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CBS fires four for roles in


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CBS ousts four for roles in Bush Guard story

Report: Network ignored journalistic principles in rush to be first

Four CBS executives were fired Monday following the release of an independent investigation that said a “myopic zeal” led to a “60 Minutes Wednesday” story about President Bush’s military service that relied on allegedly forged documents.

The 224-page report by former Attorney General Dick Thornburgh and former Associated Press President Louis Boccardi did not directly fault the correspondent on the Sept. 8 story, Dan Rather, who is stepping down as anchor of "CBS Evening News" in March.

While the investigation found the network failed to follow basic journalistic principles in preparing the "60 Minutes Wednesday" piece, it said it found no evidence that a political agenda by network officials contributed to the decision to air it.

‘Myopic zeal’

The investigators wrote that a “myopic zeal” to break the story and faulted the highly respected producer of the segment, Mary Mapes, in explaining why CBS News had produced a story that was neither fair nor accurate and did not meet the organization’s internal standards.

“The combination of a new 60 Minutes Wednesday management team, great deference given to a highly respected producer and the network’s news anchor, competitive pressures, and a zealous belief in the truth of the segment seem to have led many to disregard some fundamental journalistic principles," it said.

The story, which aired on Sept. 8, relied on four documents allegedly written by one of Bush's Texas Air National Guard commanders in the early 1970s to raise questions about whether he had fulfilled his obligations. Questions about the authenticity of the documents were raised almost immediately, with some experts saying that it appeared they were written on a computer not invented at the time.

Although the panel said it couldn't prove conclusively the documents were forged, it said CBS News failed to authenticate them and falsely claimed an expert had done so when all he had done was authenticate one signature.

A statement from CBS Chief Executive Officer Leslie Moonves detailing the network’s response to the investigation said that network executives had asked for the resignations of Senior Vice President Betsy West, who supervised CBS News primetime programs; “60 Minutes Wednesday” Executive Producer Josh Howard; and Howard’s deputy, Senior Broadcast Producer Mary Murphy. Mapes, the producer of the piece, was terminated, it said.

In assessing Rather's role in the debacle, the report said the veteran anchorman "does not appear to have participated in any of the vetting sessions or to have even seen the segment before it was aired." It noted that he was busy overseeing coverage of the GOP convention and Hurricane Frances in Florida at the time.

Moonves said in his statement that Rather "asked the right questions initially, but then made the same errors of credulity and over-enthusiasm that beset many of his colleagues in regard to this segment."

Given Rather's apology and announcement that he was stepping down, Moonves said further action against Rather was not warranted.

CBS News president urged caution

CBS News President Andrew Heyward kept his job. The panel said Heyward had explicitly urged caution before the report aired.

The report also said CBS News had compounded the failure to properly vet the report with a “rigid and blind” defense. Rather and the network stood behind the story for 12 days before conceding that the authenticity of the documents could not be confirmed and ordering the independent investigation.

It also noted that Heyward ordered West two days after the report aired to review the opinions of document examiners and confidential sources who had supported the story, but said no such investigation was done.

"Had this directive been followed promptly, the panel does not believe that `60 Minutes Wednesday' would have publicly defended the segment for another 10 days," the panelists said.

The documents at the center of the report were purported to be from the late Lt. Col. Jerry Killian, one of Bush's commanders in the Texas Air National Guard. Among them were a purported order from Killian for to report for his annual physical exam and a discussion of how Bush could get out of "coming to drill." Killian also reportedly felt pressured to sugarcoat an evaluation of then 1st Lt. Bush.

Moonves said the investigators spoke with more than 66 people, including 32 from CBS News, handwriting experts, former Texas Air National Guardsmen and others in preparing their report.

CBS is part of media conglomerate Viacom Inc., whose shares were up 22 cents at $38.30 in morning trading on the New York Stock Exchange.

The Associated Press contributed to this report. Watch NBC's Lisa Myers on Nightly News with a full report on the independent review of the broadcast.


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Hopefully this will stop others in the media from doing this in the future


Yeah, right. Don't expect too much. A zebra does not quickly change its stripes.

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I haven't watched CBS in years, mainly because of Rather biased Dan. But I am glad to see some accountability in network news. This should send a message to biased news executives and newscasters that use their forum to advance their liberal causes.

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Evidently none of you read the report. The report finds "no evidence" of bias. There will be no behavior change.

Just some aggressive reporters with too much competitive zeal. Gosh darn that Jimmy Olsen.......

As my Dad used to say; "don't piss down my back and tell me it's raining"

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Evidently none of you read the report.  The report finds "no evidence" of bias.  There will be no behavior change.

