watching of course let's talk about the good AND bad. I'm just saying when Barber makes that 20 yd run you don't necessarily need he's already better than Henry but when he fumbles go off the deep end and say he's the worst hb in the conference.

We're not awesome this year...get your mind ready that there will be some frustrating play up ahead....there will be some good too.

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I think Barber is a good, solid, and reliable back. I do however, think Johnson and Thomas have flashed more of a "superstar" type quality. Sean reminds me of the qb that played for Boise several years back. Maybe not an NFL type qb but can be an outstanding college qb with continued improvement.

Think you're talking about Kellen Moore, and I actually think that's the best comparison anybody on this board has given

That's who I was thinking about but I couldn't remember his name. Similar build and skill set.

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I am sick of the fire the coach threads.

I will add my two cents. I agree with Cole. A lot of unjustified hype and unwarrented criticism of players. Things change from week to week. And this "changing coaches talk" is just about to drive me nuts. It can wreck a program for years. Look at Alabama from after their 92 season. It took until 2008 to get back on track.

I agree 100%. People that want to change coaches are crazy. We need stability.

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We definitely bought into the hype of being a top ten team for sure. I wasn't completely sold that we would meet tOSU in the NC game like the national media was, but I never thought we couldn't field a top 25 team, either. That is probably my disappointment.

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Reopening this thread, but keep it on topic. If it gets into people taking shots and slamming each other it goes bye bye.

Kudos to you Titan Tiger!! I don't comment very often but I am really tired of reading all these playground urinating contests and everyone bickering at each other. It takes absolutely NO talent to be a critic. It does, however, take talent to solve problems and our coaches are doing the best they can. We are improving!!! Case in point, a couple of years back I used to get upset at Ricardo Louis because unless the ball fell into his lap, he made no effort to catch the ball, Well the coaches must have seen what I saw because now he makes some great athletic moves to catch the ball. The only problem against Arky was, he didn't hang on. It happens. Some on here need to lighten up about something they do not have any actual input to solving, quit bickering and let the coaches do their job. Rant over!!
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Thanks for starting this thread, Cole. I've been thinking for a while that we all need to step back and consider what we have been writing. Unfortunately, a trend in our society is showing up here, which is people taking a position on something and then defending that position come hell or high water, no matter what changes or time. People are setting up camps and not considering that there are gray areas. People have decided certain players suck and no matter how well they play in a game, they still spout venom about them. People have decided the coaches don't know what they are doing, so they constantly harp on them, no matter what. People are picking favorite players, then trashing others who play the same role to prop them up. And, of course, people ae trashing anyone who has a different opinion.

Are we incapable of discussing football by just talking about plays and not making it personal? Are we incapable of considering that players can improve and rarely start college as a supertar? I know it's become the societal norm, but are we incapable of stating opinion as such and not claiming it as fact?

I would encourage everyone on the board, before you write anything about the team, ask yourself, if you were standing at the front of the team conference room, with the players and coaches looking you in the eye, would you say what you are about to type. If the answer is no, it might be best to just close tell reply box.

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I don't have the time to sift through everything and I never have been a big x and o person anyway. So that being the case, someone who has done the analysis tell me just what has been the primary difference from the success in 2013 to what we see now. What has to happen to get that back?

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Easy to 'melt down' on a message board. Also easy for comments to be taken for greater than face value.

Better to vent here than let it out some other way, is my view.

Can't gloss over the fact that this team is way under performing though. Not at just what AU fans hoped for, but what many w/ out any AU connections had thought this team could / might do.

But true, all the fussin' and whinin' in the world won't change 1 thing.

Hey, we could be fans of Miami now, or a fans of a host of other teams, who have had their hearts ripped out and stomped.

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I have been an AU fan for 58 years,been through every emotion possible. The only coach I ever wanted fired was Barfield

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it's a message board. no different than at work or in the barbershop. people get emotional when talking about sports. our fanbase is not worse than any others when the team isnt performing. it's just a part of it.

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Yes, Thanks for starting this thread and thanks for reopening it...

some good points and I must say I thought about it yesterday myself how I was too emotionally involved in the game (win/loss) yesterday... I have to remind myself it's just a game, and they are just kids... I love the fight in this team and the progress I see in a LOT of them.

I just wanted those kids to win this one SO bad... But So did Arkansas, and hats off to them they really played a great game. It was a game we probably shouldn't even have been in after the first quarter play,,, but our young men fought the whole game and into OT and I'm proud of em.

They WILL win some more games and probably have a big upset in em too... Personally I agree with others that have said they could beat anybody left on their schedule if they continue to improve and play like they did yesterday.

I also really Like our Coaching staff and they have these kids playing hard.

I don't get into the Stats or the breakdown of plays like a lot of you do, but I REALLY enjoy the different perspectives /stats / opinions and reading different posters view points without the back n forth bickering... we CAN agree to disagree and I think we can all agree we Believe in Auburn and Love it.

I will Love and support Auburn Win or Lose.

War Eagle.

btw as far as perspective goes, Thoughts and Prayers go out to Oklahoma State today.


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Cole, thanks for your perspective and opinion. You often state very well what I would like to say to some of the over opionated know-it-alls on this forum.

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When I say this is the worst defense I've seen I mean in production. While some of these guys have not preformed as well as expectations has a lot to do with coaches. Don't start with the coaches don't play crap either. They are responsible in preparing them and motivating them. Auburn gets as many good players as the best teams out there and better than most. Tubs did a lot more with less talent. JJ has all kind of talent someone failed to get his head straight. Lots of talent on defense but WM is playing to soft. Gus and Rhett are to predictable the constantly put the players in bad position. And quit harping on PB if he had a line like Derrick Henry does and a play caller like Kiffen he would be a Hiesmen contender.

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When I say this is the worst defense I've seen I mean in production. While some of these guys have not preformed as well as expectations has a lot to do with coaches. Don't start with the coaches don't play crap either. They are responsible in preparing them and motivating them. Auburn gets as many good players as the best teams out there and better than most. Tubs did a lot more with less talent. JJ has all kind of talent someone failed to get his head straight. Lots of talent on defense but WM is playing to soft. Gus and Rhett are to predictable the constantly put the players in bad position. And quit harping on PB if he had a line like Derrick Henry does and a play caller like Kiffen he would be a Hiesmen contender.

Your football....interpretations are....interesting?

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