Just some aggressive reporters with too much competitive zeal.  Gosh darn that Jimmy Olsen.......

As my Dad used to say; "don't piss down my back and tell me it's raining"


SSDD, perpetuate the myth of the media being above board and unbiased.

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SSDD, Exactly!

Waiting for a Liberal to open their eyes and make changes is just asking too much.

No Bias? :roll:

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By all accounts Bush did the best he could to avoid risky military service and while there were problems with the documents, it was basically old news. What I would like to know is when Bush was in Alabama for the political campaing did he support Auburn or Alabama? Did he go to any games? Anybody know?



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By all accounts Bush did the best he could to avoid risky military service and while there were problems with the documents, it was basically old news.  What I would like to know is when Bush was in Alabama for the political campaing did he support Auburn or Alabama?  Did he go to any games?  Anybody know?




Bush doesn't even know! :ua::football::cheer::au:

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Zero: The Journalisitic Integrity of CBS News and the Reliability of our Intelligence for the period from 1991-2002 concerning Iraq and WMDs.

The first is the product of Left Wing Zealots. The Second is due to trying to cash the "Peace Dividend" Check during the last three Administrations.

There, feel better Tex?

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Zero: The Journalisitic Integrity of CBS News and the Reliability of our Intelligence for the period from 1991-2002 concerning Iraq and WMDs.

The first is the product of Left Wing Zealots. The Second is due to trying to cash the "Peace Dividend" Check during the last three Administrations.

There, feel better Tex?


Feel better? Nah, I can't just make myself feel better by making stuff up.

Left wing zealots? Nah, just crappy "journalism." Most "journalism" is crappy.

We had bad intel for years. The decision to go to war was Bush's. Okay, Cheney's, but Bush went along. Cheney kept on the CIA until he got what he wanted. Look that up. He trusted Chalabi when any person seeking the truth would know better. We had bad intel for years and didn't get into an unwinnable, costly war. That took your man, Bush and his cadre of Right Wing Neocon Zealots to screw up this badly. Funny, though CBS held somebody accountable for their blunder. Not so Bush. He's gotten this far by living in a sphere where being held accountable just didn't happen. Understandable that he doesn't understand the concept.

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TexasTiger, why do you Left wing Kool-aid drinkers keep trying to push this 'accountability' thing ?? It's a meaningless and empty point that makes no sense what so ever. Saddam clearly did not live up to the UN mandate, did not live up to the cease fire agreements from the Gulf War, and because of that, Bush called his bluff. Bush meant to do what he did, and there was no mistake or anything to be sorry for it.

Kerry, Clinton(s), Kennedy..ALL of them talked about using military force as a last means to make Saddam comply. Only it was BUSH who had the stones to stand up to Saddam and show everyone he means what he says.

The difference between Iraq and CBSGate is 'intent'. Everyone agreed that Saddam has WMD, and he showed that he was willing to use them..even on defensless civiillians. In light of what happened on 9-11, allowing Saddam to continue defying the U.N. was no longer an option. It simply wasn't, and even you should be able to see that. So, all the available intel pointed to Saddam having WMD. In the case of CBS, virtually NO ONE backed up that claim who wasn't already signed up w/ the 'get Bush' squad. The documents were fake, and Rather went w/ the story anyways. We KNOW what Saddam had done w/ WMD already, so it's a moot point in even discussing whether or not he HAD them.

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TexasTiger, why do you Left wing Kool-aid drinkers keep trying to push this 'accountability' thing


Well I used to consider myself conservative. Of course, that was when Conservatives genuinely believed in the "accountability thing." Now, they believe in the "excuse thing."

One can conclude Saddam was a bad guy and that he had wmd and still know invasion and "democracy'' building was a bad idea. Also, one could support the decision to go to war and still see a ton of incompetence in its implementation. In fact, many "conservatives" increasingly make that point.

Kool-aid drinkers? Your the one buying whatever Dear Leader tells you. I actually question things. Jim Jones would much prefer you.

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Texas....which 'leader' do you believe ? Clinton or Bush? Oh, wait...they said the exact same things, concerning WMD and Iraq. So did Tony Blair. He's English, you know. Member of the liberal party over there.

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Texas....which 'leader' do you believe ? Clinton or Bush? Oh, wait...they said the exact same things, concerning WMD and Iraq. So did Tony Blair. He's English, you know. Member of the liberal party over there.


How about GHWB? Or Colin Powell and Dick Cheney pre-Dubya. They explained why it would be extremely poor judgement to invade Baghdad and overthrow Saddam by force. They predicted what would happen. Then they...forgot?

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